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Everything posted by nexissair
Brilliant, thanks chaps, I'll pass this info along to my pilots
Evening all Just a quick question, one of my pilots has asked if kACARS will work with Prepare3D, does anyone know the answer because I haven't got a clue. Many thanks Karl
Its ok folks I've solved it after reading through the API
Afternoon everyone I'm currently building a module for my site which I plan to share on here for everyone to use if they want, it allows you to add extra information to an aircraft that can then be shown on a nice shiney fleet page, I am a bit stuck though, whilst I can pull the aircraft, add extra information to them and display it all on the fleet page with no problems, I just cannot for the life of me get it to update existing added extra data, I've been staring at this for four days without success, the query works when run direct in SQL command line, I've tried absolutley everything but clearly I've missed something that I can't spot, Please please please can some one look over what I've done and let me know what I've missed because I can't find my error and its driving me nuts now, I so close to having this done but its vital that people have the ability to update what they've added. The code is below. Core Class: <?php /** * Karl Sawdy */ class FleetInfoData extends CodonData { //Public Functions - Fleet Page //Get enabled ICAO's public static function getAllicao() { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT icao, fullname FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft WHERE enabled=1 ORDER BY `icao` ASC'; return DB::get_results($sql); } // Get all of the enabledd aircraft public static function getAllAircraft() { $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft a WHERE enabled=1 ORDER BY a.registration"; return DB::get_results($sql); } //End Public Functions - Fleet Page //Admin Functions //Get All Aircraft Added public static function getEveryAircraft() { $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft a ORDER BY a.registration"; return DB::get_results($sql); } //Get Aircraft with Added Details for Main Page public function getAcDetails() { $query = "SELECT a.*, e.* FROM phpvms_aircraft_details as e LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft AS a ON a.id = e.aircraftid ORDER BY a.icao ASC"; return DB::get_results($query); } //Get a Specific Aircraft to Add Details to public static function getAircraftInfo($id) { $id = DB::escape($id); return DB::get_row('SELECT * FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft WHERE `id`='.$id); } //Add New Details to Existing Aircraft public function save_new_details($aircraftid, $detregistration, $wingspan, $length, $height, $cruisemach, $ceiling, $engines, $base, $department, $status, $comments) { $query = "INSERT INTO phpvms_aircraft_details (aircraftid, detregistration, wingspan, length, height, cruisemach, ceiling, engines, base, department, status, comments ) VALUES('$aircraftid', '$detregistration', '$wingspan', '$length', '$height', '$cruisemach', '$ceiling', '$engines', '$base', '$department', '$status', '$comments')"; DB::query($query); } // End Adding Details to Existing Aircraft //Get a Specific Aircraft with Existing Details to Edit public static function getAircraftEdit($id) { $id = DB::escape($id); return DB::get_row('SELECT a.*,e.* FROM phpvms_aircraft_details AS e LEFT JOIN phpvms_aircraft AS a ON a.id = e.aircraftid WHERE `aircraftid`='.$id); } //Edit Existing Details on Existing Aircraft public function update_details($wingspan, $length, $height, $cruisemach, $ceiling, $engines, $base, $department, $status, $comments, $detid) { $query = "UPDATE phpvms_aircraft_details SET wingspan='$wingspan' length='$length' height='$height' cruisemach='$cruisemach' ceiling='$ceiling' engines='$engines' base='$base' department='$department' status='$status' comments='$comments' WHERE detid='$detid'"; DB::query($query); } } Admin Module: <?php class FleetInfo extends CodonModule { public function HTMLHead() { $this->set('sidebar', 'fleetinfo/fleetinfo_sidebar.tpl'); } public function NavBar() { echo '<li><a href="'.SITE_URL.'/admin/index.php/FleetInfo">Additional Aircraft Info</a></li>'; } public function index() { $this->set('info', FleetInfoData::getAcDetails()); $this->show('fleetinfo/fleetinfo_index.tpl'); } //Edit Existing Aircraft - Pages //See All Existing Aircraft public function SeeAllAddedAircraft() { $this->set('allaircraft', FleetInfoData::getEveryAircraft()); $this->render('fleetinfo/all_aircraftlist.tpl'); } //Select The Existing Aircraft to Add Details to and show Add Details Page public function SelectAircraft() { $id = $this->get->id; $this->set('action', 'adddetails'); $this->set('allranks', RanksData::getAllRanks()); $this->set('aircraft', OperationsData::GetAircraftInfo($id)); $this->render('fleetinfo/fleetinfo_adddetails.tpl'); } //Add Details 'action' public function adddetails() { $details = array(); $details['aircraftid'] = DB::escape($this->post->aircraftid); $details['detregistration'] = DB::escape($this->post->detregistration); $details['wingspan'] = DB::escape($this->post->wingspan); $details['length'] = DB::escape($this->post->length); $details['height'] = DB::escape($this->post->height); $details['cruisemach'] = DB::escape($this->post->cruisemach); $details['ceiling'] = DB::escape($this->post->ceiling); $details['engines'] = DB::escape($this->post->engines); $details['base'] = DB::escape($this->post->base); $details['department'] = DB::escape($this->post->department); $details['status'] = DB::escape($this->post->status); $details['comments'] = DB::escape($this->post->comments); $details['fullname'] = DB::escape($this->post->fullname); FleetInfoData::save_new_details($details['aircraftid'], $details['detregistration'], $details['wingspan'], $details['length'], $details['height'], $details['cruisemach'], $details['ceiling'], $details['engines'], $details['base'], $details['department'], $details['status'], $details['comments']); //Go to Admin Index page After Saving $this->set('info', FleetInfoData::getAcDetails()); $this->show('fleetinfo/fleetinfo_index.tpl'); //Add Successful Save info to user log LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Added Details To Aircraft "'.$this->post->fullname.' Registration '.$this->post->registration.'"'); } //END Adding Details to Existing Aircraft //Select The Existing Aircraft to Edit Details of and show Edit Details Page public function EditAircaftDetails($id) { $this->set('action', 'save_edit_details'); $this->set('details',FleetInfoData::GetAircraftEdit($id)); $this->set('allranks', RanksData::getAllRanks()); $this->render('fleetinfo/fleetinfo_editdetail.tpl'); } //Save Edited Details 'action' public function save_edit_details() { $ac = array(); $ac['wingspan'] = DB::escape($this->post->wingspan); $ac['length'] = DB::escape($this->post->length); $ac['height'] = DB::escape($this->post->height); $ac['cruisemach'] = DB::escape($this->post->cruisemach); $ac['ceiling'] = DB::escape($this->post->ceiling); $ac['engines'] = DB::escape($this->post->engines); $ac['base'] = DB::escape($this->post->base); $ac['department'] = DB::escape($this->post->department); $ac['status'] = DB::escape($this->post->status); $ac['comments'] = DB::escape($this->post->comments); $ac['detregistration'] = DB::escape($this->post->detregistration); $ac['detid'] = DB::escape($this->post->detid); $ac['fullname'] = DB::escape($this->post->fullname); FleetInfoData::update_details($ac['wingspan'], $ac['length'], $ac['height'], $ac['cruisemach'], $ac['ceiling'], $ac['engines'], $ac['base'], $ac['department'], $ac['status'], $ac['comments'], $ac['detregistration'], $ac['detid']); //Show Successful Update Message to User and index page $this->set('message', 'The Aircraft "'.$this->post->fullname.' '.$this->post->detregistration.'" has been successfully Updated'); $this->render('core_success.tpl'); $this->set('info', FleetInfoData::getAcDetails()); $this->show('fleetinfo/fleetinfo_index.tpl'); //Add Successful Update info to user log LogData::addLog(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid, 'Edited Aircraft "'.$this->post->fullname.' '.$this->post->detregistration.'"'); } } Edit Details TPL <h4>Existing Aircraft Details</h4> <hr> <form action="<?php echo adminurl('/FleetInfo/'.$action.'');?>" method="post"> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td width="15%">Database ID Number</td> <td><?php echo $details->id; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td width="15%">Aircraft ICAO</td> <td><?php echo $details->icao; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aircraft Name / Type</td> <td><?php echo $details->name; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Full Name</td> <td><?php echo $details->fullname; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Aircraft Registration</td> <td><?php echo $details->registration; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Max Pax</td> <td><?php echo $details->maxpax; ?> PAX</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Max Cargo</td> <td><?php echo $details->maxcargo; ?> lbs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Range</td> <td><?php echo $details->range; ?> nM</td> </tr> <tr> <td>weight</td> <td><?php echo $details->weight; ?> lbs</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cruise Speed Kts</td> <td><?php echo $details->cruise; ?> kts</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Minimum Rank to Fly This Aircraft</td> <td><?php foreach($allranks as $rank) if($details->minrank == $rank->rankid) echo $rank->rank; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <?php if($details->enabled == 1) { echo '<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#00FF00" align="center"><strong>Aircraft Active - Can Be Flown Now</strong></td>'; } else echo '<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#FF0000" align="center"><strong>Aircraft Not Active - Cannot Be Flown By Pilots</strong></td>'; ?> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <hr> <h4>Update Additional Aircraft Details</h4> <hr> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>Wingspan</td> <td><input type="text" name="wingspan" value="<?php echo $details->wingspan;?>" /> ft</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Length</td> <td><input type="text" name="length" value="<?php echo $details->length;?>" /> ft</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Height</td> <td><input type="text" name="height" value="<?php echo $details->height;?>" /> ft</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cruise Mach</td> <td><input type="text" name="cruisemach" value="<?php echo $details->cruisemach;?>" /> mach</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ceiling</td> <td><input type="text" name="ceiling" value="<?php echo $details->ceiling;?>" /> ft</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Engines</td> <td><input type="text" name="engines" style="width: 40%;" value="<?php echo $details->engines;?>" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Base</td> <td><select name="base"><option value="<?php echo $details->base;?>"></option> <option value="To Be Confirmed">To Be Confirmed</option> <option value="EGSS">EGSS</option> <option value="PANC">PANC</option> <option value="KMIA">KMIA</option> </select> Currently Set To: <strong><?php echo $details->base;?></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Department</td> <td><select name="department"><option value="<?php echo $details->department;?>"></option> <option value="To Be Confirmed">To Be Confirmed</option> <option value="Schedules">Schedules</option> <option value="Charters">Charters</option> <option value="Cargo">Cargo</option> <option value="Executive Charters">Executive Charters</option> <option value="Vintage">Vintage</option> <option value="Private">Private</option> </select> Currently Set To: <strong><?php echo $details->department;?></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Status</td> <td><select name="status"><option value="<?php echo $details->status;?>"></option> <option value="Active">Active</option> <option value="On Order">On Order</option> <option value="In Storage">In Storage</option> <option value="Retired">Retired</option> <option value="External Contract">External Contract</option> <option value="Leased">Leased</option> <option value="Re-Fit">Re-Fit</option> <option value="Sold">Sold</option> <option value="Scrapped">Scrapped</option> </select> Currently Set To: <strong><?php echo $details->status;?></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Notes</td> <td><textarea name="comments" style="width: 50%; height: 100px"><?php echo $details->comments;?></textarea></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td> <input type="hidden" name="detid" value="<?php echo $details->detid;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="detregistration" value="<?php echo $details->registration;?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="fullname" value="<?php echo $details->fullname;?>" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Edit Details" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> <?php print_r($details);?> Thankyou all for your help Karl
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Hi all don't worry I've Sovled the problem Karl
Afternoon All I currently have on my site a static fleet page gouped by aircraft type, however as part of my quest to learn MVC and php I thought I would have a go at making it dynamic so that when I add an aircraft the page auto updates saving me loads of work in the long run. So after an evening of browsing though phpvms files to see how it all ticks, and based on the public pilots list, grouped by hubs I made my class, module and tpl files. I had some success but not completely, the page gives me one group for each icao which is what I wanted, but it also gives me all the whole fleet repeated in each group! not just the aircraft specific to the group. If this was an access database I know the answer, php is not access so I'm stuffed, could some of you php wizards please look over what I've done and let me know where I've gone wrong please, All said and done this was only a learning excersise with a useful out come, so its not the end of the world, but if I don't know where or why I've gone wrong I can't learn from it, I did do a search but nothing came up specific to the way I'm trying to do this. My code is below: FleetData Class <?php /** * Karl Sawdy */ class FleetData extends CodonData { //Get ICAO's public static function getAllicao() { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT icao, fullname FROM '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft WHERE enabled=1 ORDER BY `icao` ASC'; return DB::get_results($sql); } /** * Get all of the aircraft */ public static function getAllAircraft() { $sql = "SELECT a.* FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."aircraft a WHERE a.enabled=1 ORDER BY a.registration"; return DB::get_results($sql); } } Fleet module <?php /** * Karl Sawdy */ class Fleet extends CodonModule { public function index() { // Get all aircraft types, and list aircraft by type $alltypes = FleetData::GetAllicao(); if(!$alltypes) $alltypes = array(); foreach($alltypes as $type) { $this->set('title', $type->fullname); $this->set('icao', $type->icao); $this->set('allaircraft', FleetData::getAllAircraft(array('a.icao'=>$type->icao))); $this->render('fleet/fleet_list.tpl'); } } } fleet list tpl <div id="newshead"> <h3head><?php echo $title?></h3head> </div> <?php if(!$allaircraft) { echo '<div id="news">There are no aircraft!</div>'; return; } ?> <div id="news"> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th>Registration</th> <th>Name</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach($allaircraft as $aircraft) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $aircraft->registration;?></td> <td><?php echo $aircraft->fullname;?></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> Many thanks All your help is much appreciated Karl
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Ok I have worked out how to filter from the list of aircraft but I need a little help filtering from the location map please. Also is it possible to indicate wen an aircraft is in flight? Thanks karl
Evening all Is there a way to filter out 2 or 3 aircraft by registration so that they don't show on the list or map? Thanks Karl
Me too
cool many thanks
Hi all I'm currently having a go t building a module, I need a little help, is there a piece of code that I can put on the template page i'm working on during development to show me all he fields that my query is pulling from the database, obviously once I'm done the little helper code can be deleted, many thanks karl
FlightBookingSystem_V2.0 (Removed from Github due to some issues)
nexissair replied to Parkho's topic in Parkho's Addons
That's unfortunate, shame it looks like just what I was looking for :-( -
FlightBookingSystem_V2.0 (Removed from Github due to some issues)
nexissair replied to Parkho's topic in Parkho's Addons
Evening All, Don't know if I've missed something but how / where can I get hold of this module / addon? Regards Karl -
Super job thank you very much
Evening all I am pretty sure that some time ago I soor or read that one of our developers was offering phpvms packaged up with some of their addons included. For the life of me I can't remember who it was or where I soor it. Could someone please point me in the right direction, search didn't dig anything up for me, and I now can't find it. Thanks Karl
ideally 4 airline codes with one or more hidden
Thanks for this but it still doesn't work, its doing my head in now, it should be so simple :-(
Thanks for your replies, we now have something to think about, I understand how to get data out of my schedules table, but not sure about my partner airlines table, presumably if we was going to think about a custom module, we would have to give it a path to the schedule table of the partner VA?
Many thanks, the link is very interesting I will have a good read through the whole thing time permitting, I tried the code you supplied but it didn't work, still only showed the NEX schedules.
Hi all, I have a couple of questions and was hoping someone may be able to answer them for me. My airline and another have gone into a code-share partnership, what we would like to know is that is it possible to share our schedules tables from the databases with each other and display the results on a custom schedules results page from within each other sites? Also is it possible to get KACARS to report back to two VA's at the same time during a flight? Also how would I go about setting Microsoft access up to access my database? Many Thanks Karl
Hi all Could someone please help me out, I think the solution is so simple but I just can't see it with limited PHP skills. Ok I have multiple airlines but my schedules all come under the airline code "NEX" as the other airlines are for charters, code share etc. so I have filtered my NEX schedules on the results.tpl like so which works a treat: <?php foreach($allroutes as $route) { if ($route->code != 'NEX') continue; But I wanted to show two or more airline codes in the schedule results.tpl like "NEX" and"3XE" but not any others how would I adjust the code? I've tried a few things but with no success. Many thanks
Hi just a thought another one I would be interested in is that when a bid is placed on a flight with an aircraft, then that aircraft is then locked out to other users for other flights until the pirep is approved.
Hi I would very much like a module that allows pilots to request aircraft position changes in exchange for points that you earn from the Simpilotgroup Pilot Rewards System 1.0.0. so for example it knows where all your aircraft are positioned from the latest pireps filed, then for example you have an aircraft at egss but the pilot wants to fly from ebbr he could request a ferry flight from egss to ebbr and points would be deducted from what he has been awarded by the reward system. Don't know if this is possible, just a thought.
Ah ok Got it many thanks
Ok This I understand, however I've created an event for the 1st Nov 2013, however its not showing in the schedule, So I can't see how pilots will bid on this flight when the time comes to fly it, as for entering directly in to ACARS that's a inviting a disaster for some of my pilots as they are a little challenged to say the least