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Everything posted by Rafael

  1. Can someone pass me the code to make the Map Live This Way?
  2. Add to pilot_public_profile.tpl(It is in public_html / Core / Templates) <?php if(!$pireps) { echo '<p>Sorry No recent flights have been found</p></div>'; return; } $flights = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, '5'); $string = ""; foreach($flights as $flight) { $string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+'; } ?> <p align="center"><strong>Pilots Recent Flights</strong><br /><img src="http://www.gcmap.com/map?P=<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=685x360&PM=pemr:star10:red%2b%22%25I%22:white&PC=blue" /><br /> Maps generated by the <a href="http://www.gcmap.com/">Great Circle Mapper</a> - copyright © <a href="http://www.kls2.com/~karl/">Karl L.Swartz</a></p> Add to profile_main.tpl(It is in your Template!) <?php $flights = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, '5'); $string = ""; foreach($flights as $flight) { $string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+'; } ?> <p align="center"><strong>Pilots Recent Flights</strong><br /><img src="http://www.gcmap.com/map?P=<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=685x360&PM=pemr:star10:red%2b%22%25I%22:white&PC=blue" /><br /> Maps generated by the <a href="http://www.gcmap.com/">Great Circle Mapper</a> - copyright © <a href="http://www.kls2.com/~karl/">Karl L.Swartz</a></p>
  3. Where is it?
  4. Where should I place the Key of Central VA? http://www.vacentral.net/airline/dal_deltaairlines
  5. Thanks, I got;) (http://flydeltava.org/index.php/profile/view/1) you know the code to display the map for flights booked on "View bids my flight?
  6. Look at the picture, do not have "pilot_public_profile.tpl"
  7. Pilot_public_profile.tpl not have the folders on my template.
  8. Sorry lorathon
  9. Pilot_public_profile.tpl not have the folders on my template.
  10. Pilot_public_profile.tpl not have the folders on my template.

  11. How do I put the pilot on the page? in> http://flydeltava.org/index.php/profile/view/1
  12. I put, so he stayed in the pilot center, not on the page of the pilot (http://flydeltava.org/index.php/profile/view/1). How do I put on this page?
  13. If I want to put on the page of the pilot (http://flydeltava.org/index.php/profile/view/1) Should I put in Profile_main?
  14. Can someone pass me the HTML of the statement of the last flights of the pilot? Example: http://www.easyjetva.com/index.php/profile/view/1001 (Pilots Recent Flights)
  15. Portuguese Oi, queria saber como eu mudo o ID da companhia, pois eu sou dono da Delta Virtual e tive alguns problemas na instalaçao da VA, dai o suporte instalou para mim, mas o ID ficou DVA e eu queria mudar para DAL, alguem me ajude por favor. Obrigado
  16. Exactly, I think it is, you could pass me and tell me where to put?
  17. Does anyone have the HTML of the last flights of the "Pilot" and the flights booked?
  18. Does anyone have the HTML of the last flights of the "Pilot" and the flights booked?
  19. Ok, I've got it, but now you know the pros last code of the pilot and flight booked flights?
  20. I have to put where?
  21. The map does not appear. If I add the ICAO airport manually until it works, but not automatic updates.
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