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Everything posted by Sava

  1. Where did you read that? Ontopic: i will post the entire code for you tomorrow but you will have to modify it for your VA fleet. It is just a separate php file you call in the schedule_brief.tpl file. You could of course just put the code in there but I like to keep my code clean and include() works fine
  2. You can use irames to embed the VATSIM FP Prefile. What I did for my VA is that I created a php code that automatically fills the FP with data from the booked flight and all you have to do is input your ID and password. 2. If you know HTML/CSS as you wrote, you should have no problem with skinning.
  3. The site doesn't render correctly at all in the newest version of Firefox. (Disregard the image name saying chrome.jpg. It is Firefox)
  4. From an another thread
  5. Dear pilots, I am extremely proud and happy to inform you that today at 20:20 Air Serbia's 1000th flight has been completed! Flight number 116, an ATR72-500 commanded by Adam Stanojevic made a perfect landing in Sarajevo. This is a big milestone for all of us at Air Serbia Virtual. On behalf of the entire staff team I would like to thank all the pilots for their continuous support! I can assure you that we won't stop here. We have many more projects and ideas to further enhance your experience. Always 3 green, Sava Markovic
  6. LOL!
  7. Sava

    Need Custom ACARS

    Are you looking for a full php acars system or only a customized user-end application for phpVMS?
  8. s there something you can do to store them and than have them in the admin panel?I
  9. I am not sure what you are reffering to? Do what the text on the second link says amd go to the install directory. Also, phpvma has problems with free hosting
  10. I also requested this a while back but noone has the solution
  11. Congratulations! It seems the New Year is bringing some good activity to all VAs here on phpVMS!
  12. Thank you! I appreciate it!
  13. You confirm it from the admin panel.
  14. Just take a look at the default crystal skin and you will get it for sure. There are 1-2 lines that you need to add and change thr template file mames and extensions for phpVMS to work
  15. Where are those instructions?
  16. Hello fellow CEOs and pilots! I am very proud to inform you that Air Serbia has reached a huge milestone and that is 1000h of total flight time! We have worked hard to achieve this and I am extremely happy since we were founded in April this year! At the same time we have seen a great increase in flight numbers and the expansion from the original market we planned to serve! With the release of our new website soon, and a pretty cool perk for our pilots I am going to disclose later this month, we believe that we have what it takes to survive in this very competitive market. I would also like to thank Nabeel for creating phpVMS, and all you other guys for creating addons my and many other VAs use every day! Thanks! Sava Markovic http://www.skysim.net/airserbia/ VAcentral:http://vacentral.net/airline/srb_airserbia Note: we have temporarily shut down the TS server as we have experienced some problems. It will be online tomorrow.
  17. Access denied ! Details: Web page: http://www.mpkairways.co.cc/ Description: Access to the web page was blocked by ESET NOD32 Antivirus. The web page is on the list of websites with potentially dangerous content.
  18. My take on this is that if you didn't have pilots with the VA as it is now you won't have them even with the addition. In the best case, you will see a small improvement. I though hope that I am wrong, Good luck!
  19. Bumping I would like more opinions after we have updated the site a bit
  20. We are doing it all over again? Hah... Just signing in before it starts.
  21. Shoot me a PM, I can do it for a lot less $
  22. I use this (full code) <html> <head> <title>Stop there!</title> <META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT="5;URL=http://www.skysim.net/airserbia/"> //redirects the user, change 5 to reflect the number of seconds that take for the user to be redirected </head> <body> Dear visitor,<br> You are not allowed to view this directory for security reasons.<br> You will be redirected to the homepage in 5 seconds.<br> <?php $logfile= 'ip.html'; //the file where the logs will be saved..CHeck the privileges for the file $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; //[b]gets the IP, dont touch anything below[/b] $logdetails= date("F j, Y, g:i a O T") . ': ' . '<a href=http://www.geobytes.com/IpLocator.htm?GetLocation&ipaddress='.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'>' .$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'</a>'; $fp = fopen($logfile, "a"); fwrite($fp, $logdetails); fwrite($fp, "<br>"); fclose($fp); echo("Your IP has been logged. It is $IP"); //[b]we call the IP to show up[/b] ?> </body> </html>
  23. Just noticed there is a *** magazine called FS Magazine lol CLICK
  24. You can make an index.html file and put it in lib/skins to prevent directory browsing I do that. Mine says something like this: You are not allowed to view the directories due security reasons. Your IP [ip here] has been logged on our servers. You will be redirected to the home page in 5 seconds. ---- Cheers!
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