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Posts posted by Strider

  1. This is nothing to do with phpvms but something on this site,

      "error": {
         "type": "OAuthException",
         "message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration."

    I tried to connect my account to my fb account, and get that instead.

  2. If there is on turn off in my opinion is a splash screen, I don't want to go through the hassle of going to a site, only to get a splash screen and have to click to see the main site. Also they are old, no one really uses them anymore for the reason people get annoyed by them and leave.

  3. By the sounds of it, you used the same db tables, that is really a no no because, exactly what you said happened will happen. That is why you never use the same tables for two seperate installs. If you want to use the same db, then give them a different prefix, like phpvmst_ something to make them unique. A screenshot will not give us all the information, detail of the problem will help us immensely. This is not a bug in the software, it is just a mistake on your part (don'tt mean to offend but it is what it is).

  4. In reality you should never use a beta as a poduction site, use it in a seperate folder and test it, and report the bugs you run into. Make sure the files have the correct permissions. Make sure the server location is correct some use localhost some have a different server location. When upgrading do not go to install.php you just need to go to upgrade.php. Install.php will install it fresh, and it could be getting a conflict with the current database.

  5. I am having a problem with xacars, it is giving me an error saying that the url for the flight tracking is giving an error. This happened recently and suddenly, I am not sure what is going on, I have cleaned the cache, and resent the acars table, but that did not help. I have set everything up correctly. I do have 2 other xacars configs in the same location, but they are not named the same, I have named the xacars config file that is in use just xacars as that is what it was before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  6. <script type="text/javascript" src="[url="view-source:http://southwingsva.comli.com/sandbox/lib/js/jqModal.js"]http://southwingsva.comli.com/sandbox/lib/js/jqModal.js[/url]"</script>

    you are missing a ">" that is what is causing the problem.

  7. What I take from your post tav1702, is when you post an event it posts a news item. It already does that. 1.3 does anyway. Maybe the older version didn't. But when you create an event there is a check box that says post to news, and it will make a post in the news for you.

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