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Everything posted by ukmil

  1. Ps, noticed your Sign, 5 flights, totalling 382 hours! thats some going per flight.
  2. What system is your website? I have not been to your site, to avoid infection, but I know E107 sites have been hit with this over the last 2 weeks. If your site runs E107, then it is fixable, and if you explain here how you fixed it, I am sure people will visit.
  3. here is my latest revision TPL. this one will remove the aircraft totally from the Availalbe list, if acars data exists against it. As i said though, beware, that for 12 hours after the aircraft has 'arrived' it will remain hidden. I suggest you alter your acars time in the Config fleet_table.zip
  4. I will also post later, the newset code I am running, which as per the last pic, does not just change the status of the available aircraft when acars data is active, but actually hides it in the list. However, what I have also done, is changed the ACARS timing from the defauly 720 minutes, to 20 minutes. This is becuase even after you are completed, and filed the Pirep, Acars will still show 'arrived' in the liveboard, and will not place the aircraft back in the list. Changing it to 20 mins, means 20 mins after to file the Pirep, the aircraft will be placed back in the list for use.
  5. Unfortunatly no, as far as skinning, I have no idea. the Code I have done is working on my site, and I see it is working on yours. you simply have a layout issue, which I have no idea how to fix
  6. this has now been sorted, using a Custom Kacars. I can now log FLIGHT time only
  7. Next stage is I have HIDDEN any aircraft in the table that are currently in the acars list as being active.
  8. I am now testing this a stage further I have manged to get it, so if an aircraft has ACARS data currently against it, so it appears in the top flying box, it will list it as IN USE in the Fleet table
  9. ok, here is what I did first, you need the FLEET TABLE code from here http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1522-fleet-table/ install that, then replace the code in the Fleet_table.tpl with the one attatched. [backup your original one first, as this one is heavily customised to suit me, and may not suit you] This code will give you a SPLIT table on your page. At the top, you will have any aircraft listed as AVAILABLE via the ADMIN menu underneath, any aircraft you have unticked as enabled. THey will be listed as UNDER MAINT. it also uses a customised version of the LIVE FLIGHTBOARD here http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4650-flightboard/page__view__findpost__p__34526__hl__liveboard__fromsearch__1 it places a smaller version at the top, so you can see any aircraft in use. fleet_table.zip
  10. no problems, I will post my code later i have amended it even further, and now have split the table into three sections. The top section shows current flying aircraft, the next section only shows AVAILABLE aircraft, and the lower, all unavailable. I am learing this PHP stuff every day. I have also changed the Pilots page, which i will post in another thread, which splits active/inactive crews.
  11. IGNORE above, i hav done it
  12. I have made a small amendment to this script, you can see here http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5391-aircraft-enabled/page__gopid__36273#entry36273 but would appreciate some help to get an answer to the latest question
  13. ok, since no one helped, I have tried to do this alone. I know NO PHP coding, but managed to get this to work I use the FLEET TABLE script on this site, and i have managed to get the table to show what I want now I added this code into the table so now on my FLEET page, i get this So my aircraft are now listed as AVAILABLE or UNDER MAINT. This is controlled by the AIRCRAFT ENABLED TICK selection in the aircraft maintenance area But this is where my skills end What I would like, is to split the table into two tables. I would like to show ONLY the available aircraft in the first table., then the UNDER MAINT aircraft in a separate table underneath I am sure this is possible using some PHP IF/ELSe coding etc but i have no idea how anyone help?
  14. I have this working great. However, I would like to make an addition. would it be possible to add some code, so if i make the aircraft unavailable in the fleet admin, to show a 'under maintenance' label in the fleet page?
  15. ukmil


    I noticed an error is the ADMIN/View bids page the PILOT listed against the bid, had an incorrect PILOT ID. So i checked the code, and it simply copied the Flight number by mistake here is the code in the Pilots_viewallbids.tpl notice before the FIRSTNAME, it repeats FLIGHTNUM, instead of the PILOT ID just an obsveration
  16. Hi, is there anyway to show on my Fleet page if an aircraft is enabled? my knowledge of coding is poor, so would not know where to start. I see in the DB, that there is a '1' against aircaft that are enabled. So, in my FLEET page, is there a code i can enter which would look at the DB, and if it finds a '1' shows the words 'AVAILABLE', and if it finds a '0' it shows the words 'UNDER MAINTENANCE- UNAVAILABLE' thanks in advance Iknow a maintenance script has been requested but this surely is an easy way of doing it.
  17. Can Kacars be customised to do this? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5380-flight-time/page__view__getnewpost I only want FLYING TIME sent in the pirep
  18. agreed, but my VA is based on military. Mil pilots only get the hours they actually FLY logged. The issue with the current system, is pilot competition, and I can see some on my guys sitting on filing the Pirep for say 45 mins, to gain 45 mins over their competitors. Is there not a setting within the code, that I can change on my setup, so the VMS reads Take of and landing times instead of complete time?
  19. here is a shot of the filed Pirep showing 1.02
  20. I have just noticed, after looking at a few Pireps on my Va, which are all auto complied by kacars, that the 'flight' time allocated is the total time. for example, here is a log from a flight the log was started at 19:34, and filed at 20:37, BUT the Flight time, from take off to landing was only 46 mins. The pirep when filed by Kacars, had the hours allocated as 1:02. But the pilot should only get 46 mins of flight time? Is this set up correct or something I am doing wrong?
  21. ok, thanks, but I kind of have a non standard system I am running a Military VA, and have set up the system where people can choose a route, which has NO aircraft tied to it. Then, in Kacars, they select and aircraft they want to fly that route in the drop down list, and LOAD it into the flight. So, what I am asking, is when someone selects an aircraft this way, can Kacars not feed back into the database, that a certain reg aircraft is in use by a pilot, and is will not show up in other pilots lists? Kind of like auto disabling the aircraft when someone selects it, then re-enabling it when the pirep is filed?
  22. Hi is there a way to stop two pilots flying the same aircraft at the same time? Can the system be programmed, so as soon as one pilot starts a flight in one aircraft reg, then it becomes unavailable to others to select?
  23. thanks, i did that and it never worked, but now it has, seems the cache was slow to catch up
  24. my system has suddenly stopped updating the badges. It worked up to 5 flights, and my badge is saying I have done 5, but I have done 8 now. I have tried resetting them in the maintenance area, but still the same?
  25. I have used this on my site, and it is working great, but, if I make a certain aircraft INACTIVE, it still shows on the fleet. would it be possible to either hide the inactive ones, or split the list into two? so the active ones show in one table, and the inactive in another?
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