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michael Kraan

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Everything posted by michael Kraan

  1. Yeah thank you i see that in that by repair too Current Time and Date: 2011.Dec.29 17:07h Only when is the repair done? sorry for the many questions Im new with phpvms
  2. Its now working! thanks! only when i repair a aircraft say the: repair clear on 29 december 16:33 and i push the button on 29 december 22:44 (i from holland:P) what is the time in the mod?
  3. Haha sorry ! its now okay! i have now the price! only i have no price in the fleet table,, that is now again: 0,00� if i do dollars than i have that: 0,00$ And if i push on buy than i have the price: New: price: 142.582.809,60 Lease: 2.376.380,16$ per Month (Airbus A318) High prices... hahaha
  4. I have three screen for you, 1: mysql 2: buy aircaft 3: edit aircraft! 1: 2: 3:
  5. i have 0 airplanes buy, that is the price see the picture
  6. i have 0 airplanes buy, that is the price see the picture
  7. This patch fix the problems THANSK! :lol: Only one think the price is 0 dollar.. haha thats only probleem, (I enter all data from the aircraft at the site) 0,00� that stands to me as the price
  8. Okay i try now again! i let you know if it works
  9. can you send version 0.8 i have only 0.9, or where can i download ?
  10. It now not working,, its same error.. maybe you with teamviewer, see what the problem is with me? or i send the files to you? with mediafire? wait i upload my files, than can you look, if you want? Michael
  11. Yes all information is done
  12. Nightgwawk, the files is on the just place. (admin/modules/Buysell/Buysell.php) i have install the files to my phpvms and the mysql in mysql database! i have install correct! but i have only the error when i buy a aircraft, and de price is: 0,00 Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Operations' does not have a method 'buysellaircraft' in /home/airopavi/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 Do you have the solution?
  13. Thanks for help! 1: install phpvms full version 2: install php beta And now can i not update my mysql on phpvms
  14. Hello everybody, I have one problem, and many questions. Problem one: I have download the last BETA form PHPVMS. and install that. but i have 1 problem, i cant update my MySQL? MySQL give a error that the database is al ready (and wich MySQL file must i upload?) questions one: I will see in flight log, that the pilot the automatic pilot turned off, is that posible? and how? questions two: How can i see the points of the flight in the flight map or in the live map? questions three: is it possible to change all flight numbers in one time? i have more than 1000 schedules, But the flight numbers is not good it must change. i hope that one person or more can help me with the questuions and problem. Thanks for helping,
  15. Sorry,, i have again a error,, Okay, i buy a plane, en than: Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Operations' does not have a method 'buysellaircraft' in /home/airopavi/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 This is my PHPVMS BETA VERSION: that is te last update that i found.. License & About | Version v2.1.934-163-g97231fb
  16. Thanks its now working i remove the data from aircraft
  17. Hello, I added the mysql file to my phpmyadmin and ther is a error: Fout SQL-query: ALTER TABLE `phpvms_aircraft` ADD COLUMN `price` VARCHAR( 15 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; MySQL retourneerde: #1060 - Duplicate column name 'price' This is the first time that i install the aircraft buying Mod. Michael
  18. hello, I have a problem with my pireps, There is no information available from touchdown. He stands all the time to 0 when someone has landed. Have anybody the solution? See the log: [2011/11/21 21:29:00] Flight IATA:BA0001 Pilot Number:BA0001 Company ICAO:BA Aircraft Type:A320-200 PAX:120 Aircraft Registration:A001 Departing Airport: EGLL Destination Airport: EHAM Online: No Route:D Flight Level:24000 21:29 Zero fuel Weight: 121803 Lbs, Fuel Weight: 18291 Lbs 21:29 Parking Brakes off 21:29 Com1 Freq=128.30 21:32 VR= 163 Knots 21:32 V2= 175 Knots 21:32 Take-off 21:32 Take off Weight: 139730 Lbs 21:32 Wind: 000? @ 000 Knots Heading: 269? 21:32 POS N51? 28? 39?? W000? 27? 45?? 21:32 N11 102 N12 102 21:32 Gear Up: 178 Knots 21:32 Flaps:3 at 178 Knots 21:33 Flaps:2 at 211 Knots 21:33 Flaps:1 at 207 Knots 21:33 Flaps:0 at 201 Knots 21:41 TOC 21:41 Fuel Weight: 15707 Lb 21:47 Wind:270?@025 Knots Heading: 077? Ground Speed: 464 Knots Altitude 23996 ft 22:00 TOD 22:00 Fuel Weight: 13701 Lb 22:02 Wind:270?@024 Knots Heading: 072? Ground Speed: 405 Knots Altitude 18067 ft 22:10 Flaps:1 at 251 Knots 22:12 Gear Down: 226 Knots 22:12 Gear Up: 226 Knots 22:16 Flaps:2 at 225 Knots 22:16 Flaps:3 at 214 Knots 22:16 Gear Down: 209 Knots 22:16 Flaps:4 at 194 Knots 22:16 Flaps:5 at 189 Knots 22:16 Flaps:6 at 184 Knots 22:17 Wind:128?@004 Knots Heading: 182? Ground Speed: 173 Knots Altitude 1991 ft 22:17 Flaps:7 at 165 Knots 22:17 Flaps:8 at 156 Knots 22:19 TOC 22:19 Fuel Weight: 12772 Lb 22:22 Flaps:7 at 31 Knots 22:22 Flaps:6 at 35 Knots 22:22 Flaps:5 at 35 Knots 22:22 Flaps:4 at 31 Knots 22:22 Flaps:3 at 11 Knots 22:22 Flaps:2 at 4 Knots 22:22 Flaps:1 at 4 Knots 22:22 Flaps:0 at 4 Knots 22:24 Parking brakes on 22:24 Block to Block Duration: 00:55 22:24 Final Fuel: 12550 Lbls 22:24 Spent Fuel: 5740 Lbls 22:24 Flight Length: 287 NM 22:24 TOD Land Length: 92 NM
  19. Hi, I reinstalled everything, and it works now. Have the problem with searching on airline solved. if you give me your email, I send the files in a zip too you I only have one problem. now stands at Select An airport transfer to: example: i am on Heatrow EGGL i will go to Amsterdam i have low money for that. But. i can to Amsterdam ? can i fix that. I would say, if I do not have enough money that I can not go to another airport it is also possible when I see the flight, and then a flight number that I play in a new window opens? (because, as I have urged a flight number and want to get away I do not exist) Greet Michael
  20. Hi thanks for the reply! (i'm waiting for de update!) i install phpvms now in the first version did everything right! only the new version can't search on airline I hope that helps with that information Greets Michael
  21. yes sorry I'm new here. 1: i removed the files. 2: download core.zip 3: Install core.zip 4: i have the mysql all. 5: and i have the problem's see the screenshots They are ordered http://www.freebits.nl/images/3351.jpg http://www.freebits.nl/images/2772.jpg http://www.freebits.nl/images/5043.jpg http://www.freebits.nl/images/6994.jpg its virus and spyware free! so can you see what the problem is! Greetz Michael i go to re install PHPVMS!! (i think)hahah
  22. what is rid Greetz Michael
  23. Yeah i add the code in the local.config.php file. and save and than is the site white.. i do this: Download first zip file Download zip file 2 (core.zip) instal first zip (works airline search) install core.zip (works airline search not:S) than upload mysql to the mysql database Then install the code in local.config.php and is see white screen. how can i reinstall everything without losing data? Thanks! Michael
  24. I have that problem too! is there a solution? there is none at inactive, have several test accounts created on the site. and it does not work michael
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