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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. simpilot


    If the METAR is being fed from the Vatsim server it has been down for a few days. I think parts are back up but I know a lot of the data links are still dead.
  2. Maybe look for answers from the mumble site, or an FSX forum....
  3. He will have to look at the structure of the map template and the data that is returned from the vatsim file for ATC and make some changes to allow for ATC data to be shown from what I can tell by quickly going over the files.
  4. When I made my post the links were still down, as of this morning they are up again, at least for the moment from the looks of the posts in the Vatsim developers forum. You should have no issue at this point, if you do, then I would look at what you have changed on your install that would make the file not save to your server. Permissions, IP blocks, changed folder structure, etc...
  5. Please use the support ticket system for payware support -> http://forum.phpvms....module-support/ Thank You
  6. The issue is explained in the posts above yours. I do not know when the data feeds will return.
  7. Looks like it is a good case for Murphy's Law by the looks of their post -> http://forums.vatsim.net/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=61952
  8. Anything past 5.3.x is going to throw these errors. There are a number of fixes that have been posted, some seem to work on some platforms and not others but it may be worth a try for you, or just set your xammp install to use an older version of php. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/9085-phpvms-with-very-many-errors/page__hl__%2Bstrict+%2Berror http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8375-installation-errors/page__hl__%2Bstrict+%2Berror http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8286-strict-standards-errors/page__hl__%2Bstrict+%2Berror
  9. The link for the kACARS site (Jeff Kobus) is in my last post.
  10. The map has to be custom coded or you can use the kACARS custom addon feature (your best/easiest way) to display nav points and track. http://fs-products.net/index.php/kacars-custom/kavarscustom-information
  11. # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 720); as it states right in the file the setting is in minutes, 30 = 1/2 hour
  12. The script is setup to grab the actual whazzup file from one of four servers that are independent of the main vatsim server. Unfortunatly all these locations get their data from the Vatsim server. I chacked http://info.vroute.net/vatsim-data.txt and http://fsproshop.com/servinfo/vatsim-data.txt and neither of them have data so I am guessing you are stuck until Vatsim comes back up. The status file for available data locations is also down. http://status.vatsim.net
  13. No, you will need to loop through the data and echo that out, what you have there will not do much. To see what data is coming back that you can use you can do: var_dump($topflights);
  14. It seems to me that you have no aircraft in the search field available, which would lead me to believe that you have no schedules as you need to have an aircraft to assign to it, or things are quite a mess in your database.
  15. If you mean the code that Vanity is refering to, it would be most preferable to assign it in your controller - $this->set('topflights', TopPilotData::top_pilot_flights($month, $year, 5)); Then in your template the data would be available in the $topflights variable. You could also put it in your template and assign it to a variable there, which kind of defeats the MVC concept but - $topflights = TopPilotData::top_pilot_flights('08', '2013', '5'); Then use it in your template just as above.
  16. It is an interesting concept, might be worth trying if Nabeel would like to add it. I would be curious how many hits a day your forum is getting though compared to this one.
  17. Been down that road, the spammers just will go to the next board untill they find one they can post in. The announcements board is locked for general posts, that is why they land in off-topic now, if we lock that then it will just end up in the five-dev hosting board.
  18. You will have to contact Nabeel to be added as a moderator, none of us have the permissions to add anyone to the moderators list. Any help I am sure would be appreciated by the forum members.
  19. Nabeel has the only access to the security setings. There is also a large percentage that are coming from people that are paid to set up as many of these accounts as they can.
  20. Are the $month and $year variables being assigned prior to the call? If so, is there data in the table for the time period you are calling? This also only returns data, so you will want to assign it to a variable. To see what is there you can use var_dump(TopPilotData::top_pilot_flights('08', '2013', '5'));
  21. Moving to support forum. btw - I think what he is refering to is all the CAPS and puncuation (!!!!!!!, ?????. !?!?!?!) used in your requests, it makes all your issues seem like demands rather than requests and it also is viewed as virtually screaming at everyone.
  22. The database is setup with constraints so when one field is updated it is also updated in another table that uses the same field. From the error it looks like you are trying to delete an airline that has schedules in the database, ie deleteing "DAL" when you have schedules using "DAL" as the code still in the database. You will need to delete/change all the "DAL" schedules before you can delete the airline.
  23. I believe the template you are working with is -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-Event-Booking/blob/master/core/templates/events/events_event.tpl and all the widths are set to percentages. You will have to work on the css for your site layout and intergrate the module with it to stop the table from breaking out.
  24. You are probably looking for mail_new.tpl
  25. By the looks of the top of your screenshot you have added the config line for the module somewhere other than inside of the local.config.php file which will disrupt the system.
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