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  1. Yes Just some grammar correction to fix By step who do your APP? Mobile one
  2. For pricing PM Here my first VA PROMO VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvBVwl_-sI8
  3. I want a simple and cheap app Already have the template and design just need the coding who can help me here?
  4. Affix I contact you by skype add me
  5. Great but I'm confused in their website I haven't seen about point system
  6. Could and could you link me to the point system or its also on the simpilot page?
  7. Ah and the phpvms notificaction and facebook and the dispacther system who I need to contact?
  8. Well simpilot I repeat how can I made a template for the exam entrance. As Far as I know already get some one making me a cheap website now I need the modules: Smartcars,IFE,smart app,entrance exam,point system. Could somebody give me link to the point systek post I can't remeber
  9. Great and how I made that template who know? What is the budget for that entrance exam? and does anybody know an addon to limit pilot rank example trainne could only flown E-195,ATR 72 and when the get higher rank they could fly bigger planes. or a exam something but that the fleet is limited for each rank P.S: Anybody has an pooint system?
  10. Would be could start from 0 and like vdelta.org do a Skybank that is customizable with your website colors. Miles would add?? By the flight ranking would be the actual total of point's
  11. And the point system how much its cost?PM with your fees and the simpilot entrance as far as I know isn't customizable I want something custom.
  12. And what is your budget for android app?
  13. Hi, I would like to create a virtual airline : aireuropa virtual with domain www.aireuropava.net I need developers so they can help create this airline with ultimate technology for virtual airlines . 1. What hosting do you reccomend? Hostagator,godaddy,ipage,web.com,etc.... 2. Custom emails? where and fee? Now this where developers come where you PM your prices and your portofolio to see your work. Well we want a website like the actual one but at the same time creative and elegant. www.aireuropa.com We want pilots to ensure realism so why bother on taking a little entrance exam that is customizable or random for each pilot. An limition of fleet if you don't have x hours you can't bid this flight(this is to ensure realism too bad heavy fan but if you fly alot you will got there fast) Custom pilot dashboard and if you can custom phpvms admin panel An In-flight entertemient system(IFE) with the features: games,movies,radios,facebook,youtube,twitter(social networks just main), shop's main one,top Music hit's this one is by the virtual airline,track your flight,see flight summary and the avaibility to custom this IFE. Let's expand Phpvms a bit more sound great? A dispacther system or something similar that create a route,give you metar of departure airport and arrival,map showing NM and enroute weather condition's and best of all fuel planner so Airline don't lost too much money. SmartCars integration An Android/IOS App: In this app would like airline colors and a easy javascript menu or html5 even flash that would have options of,for pilots: Schedule pireps,see your flight,music,pilot career and notification from staff,chart's,radio,and fuel planner from your smart devices An facebook integration example: AEAXXX has succesfully completed his flight number 100 Congralutions to him. and a phpvms notification like the system send you an email or a notification pop-ups when login saying your pirep has been accept or decline and like Staff mettings or mettings at on XXX now. to notify the pilot or staff who is login. Bilingual website as airline languages are spanish and english you can choose between those languages for better understanding and experience. Budget:150-250USD Please cheap as possible. P.s: we already have airline permission for their use of logo and slogan.
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