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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. You can find the default image at /lib/signatures/background/background.png You can make it any size you want as long as you stay with the png format.
  2. You have the wrong username and/or password combination for the database or possibly the wrong address (localhost) by the looks of it.
  3. This is getting rediculious, let them be, if they do not have permission and the company owning the copyright is concerned they will take action. If you want to debate it, go to the flightsimworld forum. Locking this one.
  4. @steve I can see that the charts are not working -> http://www.net-flyer...ex.php/finances <- and I can also see that it seems the files are there for the library -> http://www.net-flyer...hp-ofc-library/ <- (btw - you really should block access to the folder) From the outside it looks like it should be working. That is about all I can see from what I can see. I would check your error logs for the server and if you have not already enable error logging within phpVMS and check the logs after you try to use a page with a chart and see what is showing up. It may be that there is no data being provided, or corrupted data being provided and the chart library doesn't know what to do with it. @Flightguy - The same things seem present on your site. @Both - What version are you using or better yet where are you getting it from?
  5. @steve - all I can see on your site is a database connection error at this time.
  6. Looking at the aav site, it would be hard to diagonse from the forum here, it is obvious by the url's that the system has been altered. I would suggest looking into how you are parsing the url's to the necesarry library functions for the charting.
  7. You should not need any local.config.php file when you start a new install, the installer creates it for you, but as long as it works for you thats all that counts.
  8. @flyalaska, is this since I fixed the function on your site?
  9. Looking at your directory tree; http://www.eravirtualairways.net/en/lib/skins/ the "era" skin folder does not exist.
  10. The one at the very bottom; Fatal error: Cannot re-assign auto-global variable _FILES in /home/eravirtu/public_html/en/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 436 Definitely makes me think it is a server running php 5.4.x There are a number of work arounds in the forums and on the github page.
  11. What version of php is your new host running? The strict standards error is usually showing up from an upgrade from 5.3 to 5.4 The put_contents error could be any one of a number of things but a shot in the dark would probably be the file permissions of the /core/cache folder
  12. Again, here is the solution that has fixed this 99% of the time I have run into it; http://forum.phpvms....ms-errors-help/ There is also another solution that seemed to help some depending on the hosting/php platform which may be what you are running into here as more hosts migrate to newer php versions; http://forum.phpvms....ting-a-warning/ There are also all these threads when you search you can probably get some info out of; http://forum.phpvms....erregistration/ http://forum.phpvms....ature-problems/ http://forum.phpvms....gitration-help/ http://forum.phpvms....log-data-error/ http://forum.phpvms....b-using-phpvms/
  13. The BEST and EASIEST way of fixing this error is to simply delete the local.config.php file that is in the /core folder when you download it. There is no need for all the copying and transfering of files. The system is simply seeing that there is a local.config.php file already present so it assumes that the install has already been completed as that file is created during the install. Of course when it hits the file and it has no information for it to run on it throws errors.
  14. There is a textual version of the data available for the NOMADS system that I use for my live dispatch system that might help you here -> http://aviationweath...ucts/nws/winds/
  15. It is an issue that has been part of the module since it was written. It is based on th day, not the hour of the event. It is something that should be changed but I have never gotten to.
  16. Just delete the template files with the .php extension if you would like. They are the same as the .tpl versions except for the file extension.
  17. If the version you are using uses the tpl extension for templates than it is the same answer and solution that steve used.
  18. No the module is not free but there is a coupon available for a $5 savings. I have extended it through the 23rd.
  19. Looks like the same issue as here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6978-plugin-manager/#entry84715 <- version conflict for template extensions.
  20. Sorry, I guess looking quickly I did did not differentiate the two usernames between vcal and vicar. My comments as far as what could be happening still are the same though. If you are completely deleteing the entire contents of your website and reinstalling a clean version of the application and being hacked minutes later, there is not too many things that can be happening. 1 - You are not using the patched version of the ofc_upload_image.php file. - Which I just tried to call on your site and got a not found error, so it is clear that the file is not there. so I would say it is; 2 - There is another site on the server that is compromised that has access to your directory, possibly through the links created by a symlink attack. I know you say it is your own paid server but by the looks of it, with the correct ip address, it has appx 800 other sites hosted on it as well. -> http://whois.domaint.../ or 3 - You have not changed passwords (FTP, cPanel, email) that were exposed in the original compromise.
  21. If your server IP is actually and not what is shown in the search then I would guess that the DNS of the server you are hosted on has been compromised and is being redirected to the other server. I notice that when you search your domain info -> http://geoip.flagfox...www.vcal.org.uk <- it comes up with the 77. number, not what you say your IP is. Also, if you then search the IP -> http://whois.domaint...m/ <- you see that there are a number of websites on it, interesting though is this one that caught my eye. -> fanplastic.co.uk <- which you also have in an htaccess file you posted above with rewrite rules. You can also check your DNS here -> https://www.whatsmyd...www.vcal.org.uk <- and see it is pointing atthe 77. IP address. If you are using the domain name in your FTP client and not the IP you may very well be loading files onto the other server, which is probably controlled by the phisher. If it is one server with multiple seperate sites on it, it is a shared server, ultimatly anyone with elevated permissions that has access to another site could access your home directory. If the 89. IP address is actually correct there are 800+/- sites using that IP, definitely a posibility of there being issues elsewhere on the server. -> http://whois.domaintools.com/ <-
  22. Looking at your server IP it looks as though there are at least 12 sites hosted on the same server. -> http://whois.domaintools.com/ Are all these yours? It would lead me to believe that it is a shared environment, whcih all sites should be checked for any compromised files. Your log entry simply means that someone or something tried to access the script to load up a new shell. If the patched file is in place it will return the 200 status as is noted but with the "exit;" in the patched file nothing more will happen. If you are installing and actually getting compromised again there is only 3 things that it could be in my opinion; 1 - You are not using the patched version of the ofc_upload_image.php file. 2 - There is another site on the server that is compromised that has access to your directory, possibly through the links created by a symlink attack. 3 - You have not changed passwords (FTP, cPanel, email) that were exposed in the original compromise.
  23. Is this a shared server? If you are deleting everything and using a new install of phpvms that either has the patched file or has the file removed and you are still being compromised I would guess that there is another compromised site on the server that has shell access to all the sites and just replaces the offending files in your server space. That or there is an exploit file above the web root of your hosting, for example in your /home directory. One of my dedicated servers I use for resale had this same issue which eventually turned into a DNS Amplification attack. If you have root access do a scan of the entire server, if not get your host to do it.
  24. The coupon code 5OFF has been extended till 10/18/13 due to the site not being readily available over the recent days.
  25. Eddie, looks like you have downloaded the latest version which is setup to run with the latest development version of phpVMS using the .php template extensions. Try downloading the version located here which has the .tpl template version, this should solve the issue you are seeing. https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-Plugins_Manager/tree/tpl_version
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