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Posts posted by Ariel

  1. So quick question. Ive been wanting to ask but hope you might have mentioned it on recent post but i see you didnt. What does the WN stand for....im not too familiar with southwest atleast not to know if they use WN and what it stands for.

    All in all great looking site. I see alot of potential and looks like you are going to take this VA to great heights! Keep up the great work!

  2. I would like to take this time to thank the developers of phpvms. It is an amazing software. Starting a virtual airline has been a dream for a long time now. I encourage everyone to see what phpvms can do for you! www.unitedairlinesvirtual.org

    okay something about your VA that looks like http://www.virtualunitedairlines.org/ <<that one

    Why United? There are 363598535221 United VAs out there already.

    Do some research, do some thinking and come up with a new project that is bound to succeed is what I say.

    Actually you will be surprised what others can do recreating the 10th billion VA that has been created before. Alot of VAs lack something, whether it be staff, or staff encouragement to the look and feel of the VA. If he can make his VA look great have good staff and is for the pilots and not himself...im sure he will surpass his competitors, but i do agree to some extent, and me out of all people shouldnt, considering i own a VA that has about 5-7 good successful VAs out there, that he should look into how many United VAs are out there and see if its even worth recreating for the 10th billion time.

    The only suggestion i personally have is, seek permission from United Airlines before even opening doors. You will see that is a waste of time and money if you get denied or shutdown for not seeking permission from United. I havent herd that many bad things about them not giving permission, you just have to choose your words wisely when talking to them!

    • Like 2
  3. I am assuming that you are using the latest version of AirMail - The MailData::getallmail function has no limit parameter.

    public static function getallmail($pid) {
    if(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid != $pid){
    throw new Exception("This mailbox does not belong to you. If you are accessing this via an Administration module, this feature is still in development");
    $query = "SELECT *
    FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."airmail`
    WHERE `who_to`='$pid'
    AND `deleted_state`='0'
    AND `receiver_folder`='0'
    ORDER BY `date` ASC";
    $results = DB::get_results($query);
    $code = DB::errno();
    if ($code != 0){
    $message = DB::error();
    throw new Exception($message, $code);
    return $results;

    It will have to be updated to include the limit, maybe something like this (using 10 as a default limit);

    public static function getallmail($pid, $limit = '10') {
    if(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid != $pid){
    throw new Exception("This mailbox does not belong to you. If you are accessing this via an Administration module, this feature is still in development");
    $query = "SELECT *
    FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."airmail`
    WHERE `who_to`='$pid'
    AND `deleted_state`='0'
    AND `receiver_folder`='0'
    ORDER BY `date` ASC
    LIMIT '$limit'";
    $results = DB::get_results($query);
    $code = DB::errno();
    if ($code != 0){
    $message = DB::error();
    throw new Exception($message, $code);
    return $results;

    You will also have to update the module code to pass the limit parameter;

    public function GetProfileMail($limit){
    $pid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid;
    $this->set('mail', MailData::getallmail($pid, $limit));
    $this->set('pilotcode', PilotData::GetPilotCode(Auth::$userinfo->code, Auth::$userinfo->pilotid));

    No its still showing me all of the inbox instead of the 10 items. I changed the number to 5 and it still shows me more than that. I am using the latest version of AIRMAIL

    when i changed the code with what you gave me when i go to inbox i get this

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method Mail::inbox() in /home/vdeltaor/public_html/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php on line 40

  4. Here's a quick piece of code which will display the user's mailbox on their profile, however with just the date, subject and who from:

    1. First, create the file mail_profile.tpl in core/templates/mail and paste the following code:

    <table width="100%" cellpadding="2">
    <?php if(!$mail){
     echo '<tr><td align="center" colspan="3">No NOTAMs available</td></tr>';
     else {
    	 foreach($mail as $data) {
    	 <?php $user = PilotData::GetPilotData($data->who_from);?>
    	 <td width="25%" align="center"><?php echo date(DATE_FORMAT.' H:i', strtotime($data->date)); ?></td>
    	 <td><?php echo $user->firstname.' '.$user->lastname;?></td>
    	 if ($data->read_state=='0') { ?>
     <b><a href="http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/index.php/Mail/item/<?php echo $data->thread_id;?>"><?php echo $data->subject; ?></a></b>
     <a href="http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/index.php/Mail/item/<?php echo $data->thread_id;?>"><?php echo $data->subject; ?></a>

    2. Add the following code to core/modules/Mail/Mail.php :

    public function GetProfileMail(){
     $pid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid;
     $this->set('mail', MailData::getallmail($pid));
     $this->set('pilotcode', PilotData::GetPilotCode(Auth::$userinfo->code, Auth::$userinfo->pilotid));

    3. In your profile_main.tpl (or wherever else you want):

    <?php MainController::Run('Mail', 'GetProfileMail', 5);?>

    The number at the end can be changed to suit how many items you wish to display as per usual.

    Enjoy :)

    everything worked up in till the point of changing the number. It actually displays my whole inbox instead of just 5 items and i have more than 10 in my inbox! Help Please!

  5. now i face the problem of getting the same numbers on the main pass to the stub on the right im able to rotate them so they look the same but i cant get the numbers....the same since they are randomize now my hopes are down

    i think if i make the multiple passes with different flight, gate, seat, and zone numbers and just have an image randomizer it will work better....wat do you think

  6. I just noticed in the picture, this is not an economy or comfort ticket, so I think this section should be different for pilots than regular passengers. ;)

    Good point but remember in real world when they get a jumpseat they are flying like any regular passenger. I did change it though to First/Business which is First class for Delta. but added *ee which stands for employee so that should clear that up.

  7. Thanx i really appreciate it. well here is an update of what i have done so far.


    So i already mentioned i added my name, date, seat class, and price.

    *update - i managed to add departure ICAO (previous location) and arrival airport (jumpseat destination) ALSO i made the FLIGHT, GATE, SEAT, & ZONE numbers to randomize everytime the page is refreshed...assuming pilots are not refreshing the page so often it should give numbers. from time to time it will either stay blank or give a value of zero but its rare. so far its looking great!

  8. mseiwald as always...to the rescue...at least for me....THANK YOU! ;) very much appreciated

    Parkho im not sure if you will like it i personally think this is a great addition to the jumpseat confirmation but this is what i was trying to accomplish (*still in the works)


    My name, ICAO next to the pinpoint icon, date, and passenger seat selection, as well as the price of the ticket i all put in. Im working on the receipt stub on the right but that will come soon!

  9. Considering this is the latest and updated forum to this module....ive tried this many ways but nothing seems to be working.

    How can i add the pilots name to the Jump Seat Purchase confirmation page.

    ive tried

    <?php echo $userinfo->firstname . ' ' . $userinfo->lastname; ?>


    <?php echo $userinfo->rank;?> <?php echo $userinfo->firstname; ?> <?php echo $userinfo->lastname; ?>

    either one wont put the name....HELP! please

  10. Chase,

    Looking good so far! If I were you, I would invest in a custom skin for your VA. It will make your airline look better, and will earn you a whole lot of respect in these forums and the vCommunity! They usually run between $50-$200, but do check around in the "Paid Services" section of the forums to find some developers and to get some quotes moving around.

    Good luck, blue skies!

    You actually dont need to pay if you dont want to....use one of the free skins offered to the community and rebuild from that. Relatively easy and very cost effective. Of course if you prefer to pay the $50-$200 well...you can do that too! I know what im saying. My vDelta...paid no one to build my site....i did it all...and as for respect from the community. Keep in mind...you wont be able to please everyone....just take criticism well ...and as long as you are happy with your design and so are your pilots...who cares what others think.

    • Like 1
  11. like the first design it looks cool ...im sure you can make it look a bit better...sharper. I dont know about the name....

    the second design...ehhhh.....considering the name the logo on it goes well but it looks more like an academy logo not really airline apeal. though the name is great!

    best of luck with your VAs!

  12. I use smartCARS for Cathay Pacific and i really like it. Its clean and professional and only able to be used by your own pilots. You get nifty features like the playing of the safety demonstration at pushback, global and airline chat, plus a more in depth flight log.

    However, honestly, custom kACARS does pretty much the same things, so its up to your preferences of design and cost', ect.

    I prefer smartCARS.


    Zach couldn't of said better myself

    Oh and don't forget that it also supports X plane

    you guys can keep mentioning a chat server but yet it has nothing to do with the main functions of Flight logging... so if the server is down or what ever the case may be the acars part will still be functional as it doesn't rely on their server

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