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Everything posted by M-Queiroz

  1. I'll give you a simple help is the pax has a number of flight bandstand you have to by a flight number that exists in your database exp. route number BZS8556 sleeps in a number of the flight that you have in your flight reservations as BZS8556 ID is the number of flight do not hesitate if the error ok
  2. here giving this error would you ride a code of exmplo do not think I quite understand this code will work behind ops_scheduleform.tpl
  3. hello how poso add these hours and minutes on Add Schedule minutes or hours will not enter anyone know <tr> <td valign="top"><strong>Horário de Partida</strong> </td> <td><select gtbfieldid="47" name="deptime" id="<?php echo $schedule->deptime?>" /> <option selected="selected">-</option> <option>01</option> <option>02</option> <option>03</option> <option>04</option> <option>05</option> <option>06</option> <option>07</option> <option>08</option> <option>09</option> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> <option>13</option> <option>14</option> <option>15</option> <option>16</option> <option>17</option> <option>18</option> <option>19</option> <option>20</option> <option>21</option> <option>22</option> <option>23</option> <option>24</option> </select> <select gtbfieldid="48" name="deptime" id="<?php echo $schedule->deptime?>" /> <option selected="selected">-</option> <option>00</option> <option>05</option> <option>10</option> <option>15</option> <option>20</option> <option>25</option> <option>30</option> <option>35</option> <option>40</option> <option>45</option> <option>50</option> <option>55</option> </select> (Todas as vezes em Zulu)</td> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><strong>Horário de Chegada</strong> </td> <td><select gtbfieldid="49" name="arrtime" value="<?php echo $schedule->arrtime?>" /> <option selected="selected">-</option> <option>01</option> <option>02</option> <option>03</option> <option>04</option> <option>05</option> <option>06</option> <option>07</option> <option>08</option> <option>09</option> <option>10</option> <option>11</option> <option>12</option> <option>13</option> <option>14</option> <option>15</option> <option>16</option> <option>17</option> <option>18</option> <option>19</option> <option>20</option> <option>21</option> <option>22</option> <option>23</option> <option>24</option> </select> <select gtbfieldid="50" name="arrtime" value="<?php echo $schedule->arrtime?>" /> <option selected="selected">-</option> <option>00</option> <option>05</option> <option>10</option> <option>15</option> <option>20</option> <option>25</option> <option>30</option> <option>35</option> <option>40</option> <option>45</option> <option>50</option> <option>55</option> </select> (Todas as vezes em Zulu)</td> <p>Please enter time as: HH::MM Timezone (eg: 17:30 EST, or 5:30 PM EST)</p> </td> </tr>
  4. M-Queiroz


    I wonder if it would put an option to set on charter flights when the flight is Pax or Cargo to color correct values of Pax Cargo and define whether libs or gr
  5. novo v1.0 up Portuguese.xml
  6. Tutorial in Português P1: Tutorial Kacars P2: Tutorial Kacars
  7. M-Queiroz


    Hello lorathon I am Brazilian translation google ok. I would like to take some questions, when the charter flight is put in the aircraft, but they forgot to put the aircraft without the flight he writes, would not do a check when we click on a record flight if the aircraft there and it writes forget an error message in both the aircraft and field route and release the brakes when he ate the record flight. grid would be a breakthrough gradecê your attention Tutorial: video tutorial p1 video tutorial p2
  8. Olá, kACARS Traduzir Para o Português v1.0 nova 11/06/10 Portuguese.xml
  9. M-Queiroz


    Hi Lorathon Could you do a minimize to tray function in KACARS? Thanks,
  10. Eu tenho tudo no meu banco de dados http://img256.imageshack.us/i/sshot17.png/[/ img] http://img693.imageshack.us/i/sshot20o.png/[/ img] http://img268.imageshack.us/i/sshot21u.png/[/ img]
  11. I have everything in my database
  12. Nabeel Could you create an Aicraft List page in admin panel ('Add & Edit Fleet' menu) like the new Airport List ('Add & Edit Airports' menu)
  13. OK ROGER 100% OK
  14. connected to the module ok roger não aircraft drop down Good lorathon it did not work here does not lower the aircraft Failure would create a search of this route as there would be complete win of all systems of flight log pt Boa lorathon não deu certo aqui não baixa as aeronaves A não teria como criar uma busca de rota como esta ai ficaria completo ganharia de todos os sistemas de log de voo
  15. phpVMS beta 926 erro receive.xml <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Call to a member function asXML() on a non-object in <b>/home/grupobra/public_html/core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php</b> on line <b>38</b><br />
  16. erro
  17. Oh yes very good so your suggestion would reduce the amount of routes and also work for all administrators. ae I will dare to complement the day of the week would deploy a button to select every day of the week while flights leaving every day in most cases. pt Ai sim muito boa a sua sugestão assim diminuiria a quantidade de rotas e também o trabalho para todos os administradores. a e vou me atrever em complementar no dias da semana teria como implantar um botão que selecionar todos os dias da semana sempre os voos saem todos os dias na maioria das vezes.
  18. hello Nabeel no problem I'm waiting impatiently for a certain i will cool my head. remembered was a very nice retirement admin parabens pt ola Nabeel sem problemas estou esperando ansioso que de certo ai vou esfriar a minha cabeça. a lembrado ficou muito show a reforma do admin parabens
  19. The problem is that pilots flying with him I know no way to make it work as an ACARS or another that we already use in phpmvs. not heavy and its data and as ACARS or fs k Sotenäs Municipality would provide the same to get the data from the tables that is the want to do. would be rather a module that instead of sending the data to send to the table vafs phpvms table as output destination of the flight number and time of flight hours and total number of flights that the pilot did. pt O problema é que tenho pilotos voando com ele sei que tem jeito de fazer que ele trabalhe como um acars ou outro que já utilizamos no phpmvs. não e pesado os dados dele e como o acars fs ou k daria na mesma soten que pegar os dado das tabelas que é o quero fazer. seria a sim um modulo que em vez de enviar os dados para a tabela vafs mandaria para a tabela do phpvms como saída destino numero do voo tempo do voo e soma de horas e quantidade de voos que o piloto fez.
  20. Nabeel e-mail sent to you in the internal data
  21. Hello, I wonder if it is to add data from a table VAFS with data from another table that is the FSACARS and show the sum of data from two tables together, the SUM. How you create a module? Just above had already put the entire script of the tables! There are various VA's who are trying to do the some and are still, the staff of the VA Kafly managed to make the module.
  22. the good acars are keeping the same style you can see is all the same just change the name. would be interesting to address mainly the style of import watch the flight vafs as is practical loads the flight the pilot made the flight booking is briefing weight only with one click not only the most vafs fsairlines that puts burden of pax and cargo and supplies the aircraft if we have three in one there would be a successful program. I do not know much but I think that is how I do not know how to get xml data from FSUIPC'm chasing more to learn. this case would be an awesome program would topple all other reporting systems when incorporated into phpvms already the best reporting system for flight already developed in recent times. br boa os acars estão mantendo o mesmo estilo você pode observar é tudo igual só muda o nome. seria interessante mudar principalmente o estilo de importação de voo observe o vafs como é prático o piloto carrega o voo faz a reserva de voo tem o briefing peso só com um clica não só o vafs mais fsairlines que coloca o peso dos pax e carga e abastece a aeronave se tivermos os três em um ai seria um sucesso de programa . eu não sei muito mas acho que tem como é que eu não sei como pegar os dados do fsuipc xml mais estou correndo atrás para aprender . neste caso seria um otimo programa iria derrubar todos os demais sistemas de reporte quando incorporado no phpvms que já é o melhor sistema de reporte de voos já desenvolvido nos últimos tempos.
  23. en hello I am testing the Kacars the VA in my hearing the story of my drivers they report two points of greatest need at the time the program is to minimize the bar to watch the windows and drive the program when releasing the brakes of the aircraft over this ok br ola estou testando o Kacars em minha VA o ouvindo os relato dos meus pilotos eles relatam dois pontos de maior necessidade no momento que é minimizar o programa para a barra do relógio do windows e o acionamento do programa quando é soltando os freios da aeronave de mais esta ok
  24. tudo ok agora 100% Nabeel roger
  25. MYSQL grups adm numeros permissions
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