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Everything posted by MrAmsterdam

  1. I'm using Fivedev.. i'm fine. I get all the support i need. I don't understand why people are advertising hosting services here. Anyway. I would recommend fivedev to all new and old members :-)
  2. YeH! Respect!
  3. Hey all, I am wondering if it's possible to create a code that can show the top 10 most flown routes. I know i can see it in the admin panel but i would like it to be available as information for my pilots as well... just a thought, hopefully someone knows the answer? :-) Regards, Lucas
  4. Uhh. you don't know what kind of system you bought? :-)
  5. Nice feature.. very nice. We at Serious-Airlines.com have events every wednesday and we are going to use the server to do these events. Thanks for this! I hope other va's will use this as well... Regards, Lucas
  6. yihaa!!! nice!! Ehm.. a quick question, can va's place the server status on their website as well?
  7. i saw that the announcement has been made.. cool!! thanks!
  8. just to let others know... teamspeak 3 works fine with generation hosting... nice one, Ada.
  9. Hi Simpilot, i found this website... http://php.net/manual/en/function.substr.php but i cannot find out which variable i should use. I am not really into PHP, but learning. Could you give me a hint? :-) I am trying to find the logic behind php but i am not getting it clear yet... my bad. Thanks in advance, Lucas oh, by the way! Excellent module! KUDO'S!
  10. Jups.. works fine baby!! :-) WOOOHOOOOOO!
  11. wow... thanks!
  12. Hi guys, I am just wondering which fs you use and what kind of systems you use to fly fs2004/fsx? My system: Intel core 2 duo E6750 P5K SE 2GB memory (i know.. sigh) Geforce 8800GTS (256MB) 1TB Samsung 7200rpm 32mb HDD WIN 7 FS2004
  13. Hi guys, I would like to add our rank (serious-airlines.com) to my phpvms website for our members to quickly see the rank that we are at that specific moment. is this possible? Regards, Lucas
  14. Hi Nabeel, Did it work? Maybe you can give me the info how to connect? We are having an event soon, i would like to fly on this server then... :-) Lucas
  15. Our main Hub is Schiphol, Amsterdam. We have only 4 pilots in total so we are looking for some new and fresh pilots.. Check out Serious-Airlines.com We fly from EHAM (Amsterdam) to multiple destinations in the UK. For example, Londong Heathrow, Gatwick, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, Luton and the list goes on :-) Regards, Lucas
  16. After Schiphol, Amsterdam we added Sint Maarten as a HUB to Serious-Airlines! Routes will be added within the next couple of weeks! Main HUBS for our company: Schiphol, Amsterdam (EHAM) and Sint Maarten (TNCM) Just a notice! :-) www.serious-airlines.com
  17. I am connected to a friend now. is the server open 24/7?
  18. i tried to connect to you, but i cannot find the server...
  19. Copy that!! :-) Nice!
  20. yeah, i'll fly on it! I think there are more than enough va's so it should be a success though... what does everyone thinks?
  21. Hi guys, I was just wondering.. will there be a server where all the virtual airlines will fly together? I mean, we can see eachother on the live map at Vacentral.net but we don't really fly together. I know that there is vatsim of course, but i was just wondering if there will be a phpvms dedicatied server in the future.. :-) Thanks guys! Lucas
  22. Hey, thanks Thomas! :-)
  23. i cool. i checked it out but i just want to know what the payment possibilities are... paypal? I use paypal to pay fivedev every month and that goes like a charm...
  24. where can i order?
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