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Posts posted by ncd200

  1. Hello,

    I'm setting up my website with the FLY 1.0 template.

    It is a great template but i have a problem with the pages in the template.

    As you can see in the screenshot of my profile the profile is not displayed at the full width of the template.

    How can i fix this?


  2. Hello,

    I have three questions about this template.

    1.) Can i remove the banner on the pages, so it only visible on the main page?

    2.) The same for the right side widgets like: "newest pilots". Also these i only want to visible on the main page.

    3.) I use the modules from crazycreative like the airline map. These modules wont work due to JQuery or bootstrap problems. Is there a simple way to fix this?

    I'm sorry for all those questions but I really like this theme.

    Kindly regards,

    Rick Winkelman

  3. Hello,

    Yesterday I've made the mistake to delete the complete website.

    Now i have installed the backup but i recieve the following error.

    Fatal error: Uncaught <blockquote><font face=arial size=2 color=000099><b>Last Error --</b> [<font color=000000><b> (0)</b></font>]<br />[<font color=000000></font>]</font><p> </blockquote><hr noshade color=dddddd size=1> thrown in /home/europein/public_html/core/classes/ezdb/ezdb_mysql.class.php on line 94

    Any ideas what the problem is?

    Kindly regards,

    Rick Winkelman

  4. Hello,

    Europe International Virtual is a non-profit, global community based organization, known as a 'virtual airline', that has been in existence since 15 January 2015. Europe International Virtual creates an environment that offers individuals of all levels of expertise the opportunity to learn and enjoy a simulated airline experience. We all share a common passion for the aviation brand and an interest for flight simulation. We take pride in creating an experience that realistically represents the real-world aviation and the vital role a pilot undertakes in an airline. Europe International Virtual will be the breeding ground of tomorrow pilots, as such will strive to instil the same professional image upon its members as the real-world airlines has upon its own employees and customers.

    View the website here

    We offer the following:

    - A nice website

    - A community forum

    - A dispatch module for simbrief

    - A module for flight logging based on your IVAO or VATSIM ID (in a week or two)

    - Smartcars 2

    View our brand new promo here:

    We hope to see you soon.

    Kindly regards,

    Rick Winkelman

    CEO Europe International

  5. banner.png

    We are a Virtual Airline operating a wide fleet of aircraft. We operate all over Europe, from our hubs Amsterdam and Rotterdam .

    If you're over the age of 13, and want a new virtual flying experience, then this is the Virtual Airline for you.

    We have staff that are always willing to help so if you have any questions or problems do not hesitate to contact us.

    Kindly regards and we hope to see you soon in the skies above us.


  6. Hello,

    I have succesfully setup the simbrief module from Baggelis on my site.

    It is just great.

    But one question though,

    When opening the OFP it is allways in the default LIDO format.

    Is it possible to change that to one of the other layouts availible on the simbrief website?

    Kindly regards,

    Rick Winkelman

  7. Hello,

    Also i have some problems with my admin panel.

    My pilot list and flight schedule list are complete empty in the admin panel and not on the website itself.

    I can insert timetables and they will be visible on the site but when i want to view my schedules in the Admin Panel there are no flights.

    The same for the pilots.

    I have tried the options mentioned on the forum allready with no luck.

    Tonight i shall try to get a debug log file.

    The strange thing is that when i click export, it is exporting with an error and not to a file but to a html page as shown on the image.

    Any idea's?

    Kindly regards,

    Rick Winkelman


  8. Untitled_3.png

    Fellow pilots,

    Brand new at this moment is Europe International Virtual Airline.

    Starting the on April 1.

    Europe International, is a virtual representation of a modern day airline busy at work in the skies above us. Europe International was formed with one goal; To provide those who have a keen interest in aviation a chance to see how flights are planned by airlines today, providing a professional and realistic look behind the scenes.

    Check our promo here:

    Join this starting Va today!!


    Kindly regards,

    Rick Winkelman

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