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Everything posted by freshJet

  1. <?php echo "<b>Pilot:</b> $row_info[2] [$row_info[4]]<br>"; echo "<b>Flight:</b> $row_info[4]<br>"; echo "<b>Name:</b> $row_info[2] ($row_info[1])<br>"; echo "<b>Route:</b> $row_info[11] to $row_info[13]<br>"; echo "<b>Altitude:</b> $row_info[7]<br>"; ?>
  2. Is there a way to restrict ATC to certain airports or region? For example, only show online ATC in Europe?
  3. freshJet


    Check w3schools.com.
  4. freshJet


    <iframe src="http://www.example.com" scrolling="no"> Google is your friend next time though
  5. Umm, site's messed up...
  6. I hate this feature. Someone filed 2 PIREPs yesterday after a period of inactivity and now they're inactive again
  7. Well it was mature rejecting me wasn't it? I meant it alright but I don't think I will now...
  8. I would very much like to see a competition for the best VA of the month and year, where you get the best VA for categories, for example: Best Passenger VA Besg Cargo VA Best Military VA Best Bush VA It could be done like VA-list, where users can vote for their favourites. Anyone else like the idea?
  9. Yeah used to be -£6m
  10. I'm the same: http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/index.php/finances I changed it from 5.10 to 0.82 or something...
  11. I take it back - you're the only one I like. The other two have things I don't like. I fancy an American VA for flying in the USA
  12. freshJet

    FSUIPC Error

    Hi, Yes that is one problem - I installed that yesterday and it gave me an error when I loaded it in FS, but this problem happened before that aircraft was installed.
  13. You're never impressed. If you actually try the code you'll find that that is what it does...
  14. This is really getting on my nerves. I'm getting emails from pilots asking to be marked as active, so I do it, bu then they still get the error, and I look at the admin panel - they're inactive again! Pilots can't login, so they can't see schedules, so they can't fly... you get the picture... Also, my local.config.php says this: Config::Set('PILOT_STATUS_TYPES', array( /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS ACTIVE NUMBER OR STATUS OR THINGS WILL BREAK!!! */ 0 => array( 'name' => 'Active', # The title to show in the dropdown 'message' => '', # Message to show if they can't login (below is false) 'default' => true, # Should this be their default status? 'canlogin' => true, # Are they allowed to log in 'active' => true, # Are they an active pilot? 'autoretire' => true, # Use this status for the auto-retire functionality 'group_add' => array( # ID or name of the group this user is added to with this status 'Active Pilots', ), 'group_remove' => array( # ID or name of the groups this user is removed from with this status 'Inactive Pilots', ), ), /* DO NOT CHANGE THIS INACTIVE NUMBER OR STATUS OR THINGS WILL BREAK!!! */ 1 => array( 'name' => 'Inactive', 'message' => 'You are marked as inactive', 'default' => false, 'canlogin' => true, 'active' => false, 'autoretire' => false, 'group_add' => array( 'Inactive Pilots', ), 'group_remove' => array( 'Active Pilots', ), ), 2 => array( 'name' => 'Banned', 'message' => 'Your account is banned', 'default' => false, 'canlogin' => false, 'active' => false, 'autoretire' => false, 'group_add' => array( 'Banned', ), 'group_remove' => array( 'Active Pilots', ), ), 3 => array( 'name' => 'On Leave', 'message' => 'You have been marked as on leave', 'default' => false, 'canlogin' => true, 'active' => true, 'autoretire' => true, 'group_add' => array( 'On Leave', ), 'group_remove' => array( 'Active Pilots', ), ), 4 => array( 'name' => 'Resigned', 'message' => 'You have requested to resign, if you wish to continue your career, please contact us', 'default' => false, 'canlogin' => false, 'active' => false, 'autoretire' => false, 'group_add' => array( 'Resigned', ), 'group_remove' => array( 'Active Pilots', ), ), )); But why can inactive pilots still not login? They get the contact HR message!
  15. freshJet

    FSUIPC Error

    kACARS Version: kACARS Free FSUIPC Version: 3.48 Recently I've been getting this error: I tried upgrading, so I'm now running, but the problem recurs. If I click OK, the log begins, but only if I check the 'Ignore P-Brake / Airborne Check' option. If I don't, it tells me to check my parking brake and to get on the ground even though I already am. At the end of the flight, the log only shows some information: http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/index.php/pireps/view/426 Here is my FSUIPC.LOG:
  16. Mine's a little different: http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/index.php
  17. Isn't there enough already?
  18. Yeah I flew for the last 2.
  19. Still won't work What is the js files needed in the head of layout.tpl?
  20. Is that for layout.tpl?
  21. http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/index.php/acars
  22. Hi, Just to let you know that there are already 3 Hawaiian Virtuals. One of which uses phpVMS.
  23. OK, but what about js links in layout.tpl etc...
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