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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. There are a number of css options folks have come up with to address the pagination styling. The most basic is here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3289-screenshotcenter-20/page__st__160#entry58052
  2. Pretty sure it was MagicFlyer aka Ryan Rinaldi - try zumeweb.com, I think that is his site.
  3. There have been a number of comments in the shoutbox regarding the delayed approval of posts and comments from new users. Unfortunately, the forum's spam blocker has expired and the forum is being overcome by the spam posts and new spam members. The only way that we could combat this at first was to lock all new members down to have to have their first 5 posts approved by a moderator prior to allowing all the posts to be automatically visible. This was a valid solution for a while but at this point it is very time consuming to dig through all the new posts and comments that need approval, especially when the topic titles are not on point. I have attached a few images to show what I am speaking of, cap1 is the first page of unapproved new topics, and cap2 is the last page of unapproved new topics. Yes, it is currently 379 pages long, which is just over the last two weeks. (379 pages x 10 per page = 3,790 items that need to be moderated) I can not speak for other moderators, but I do not have the time, or patience for that matter, to dig through these posts to find what is legit and what is not. I will offer that if you have a post that needs approval and can email me a link to the post directly, I will approve the post for you when I can. This may take a little while as I do not spend all my time patrolling this forum. DO NOT send me a PM here in the forum. I receive many every day including from spam users and have quit reading and responding to them quite some time ago. email: david <at> simpilotgroup <dot> com
  4. Yes, the site is back up today. Still no response from email or support requests by myself or my clients. One site hosted by them is finally back up but shows nothing but a 500 error. No data or file structure seems to be present. This client has bought another domain and is hosting elsewhere now with a new data set basically starting from ground zero again. He was not too pleased to find out from Enom that the domain he purchased from this company was not even his and he could not change nameservers on it to point to a new host, hence forcing him to buy a new domain if he wanted to continue. Frankly, 5 days of downtime with no response to clients and then the company site returning with no explanation of what is going on is not only unacceptable, it is reckless regard for clients sites and data. It is almost amusing that they speak highly of their reliability. None the less, both clients I have that we're hosted with then are now with other hosts and have new domains that are under their control.
  5. Without any code to refer to I would guess that there is at least one extra </div> tag somewhere on that page.
  6. simpilot


    Depending on where the cron is being run from, ie root or a user, it could be simply that the file does not have the correct permissions set to be run by anyone but the owner. If the cron is running from the user that owns it the file permissions need to be at least 544 in most cases on most servers. Realistically if the file is set to 755 any user should be able to execute it.
  7. Change $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total`FROM `'.TABLE_PREFIX.'pireps`WHERE `source`='.$acars; to $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps WHERE source = '$acars'"; and change $sql .= " AND `code`='{$airline_code}' GROUP BY `code`"; to $sql .= " AND code = '$airline_code' GROUP BY code"; That seems to work here on my test instance, there is some syntax that is making the sql query come back null, which would not show as an error necessarily.
  8. This happens more often than anyone would think. It happens to templates, modules, payware aircraft, and just about anything else on the net. And if you can not tell it drives me absolutely nuts. I cannot say for other countries but I imagine most are the same, in the US the burden is on the person using the product, item, service, or anything else to prove they have the right to do so when it is requested. This can be in the form of a license, receipt, open source license, or any other tangible proof. Here it is also against the law to continue to use or possess an item that has been obtained illegally, and yes, purchasing it unknowingly from someone that has stripped copyright notices or license requirements from the product is considered obtaining it illegally. Once notification is made the product must be removed from use, destroyed, or returned to the rightful owner. If I purchase a car out of a newspaper ad from a private citizen and go to register it and it comes up as a stolen vehicle I do not get to keep it, after I explain what has happened, law enforcement is going to seize the vehicle and I will be left with no vehicle and most likely will be out the purchase price as well. It is not up to the person that had the vehicle stolen from them to get my money back for me. As far as this skin is concerned it is pretty obvious from the link contained at the bottom that links to Tom's shop that it is a payware skin. (http://www.tomsterritt.com/phpvms/) I do not know if there is a license included in the original package or not, but that comes down to splitting hairs over what should be common sense. In the source code (image attached) it does refer to a license. If the person that sold it to you is not willing to return your payment, shout his name from every forum you can, call him out on it, make sure others will not fall for the same thing. I have in the past actually paid people in the form of module credits that have alerted me to my own products being pirated and I have been able to confirm the lead. My rant will not stop anyone from continuing to use products illegally, it is much easier to claim ignorance when and if the time comes that the person is confronted by the issues of copyright infringement. The excuse " Either way, i've paid for it and my part is done." is one way to address it but it will not fly when and if the time ever comes to defend yourself in a legal situation. The unseen part of it is that you have probably alienated a guy that could probably help you in the future with your VA when you need it. You will I am sure do what you want and probably respond that I am just a sour old man but you will never change my view on what is right and what is wrong. If you are having to find excuses and lay blame, then it is probably wrong. /rant
  9. Take a look at the file I think you are refering to here -> https://github.com/D...shots_large.tpl Specifically lines 33 through 49 Looks like your template has gotten out of sorts somehow, possibly on upload or editing.
  10. Does anyone know what happened to these guys? I have had a client that is hosted with them contact me that they have not been able to access their site but it looks to me like everything is down including the zoneclound.net site and all email is coming back. I have a bad feeling that I am going to have to give him bad news with yesterday being the first of the month and that is when the issues started......
  11. You will not need an if selector unless you are going to have an image for all flights and only a few odd numbered flights have something different. The example I set was to use the icao code basically to id what image you want displayed with the flight as that was what I thought you wanted. If you have an individual image for every flight this will also work as you will just have to name every image the same as the flight number, ie - you would have an image ABC1111.png for flight ABC1111 and an image named ABC2222.png for flight ABC2222, and so on. If you only have a couple of flights you want an alternate iimage for then yes, you can build an if selector. if($fligthnumberstring == 'ABC1111') { $image = 'ABC1111'; } elseif($fligthnumberstring == 'ABC2222') { $image = 'ABC2222'; }[/color] else { $image = 'mydefaultimge'; } Then <img src="your path to your image<?php echo $image; ?>.jpg" alt="My Airline Image" />
  12. Have you made this change -> https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/commit/4bdb12a0390885e0f012190170445baf2874053b in your local file? If so, did you leave an unclosed bracket or something, that would cause the parse error. As far as phpVMS working with php 5.4 or later it is less than desired at this point. It is tough to pinpoint whatthe issue may be with so little information provided.
  13. Moved topic from VACentral to phpVMS support board.
  14. Sharing cookies across subdomains can be a complete pain in the a$$, especially in IE. If I were you I would simply set your own cookie using a check directly against the database. Grab the cookie from the user, if it is there, and check it against the phpvms database and if it is good set your own cookie for the user to carry through your standalone application. If the cookie is not there you are pretty much out of luck. I am not sure what you are doing but if you are just wanting different pages for phpvms that are not in the format of the skin being used you can use action.php instead of index.php. This will give you access to all the phpvms functionality but will be skinless. You can add completely different designs to every page called this way. I have done this in the past for VA's that wanted individual hub pages that differed from the main site look but wanted access ot the functionality of the backend of phpVMS.
  15. @servetas, @Fernando Guys I do not see myself adding any functionality into this package. The code itself will be four years old here in November and there are a lot of things that I would do differently today than I originally wrote into this module. It was also written trying to bridge between the first and second versions of phpVMS. I would really rather write it to the expected 3.0 if I were to do it anyway, and most seem to be uncomfortable with using it as it is not an offical release. If I do anything it will probably be to add functionality to the Entrance Exam system I offer and turn it into a more complete exam system to include both entrance exams and regular exams for rank advancement and such. As far as IP blocking, that is not that hard to do with any script, the issue becomes that anyone with just a little know how about the web will just register again using a proxy address and take the exam again. Same thing with an email address, a new gmail address or the like is easily obtained. Chances are they are just what i refer to as "Download Hunters" looking for aircraft packages to download.
  16. Just as an example, if you name the images the same as the first three digits of the schedule you can then reduce the flight number to those three digits and call the image using that. Maybe if you had a flight number of ABC1234 and had an image named ABC.jpg to use for all ABC flights something like this should work; <img src="your path to your image<?php substr($fligthnumberstring, 0, 3); ?>.jpg" alt="My Airline Image" />
  17. Here is the solution -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6522-registration-error/page__hl__%2Bmaximum+%2Ballowed+%2Bpath+%2Blength+%2Bthis+%2Bplatform
  18. You have an issue with your database login settings Access denied for user '867768_phpvms'@'' (using password: YES) Either the server address is wrong - the seems odd as that is usually a local IP for a home network Or the user name is incorrect - 867768_phpvms Or the password is incorrect Or any combination of the above.
  19. It is an issue with moving phpvms to php 5.4 - you can find a temporary solution here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/8192-solution-strict-standards-errornew-php/
  20. This is a well known issue when using "manual" ranking. There is a piece of code that is called during the pilot registration process that is in the RanksData.class.php file that is to update the rank of the new pilot but on line 192 is: /* Don't calculate a pilot's rank if this is set */ if (Config::Get('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE') == false) { return; } which stops the system from updating the rank if you have ranking set to "manual" so the pilot ends up with the database default which is "New Hire" from the original package. You have three solutions avalable. 1 - Place some code in the if statement at line 194 to update the pilots rank even though the system is set to "manual" if it is equal to New Hire which would hopefully avoid the system updating the rank automaticaaly everytime a pilot adds hours to his records. 2 - Change the default settings for the database table to what you want them to be for a new registration. 3 - "Manually" set the rank as that is what you have the system set to.
  21. I have been experiencing an onslaught of registrations from members with names in all capitals that all resemble each other on a number of sites I manage. I am not completely sure what they are up to but I do not think it is anything that would be considered beneficial to your virtual airline. They most prevalent seem to be: ADEREMI MARTINS BELLO OLUJIMI EZEKIEL FATIMIRO NURAIN IDOWU BELLO LATEEF AKINOLA IBRAHIM IGHODALE NELSON OKHADE YETUNDE O ADIATU IGHODALO NELSON OKHADE TEMIDAYO PAUL AMOSUN SUNDAY RACHEAL KOLO AL MUNIRU AJIBOLA OYELOLA They all register with various VATSIM id's, none of which are legit, various hub choices, and various countries. As fast as they are deleted they are registered again. IP blocking is useless as they are using proxy services or spoofing. Most sites also get a response to every email sent to the pilot, ie - the registration and approval notices. Most of the responses are just a copy of the email that went out, but some do include the classic "THANK YOU SIR!!!" I have yet to find any of them trying to gain access to the sites beyond that of a regular user. If anyone else is experiencing this and has had an issue with site security or some type of exploit used by any of these users please share it with the community so we can apply the proper patch to avoid any future issues.
  22. Reserved names will drive you nuts sometimes - I keep this list handy to help avoid conflicts.
  23. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6962-code-now-hosted-at-github/
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