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Everything posted by ukmil

  1. thanks for the speedy reply. this is a steep learning curve, but I am getting there
  2. Many thanks now, next issue, i will keep it here, instead of making a new thread I have been testing this over the last 2 days, and most of the time, all is good. But, twice now, an error happened. Firstly, it was myseld, i was flying, and suddenly Kacars just crashed and closed, but FSX remained. Now, the flight i was on, is still showing on the live map, 24 hours later as incomplete Again today, another pilot was flying, and FSX crashed out, and his flight is showing on the map How do i remove these incomplete flights other than going in through PHPmyAdmin?
  3. yes, that pretty much does it, thanks next question, forgive me, I am new to this, and picking up the skills. I have the page working, but how do i add links to the menu? so someone can see the page?
  4. is there already, or plans to make a section that logs the hours used on each aircraft registered?
  5. yes did exactly that. on ACCEPT, it did not send, so i clicked SEND LOG, and i get an error data base error and no plan is sent
  6. yes, here is the entry which is correct define('SITE_URL', 'http://www.ukmil.org.uk/ukops');
  7. indeed, a system where we can fly VFR anywhere, and have it logged would be good
  8. ok, i have tried 3 times to install PHPVMS. I have follwed the docs to the letter, and istallation is fine, and setup is fine. I have setup airline, aircraft and a route. However, no matter what i try, FSACARS will not send any data. When i complete the flight, nothing happens, and if i click send log, i get a data base error! what is wrong, why will FSCARS not log my flight?
  9. when can we expect the new release?
  10. Hi is there a way i can amend the script to allow depature and arrival at the same airport? this is to allow our VA, which is military based, do sorties from and back to the same airport, and log the hours flown
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