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Posts posted by Ariel

  1. The first one is very much possible ...that i know of...only person iv seen do this was Chase Morgan (KIPPLEX) i could very much possibly be very wrong but the only way i can think of...that he was doing... was changing them manually for staff and if someone occupied the desired PID you just give that pilot a different PID that is already in use. That atleast is the only way i can think of making this possible...Chase chime in any time! :D

    The second one you are asking about...i would think is impossible considering that PIDs are given based on registrations not based on the HUB or Airport the pilot chooses to be in

  2. i had similar incidents with this kid. he provided hosting services to which he went out of business along with my VA. ALL my files when along. I guess i can take partial blame by not backing up my site and keeping the backup but this kid put me through hell. He didnt get much money out of me aside from like 10$ but even that got disputed through PayPal

    i dont recommend him for any service to the sim community

  3. Hi NBA37 Cpt.abush635

    So considering this is your recruitment post make sure that in future posts you include a link back to your website.

    Youre asking prospective pilots to join your VA but not including the page do so. Im not sure how good or great your photoshop skills are but create an ad banner or slap a pic of your aircraft to your post. Make your recruitment ad appealing to pilots. Your post is suppose to sell your VA and make pilots want to join.

    Not sure what you ment by "If you think you are a good pilot/co-pilot/flight attendant/ATC, sign up for our airline and we will test your skills. " Most if not everyone here is a VA owner but thats beyond the point. No one thinks they are CoPilots or flight attendants. Everyone wants to be the Captain so i personally am not quite sure what skills can be used as flight attendants in your VA unless there is a new Flight Attendant Sim that i am not aware of then correct me if im wrong but i highly suggest to remove those two key words and youll have a great slogan/catch phrase

    • Like 2
  4. aww guys...you scared him away... we all have to start from somewhere. Sadly he is starting from a weebly site.

    Unfortunately his first and biggest mistake was not having permission from his RW counterpart and thats a big NO-NO in this community.

    Best of luck with his future endeavours

    • Like 2
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Save a new copy in your skins folder, and maybe add something like "Manual PIREPS Disabled". Don't change default files, this is how things get screwed up.

    Actually its a default template file in which in an update, will be replaced if the name is changed or it will be created if it doesnt exist. There is nothing wrong with changing this file. What i would suggest you do is like bergman suggested to just keep the file with its original name placed in your skins folder and just recode it to display that Manual PIREPS have been disabled. None the less its really how you run your operations.

    I have alot of people that know phpvms backend and though i have deleted the links to the manual pirep people still submit them. They get auto reject. Its stated in our Pilot Handbook, our starter kits etc. and to add on to it...if the link is deleted you shouldnt be able to access it in the first place so more reasons to auto reject

  6. Not sure if a free web host is the way to go. phpVMS requires php and mysql.

    Most definitely free web host is not the way to go ...but i also dont think phpvms is the right thing for your flight group...

    Now i could be possibly wrong on this but i haven't herd of any PIREP system that will work with any mobile version of a flight sim. At least not the default acars like FSACARS, FSPASSENGERS etc...

  7. Wouldnt this be about your 4th VA...this will also be the second attempt at an Etihad. The first one was with Collin Woody and i think you guys had some legal issues the last time.

    In no way take this as me asking about your permissions but at least attempt at getting them before opening IF you dont have them!

  8. I am having an issue with putting a LIVE acars map on my frontpage. As shown below i see the table where pilot information is shown but the Google ACARS map doesnt show. Mind you it is a fresh install of phpvms and the regular index.php/acars map is visible but not when i try to put it into the front page. I figured it was a JS problem and looking at chrome it says i have a few issues but i dont know what is wrong with those JS files as the dont show any errors when i go to the LIVE FLIGHTS page to see the acars map.

    Any help?

    Much appreciated!


  9. Not quite sure if it matters but here is what i use...it has some styling you can change. What is different about my code is that it shows the TOP PILOTS by flights and display the amount of flights

    Feel free to use it!

    $month = date("m");
    $year = date("Y");
       $topflights = TopPilotData::top_pilot_flights($month, $year, 5);
       echo '<table  cellpadding="0px"><tr><td width="100%" valign="top">';
       echo '<table class="datatable" width="100%" style="background-color:#FFF">';
       echo '<tr bgcolor="#e01933">';
       echo '<th><font color="white">Pilot</font></th>';
       echo '<th><font color="white">Flights Flown</font></th>';
       echo '</tr>';
       foreach ($topflights as $top) {
           $pilot = PilotData::GetPilotData($top->pilot_id);
           echo '<tr align="center" valign="middle">';
           echo '<td>'.PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid).' - '.$pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname.'</td>';
           echo '<td>'.$top->flights.'</td>';
           echo '</tr>';
       echo '</table>';
       echo '</table>';
    <?php {

  10. Well i saw some one got this error but no one answered it... Now im getting this error on a fresh install of phpvms.. assuming i was using the new version of PopUpNews not compatible with my phpvms i changed it to 2.1 popupnews and im getting this

    Strict Standards: Non-static method PopUpNews::PopUpNewsList() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home3/vdelta/public_html/lib/.../frontpage_main.tpl on line 231
    Strict Standards: Non-static method PopUpNewsData::get_news_list() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home3/vdelta/public_html/core/modules/PopUpNews/PopUpNews.php on line 31

    Ive never had problems with this before so i dont quite understand what went wrong... or where it went wrong

    Any help anyone?

    Much appreciated!

  11. Attached is what I get. It is saying that the link leads nowhere. (404 not found) Does ACARS work, or anything else that uses the action.php route? Maybe the permissions on action.php? Did the schedules.php controller file get cut off and lose the addbid function?

    Even just going to http://www.vdelta.org/action.php gives a 404 but should give you a frontpage with no template. I would start looking at your action.php file that should be in the root of the install.

    Does your host have "action" blocked as a filename?


    Hey Simpilot,

    No everything is where its supposed to be and all is functioning.

    HUGE thanks go to Ryan for helping me out with this. It was a google maps API that was interfering with JS, but all resolved now.

    This was a rare case of the No Route Passed error, Thank you all who helped!

  12. Have you tried running firebug on it? I ran it on just the schedules page and it is showing a syntax error in the header but I can not get to the "Add Bid" function. I would be curious if it would show anything when you are logged in and hit the add bid. I wonder if there is something different in the php interpreter on your new server.

    You are more than welcome to log in under one of our test accounts PID:DAL075 Password: test1234

    First, when you click on that bid link does it redirect to a white page and show that message or does that message just show up where the "flight booked" message is supposed to be? If the former is the case, I am ~85% sure it has something to do with the javascript loading in core_htmlhead.tpl, layout.tpl, or wherever else you're loading JS libraries. To debug, try commenting out in HTML any third party scripts that did not come with the default phpvms. Your page would probably look weird as you do so, but no worries. Once you've identified which JS library is affecting it, load them up before the phpvms JS libraries(Including jquery and jqueryui).

    What that does is ensure that no phpvms scripts are being overwritten by third party scripts allowing the display engine to prioritize the phpvms backend before the unnecessary stuff.

    Ryan, when trying to click on the bid link if the page is fully loaded, it will not do anything. NOTHING at all. but when the page is still loading if you click on it it will take you to a page that says no route passed. you are more than welcome as well to log in to experience it yourself!

    I might just have to do that...remove code and see what is causing it!

  13. Ariel try this I give all credit to Ryan from Zumeweb.com for the fix.

    <!-- Javascript -->

    <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/vrd/js/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>

    <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/vrd/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

    <script src="http://code.jquery.c...n.js"></script>

    <!-- Javascript End -->

    <?php echo $page_htmlhead; ?>

    Make sure to include all custom javascript or jquery above the htmlhead. Try that, if it doesn't work, I will do a pastebin of the entire head section of my layout.php (Yes .php btw Simpilot groups version of phpVMS is awesome. So many new features and move secure)

    Sorry chase but your fix didnt work for me. Looking at my JS files they are not the same version and i dont have the bootstrap JS since i dont believe our template was created on it. I looked at its original code from the original template files. i see that there was no JS files ever used.

    Again i dont know why i am getting this error now when i didnt have it previously!

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