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Everything posted by M-Queiroz

  1. en Nabeel how to assemble this field because I have to edit all my routes and wanted to put it all at once not to be editing all the time are more than 2,100 route of many companies wanted to do everything at once. rotten to help me I thank you field airport would be an alternative to the export fsacars br Nabeel como montar este campo porque tenho que editar todas as minha rotas e queria colocar tudo de uma só vez para não ficar editando toda hora são mais de 2100 rota de varias companhias queria fazer tudo uma vez só. se podre me ajuda desde já agradeço seria um campo aeroporto alternativo para o fsacars export
  2. <h3><?php echo $title?></h3> <h5>O Piloto só aparecera na lista Abaixo, Após ter completado 01:00 Hs (UMA HORA) de voo na VA, dúvidas contate um Staff !!!<h5> <h5> <?php if(! $allpilots ) { echo 'There are no pilots!' ; return; } ?> </h5> <table id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter" width="800"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="23%" height="0" colspan="2" align="CENTER"><table id="tabledlist2" class="tablesorter" width="800"> <thead> <tr> <th width="60" align="center">Piloto ID</th> <th width="30" align="center">Pais</th> <th width="138" align="center">Nome</th> <th width="69" align="center">Rank</th> <th width="40" align="center">Voos</th> <th width="50" height="0" align="center">Horas</th> <th width="181" height="45" align="CENTER">IVAO ID</th> <th width="192" height="45" align="CENTER">VATSIM ID</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach( $allpilots as $pilot ) { ?> <tr> <td width="60" align="center" nowrap><a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/profile/view/<?php echo $pilot->pilotid?>"> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?></a></td> <td width="30" align="center"><img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" /></td> <td width="138" align="center"><?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname?></td> <td width="69" align="center"><img src="<?php echo $pilot->rankimage?>" alt="<?php echo $pilot->rank;?>" /></td> <td width="40" align="center"><?php echo $pilot->totalflights?></td> <td width="50" height="0" align="center"><?php echo Util::AddTime($pilot->totalhours, $pilot->transferhours); ?></td> <td width="181" height="45" align="CENTER"><?php $fieldvalue = PilotData :: GetFieldValue ( $pilot -> pilotid , 'IVAO ID' ); if( $fieldvalue != '' ) { echo '<a href="http://www.ivao.aero/members/person/details.asp?ID='. $fieldvalue . '" target="_blank"><img src="http://status.ivao.aero/'. $fieldvalue .'.png" width="180" height="45" border="0" alt="Ivao ID" /></a>' ; } ?> <div align="center"></div></td> <td width="192" height="45" align="CENTER"><?php $fieldvalue = PilotData :: GetFieldValue ( $pilot -> pilotid , 'VATSIM ID' ); if( $fieldvalue != '' ) { echo '<a href="http://www.vataware.com/pilot.cfm?cid=' . $fieldvalue . '" target="_blank"><img src="http://online.vatsimindicators.net/'. $fieldvalue .'/3453.png" width="180" height="45" border="0" alt="Ivao ID" /></a></a>' ; } ?> <?php } ?></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </tbody> </table> en good luck br boa sorte
  3. EN ADD This serves to save a flight plan to be opened by IVAP he will fill in the fields of its plan to Ivao. If you can customize with your data from your VA. BR Este ADD Serve para salvar um plano de voo para ser aberto pelo Ivap ele vai preencher os campos do seu plano de para a Ivao. Se você pode personalizar com seus dado de sua VA.
  4. en Thank you for your attention to keep this in beta br obrigado por sua atenção no a guardo desta beta
  5. en Nabeel if not asking too much. would deploy as standard in the Admin can create a mysql and Schedules Schedules, a field to fill alternate airport. br Nabeel se não fosse pedir muito. teria como implantar como padrão no Admin edite Schedules e um mysql Schedules , um campo para preenchimento de aeroporto de alternativa.
  6. ts www.grupobrazilair.com en you have to log in the forum to see IVAOFlightPlan.zip br voce tem que log no forum para ver IVAOFlightPlan.zip
  7. Hello advantage you could not make the script statistical IVAO and VATSIM it that has it on demo site :-[
  8. hehehehe did not work but I found a way Brasileiro what was the solution? I got the version that was working properly and created a new directory (CFSA) throwing the dice to the same database file and changed fsacaras.tpl automatic linking with / CFSA / sure the problem is the script that all the old normal. ***** não deu certo hehehehe mas dei um jeitinho Brasileiro o que foi a solução? peguei a versão que estava funcionando corretamente e criei um novo directório (cfsa)jogando os dado para o mesmo banco de dados e no arquivo fsacaras.tpl alterei os links automáticos com /cfsa/ certeza o problema é no script no antigo esta tudo normal.
  9. grupobrazilair.com install a 853 text
  10. because before everything was running normal mind here xacars giving this error also at time of sending
  11. Download IVAO Flight Plan the IVAP EN ADD This serves to save a flight plan to be opened by IVAP he will fill in the fields of its plan to Ivao. If you can customize with your data from your VA. BR Este ADD Serve para salvar um plano de voo para ser aberto pelo Ivap ele vai preencher os campos do seu plano de para a Ivao. Se você pode personalizar com seus dado de sua VA. core/templates/schedule_briefing.tpl <!-- Flight ID --> <tr style="background-color: #333; color: #FFF;"> <td>Numero do Voo</td> <td>Download IVAO Flight Plan</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="50%" > <?php echo $schedule->code.$schedule->flightnum; ?> </td> <td width="50%" > <a href="<?php echo actionurl('/IVAOFlightPlan/download_ivao/'.$schedule->id);?>">Download BZS IVAO Flight Plan</a> </td> IVAOFlightPlan.zip
  12. I have done everything but insists the error log? sent several times the error of fsacars have to make several clicks to make sure the report of the flight skin is half the log is not complete to do? the? beta 850 already installed it several times but no success for you are all ok?
  13. you installed the update.php htp://xxxxxxxx.xxx/update.php before you remove the install folder
  14. already installed it again but the error logs and sends several made a new directory and test database but same error :'(
  15. wire done everything I can uninstall and remove requested FSACARS and a new install? but the same error of which can be no idea to do? it? beta 850
  16. last update of the beta 850 to send the log giving this error when clicking two and the same log is sent several times
  17. but when it is exported to the flight altitude FSAcars goes to the field alternative would not have to go to ALT FL280
  18. Flight Level: Please enter as a full-numeric altitude. Should be in feet, to remain accurate with any ACARS. ERRO FSAcars ALT
  19. but says server not found in fs fspx and ACARS data can be sent in as if no database logs are not sent this in a beta release since changed the link system actually changed the whole system I have installed the ma old version'm doing tests with this beta to migrate to this new'm from Brazil and do not speak English translation may be confusing half
  20. hello installed the new beta version but the last I saw the fsacars and not working are not working here to give flight problem on esvio you could tell me what may be happening on the old version works fine. This released the 777
  21. download test
  22. FSACARS fspax just mind the two appear certain value bandstand and other -0 ae would get the last 30 days in the smallest of the top 10 which is on the main page
  23. Touchdown Rate: stdClass Object ( [pirepid] => 2639 [pilotid] => 88 => BZS [flightnum] => 5899 [depicao] => SBVT [arricao] => SBAG [aircraft] => EMB120 [flighttime] => 1.16 [distance] => 0 [submitdate] => 1257206918 [accepted] => 0 [log] => [2009/11/02 15:42:00]*Flight IATA:BZS5899*Pilot Number:BZS0088*Company ICAO:BZS*Aircraft Type:E120/M*Aircraft Registration:PT-BZU*Departing Airport: SBVT*Destination Airport: SBAG*Alternate Airport:SBSP*Online: No*Route:UW50 DCT*Flight Level:FL120*15:42 Zero fuel Weight: 5838 Kg, Fuel Weight: 1912 Kg*15:42 Parking Brakes off*15:44 VR= 143 Knots*15:44 V2= 155 Knots*15:44 Take-off*15:44 Take off Weight: 7725 Kg*15:44 Wind: 000º @ 000 Knots Heading: 030º*15:44 POS S20º 15´ 22´´ W040º 17´ 09´´ *15:44 N11 98 N12 98*15:44 Gear Up: 160 Knots*15:44 Flaps:1 at 160 Knots*15:45 Flaps:0 at 219 Knots*15:59 Wind:270º@021 Knots Heading: 217º Ground Speed: 322 Knots Altitude 10498 ft*16:14 Wind:270º@021 Knots Heading: 216º Ground Speed: 323 Knots Altitude 10498 ft*16:29 Wind:270º@020 Knots Heading: 256º Ground Speed: 257 Knots Altitude 6706 ft*16:44 Wind:000º@000 Knots Heading: 294º Ground Speed: 247 Knots Altitude 2995 ft*16:48 Flaps:1 at 214 Knots*16:49 Flaps:3 at 187 Knots*16:51 Gear Down: 136 Knots*16:52 Flaps:0 at 109 Knots*16:52 Gear Up: 113 Knots*16:53 Flaps:1 at 191 Knots*16:54 Flaps:3 at 160 Knots*16:56 Gear Down: 120 Knots*16:57 TouchDown:Rate -429 ft/min Speed: 103 Knots*16:57 Land*16:57 Wind:000º@000 Knots*16:57 Heading: 078º*16:57 Flight Duration: 01:13 *16:57 Landing Weight: 7134 Kg*16:57 POS S22º 58´ 32´´ W044º 18´ 32´´ *16:58 Parking brakes on*16:58 Block to Block Duration: 01:16 *16:58 Final Fuel: 1293 Kg*16:58 Spent Fuel: 619 Kg*16:58 Flight Length: 347 NM*16:58 TOD Land Length: 347 NM* [load] => 24 [fuelused] => 619 [fuelunitcost] => 0 [fuelprice] => 30.95 [price] => 0 [flighttype] => P [pilotpay] => 0 [expenses] => 0 [expenselist] => [revenue] => 0 [source] => fsacars [exported] => 0 [stat_calculated] => 0 [landing_stat] => 0 [firstname] => Reginaldo [lastname] => Granzotto [email] => gnzotto@hotmail.com [rank] => Comandante-Master [registration] => PT-BZU ) ft/min
  24. (Version 1.2.700)
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