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Everything posted by StartVM

  1. wow it is amazing to me how nasty people start acting over nothing. Everyone on this post needs to grow up and stop getting defensive over someone elses product. Ariel thanks so much for sending the screenshot. That is all I wanted to begin with lol. Thanks guys! Cheers!
  2. Because I had to add it manually, but it won't come up automatically
  3. When I go to add certain airports in the admin panel, when I search VIA ICAO it will say Airport not found. This happens for KATL. I tried inputting the airport info like longitude and latitude manually, but when I start a flight with smartcars, it says you are not at the departure airport. Does anyone know a fix to this issue, or can someone supply me with their Airport info for Atlanta? I run a Delta Virtual Airline so Atlanta is crucial. Thanks! -Chase
  4. Admin Center > Site and Settings > Choose the Skin
  5. That looks awesome Ariel thanks everyone for sharing!
  6. And it gives me a link to this page which I don't understand. http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/delete.html
  7. Hello, I am trying to delete airports and airline directly from the SQL database through phpmyAdmin which is in my cPanel, but it seems that I don't have sufficient permissions. I am the owner. This is the error message I get when trying to remove an airline. SQL query: DELETE FROM `delta291_delta1`.`phpvms_airlines` WHERE `phpvms_airlines`.`id` =2 MySQL said: #1451 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`delta291_delta1`.`phpvms_schedules`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_schedules_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`code`) REFERENCES `phpvms_airlines` (`code`) ON UPDATE CASCADE)
  8. If you have no choice, but to use a free host, 000webhost.com seems to be the best, but you will run into issues at some point
  9. The issue lies with the host. Free Hosting for PHP= NO NO NO
  10. Hello Alex, Go to Core/local.config.php and under Config::Set('SESSION_LOGIN_TIME', (60*60*24*30)); # Expire after 30 days, in seconds around line 143 make sure that this is under it. /* Days of the Week The compacted view, and the full text DON'T CHANGE THE ORDER!! And yes, Sunday is in there twice */ Config::Set('DAYS_COMPACT', array('Su', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'Th', 'F', 'S', 'Su')); Config::Set('DAYS_LONG', array('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday' ) ); Hope I could help! -Chase
  11. Thank you so much parkho I have been wanting to figure this out for months now aha.
  12. Thanks guys for the suggestions, I agree with Sava about the text, I will try to get that fixed, and Jordan I like the expandable div!
  13. Hello, How do I remove the title on a page like if I make a page through the admin center, at the top it has the page name. How do I remove that. Thanks! -Chase
  14. Does anyone know who makes the Dynife In Flight Entertainment system. If so may I have a web address or email to contact him. Thanks!
  15. I have started a Delta Virtual Airline, and am looking for someone to build me a customized pilot centre. The rest of the site is complete, just need a good pilot center. If someone would be willing to give me a quote, that would be awesome! -Chase
  16. Hey Everyone, I am wanting to edit my registration page so I can add some text and a picture at the top. Can someone give me the location of the page file. Thanks! -Chase
  17. Very good work. I like the colors and the banner looks great. Keep striving with hard work and you will for sure succeed!
  18. I agree with this statement completely. I have been gone for a while now, but I am back in the process of getting my VA operations going. The website still has a lot of work, but what I don't get is why a certain CEO from another Delta came into my teamspeak server to harass me about having permission. Yes, I contacted Delta directly and got a Trademark License Agreement. It consists of 3 pages with 9 paragraph sections a signature from both parties at the bottom and the 3rd page has all of the Delta fleet. I shouldn't have needed to go into that much detail, but some people are so persistent so hopefully that answered this persons question. Cheers!
  19. This is quite an old topic, but Ariel I will compliment you on your website. Very nicely done and well executed. I like that it has a different format from the others. It is more unique and in my opinion, it works! Cheers!
  20. Thank you! Why of course now it all makes since. Add info to the database!
  21. I get this error on my registration page and only on this page. Can someone help me determine the issue. Thanks! Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: File name is longer than the maximum allowed path length on this platform (4096): /home/delta291/public_html//lib/skins/vairline/<h3>Registration</h3> <p>Welcome to the registration form for Delta Airlines Virtual. After you register, you will be notified by a staff member about your membership.</p> <form method="post" action="http://www.deltaairlinesvirtual.com/index.php/registration"> <dl> <dt>First Name: *</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="firstname" value="" /> </dd> <dt>Last Name: *</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="lastname" value="" /> </dd> <dt>Email Address: *</dt> <dd><input type="text" name="email" value="" /> </dd> <dt>Select Airline: *</dt> <dd> <s in /home/delta291/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 96
  22. Thank you guys. I appreciate the feedback and have decided against the music. Great points and a good awakening! Cheers!
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