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    Ne Ohio
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    You know how once in a while you come across someone you shouldn't of fuc*ed with? That's me

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  1. Hello. I'm hoping to have a couple new skins released this weekend.
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  2. Don't like it
  3. Ya this is a great system
  4. You should put that slide show on frontpage_main.tpl.
  5. RogerB

    Fatal Error

    It's the new php. Being the this system hasn't been touched for a long time PHPVMS could be rendered obsolete. I use host gator so therefore I am able to choose which version of php i run
  6. You messed up the search form some how. I am guessing
  7. I want the ability to search schedules by aircraft Reg. I have the search form pulling up all the registrations, but when i click search it's not searchig properly
  8. I searched around the forums but didn't find anything. Do any of you search your schedules by aircraft Reg? I have the form showing all the aircraft registrations but it doesn't sort them when you click on one. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Go to fsproducts, he has a module for this
  10. Do any of you put your schedule search form on the front page? If so how are you doing it? I've tried it and the code blows up the whole page.
  11. RogerB

    New PHP

    I'll have to figure out if i got the right version...shoz bot
  12. doesn't work now. The demo I mean
  13. RogerB

    New PHP

    I've done this, but there are many pages not working. The admin panel is a mess...
  14. My host lets you run different versions. It's nice.
  15. RogerB

    New PHP

    My hose lets me choose also, godaddy currently doesn't let you choose.
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