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Everything posted by freshJet

  1. What is number one supposed to mean?
  2. Got it. It's: www.yoursite.com/lib/rss/latestpireps.rss www.yoursite.com/lib/rss/latestpilots.rss
  3. Yeah I know but what is the URL!?!?
  4. I want to redo my pilot dashboard. I currently have it as icons which include the text, however I want it so that I only have the image, and the text is typed below. What CSS is required for this? I might also be adding some effects but that shouldn't affect it much.
  5. I know there are RSS files in lib/rss, but how do I use them? Do I have to create a page and then use <?php include(lib/rss/latestpireps.tpl) ?> ?
  6. Shouldn't you really develop the site more before giving a link and advertising?
  7. Nice link! Also, you could do something with this: http://www.cayri.org/
  8. The main reason people say they can't pay is because they're like 12 years old and their parents refuse to pay...
  9. It comes with the Live Flight Board...
  10. Yes thanks for just repeating what I've just said.
  11. Sort of...
  12. Did you pay for vaBase? If so, don't know why you're posting here...
  13. One of my pilots is French (yet speaks surprisingly good English) and whenever he is flying, the ACARS Log and the Status is always in French. Is there a way to ensure that it will always be displayed in English?
  14. I've always wanted pilots to have the option of choosing whether they want to book their flights or be assigned to them. Could this work? So, for example, the pilot would select their preferences (days of week, max. distance etc...), and then the system would automatically generate flights to be flown. Get it?
  15. Sorry but I don't think you'll be very successful now that you've released this information. Don't expect sympathy from me by the way - making a skin for you for FREE and you say it like it's not enough...
  16. Yes but I don't want to delete the pilot so that no records are lost. I just want them to be 'invisible'. So ultimately, I want three groups: 1. Active 2. On Leave 3. Suspended
  17. Anyone else?
  18. Paint.NET and DXTBmp.
  19. Very nice but they're are two other major Southwest VAs out there.
  20. Man phpVMS is really starting to lack in professional VAs...
  21. I just mean it's hardly professional making a logo in something that isn't even an image editor.
  22. 1. I want to create a group for deleted pilots so that they they are treated just like a guest, but so that I've got records of the flights etc, so what would the code be for the group in the PilotData.class.php ? 2. My PDF documents won't load via the links in the pilot centre. Just reuploaded them all, which took away the error about them being damaged, but now they don't load. Any ideas? 3. Some pilots are still getting the inactive login notice. However, I changed the php so that they'd be able to login to access the Pilot Centre, but it's not working. Any ideas?
  23. ^ That is one of the text effects in PowerPoint 2007...
  24. Not bad, but the logo has clearly been made in PowerPoint. I like the name though, although there are so many fictional VAs starting with the 737-800 on practically all of your routes...
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