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Everything posted by MrAmsterdam

  1. Hey guys... do you mind looking at www.serious-airlines.com ? I tried to open my site but it looks kinda screwed up... do you guys know what is going on? Regards Lucas
  2. hey guys, Can someone let me know what passwords i need to change? I am not 100% sure that everything is safe now. My server has been comprimised as well. Regards Lucas
  3. Hi guys, Last question for now :-) Is there a code available to show the latest 10 flight schedules added on the website? What i mean is the admin created a few new schedules that pilots can fly. The admin wants those added flights to be shown on the website for pilots to see. Is there a solution for this available? Regards Lucas
  4. Hey cool !! This works !! Thanks !
  5. Manual works. I was just wondering. i've had it for a couple of days now. No worries. I'll do them manually. Lucas
  6. Hey guys, When adding a new airport, i use the look up function to search for the airport name and location. At this moment it does not seem to work. Do you guys have problems with this? Thanks in advance, Lucas
  7. OK guys. I should give this up. I am not up for this. :-) Thanks for the replies !!
  8. Ehh. i saw a post in the forum about ammap.. looks great. just wondering how i can integrate it into phpvms... i am not a developer so i dont know where to start ;-(
  9. Yes indeed. i am using it to show the latest 10 flights.
  10. Ok thanks for the help..
  11. We're not that serious :-) Thanks for the feedback everyone !
  12. Hahahahaha!!!! nice... I knew this could happen :-D good stuff... thanks for the opinion. Up next.. 737-800 :-)
  13. OK, but where do i enter that information?
  14. Guys, Let me know what you think. Created by Joeri !
  15. Hi guys, Do you know if there is an alternative to the great circle mapper by Karl Swartz? I see that some of my pilots like to fly off shore and the GCM doesnt know these airports. Also when flying on Kai Tak, GCM does not recognize it and the map is gone. Does google have anything similar? or is there another solution? thanks for the help guys Lucas
  16. Where did u buy it?
  17. Ehm.. OK. now my stupid question. Is this all css stuff in combo with editing the tpl files? Looks amazing !
  18. Looks nice. Goodluck with the VA !
  19. Whahahaha !!! btw, like your website... looks awesome !
  20. Whahaha... i guess that's a 'like' for me... :-D
  21. Guys, My new 767-300 paint created by our own Joeri. Let me know what you think... this picture is taken in Hanoi, Vietnam
  22. Ehm. I respect your business but in my opinion when you don't have the time, don't start a VA...
  23. MrAmsterdam

    Spots by TFDi

    Looks nice dude !
  24. hey ! no no no.. wait. I have read the notice and i knew you were gone due to family issues. I knew the answer would take a little longer and that was/is absolutely no problem at all. I got your email and answered it. Take your time... i have no rush. And you don't have to apologize. Thanks ! Lucas
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