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Posts posted by Nabeel

  1. Yes they have to fill in the registration. I've changed it in the next version so it will warn you if there's no aircraft filled in (it will show up)

    I'm not sure if that's your issue though. Are you sure the reports are reaching the site? Do a quick 5 min flight with everything filled in to see if it works.

    If aircraft is your issue, a temp fix for now:

    core/common/pirepdata.class.php, line 60ish:

    INNER JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft a ON a.id = p.aircraft

    Change that INNER to LEFT so it reads:

    LEFT JOIN '.TABLE_PREFIX.'aircraft a ON a.id = p.aircraft

  2. According to site referrals, it seems as though there about 60+ VAs now using phpVMS in one form or another. I would like to build a list, but make it voluntary to add your VA to the mix. This list will be automatically aggregated on another page.

    Put your entry as:

    Virtual Airline Name - Website Address

    No other comments please, just the name and address :)

  3. You'll have to adjust the table CSS to fix that. Same with the search.To have them all showing, mess with the HTML in the schedule_searchform.tpl

    As for the aircraft flight, that's a known bug and been fixed in the next version.

  4. Ok, find that sscanf() line, around line 499,

    replace that line and the next one with this:

    $txtcolor = str_replace('#', '',  Config::Get('SIGNATURE_TEXT_COLOR'));
    $color = sscanf($txtcolor, '%2x%2x%2x');
    $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($img, $color[0], $color[1], $color[2]);

  5. Hey,

    Exactly what PHP version?

    Send me a link to a file with just this:


    Put that in it, call it info.php and send that over.

    Also, reupload, s ometimes when there's a break in the connection (happens often with FTP), random error like this happen.

  6. Will we be able to set the currency in Euro ?

    (You won't get rid of me... ;D )


    Haha yup, there's an option in the settings for it (rem to check here ;))

    There's no conversions though, makes it easier. if you enter 10, it'll be $ or euro depending on the sign you enter in the setting.

  7. <Copied from Sneak Peak>

    Another sneak shot of the very basic (atm) financials. You can add expenses for monthly costs. What hasn't been included are your assets - you can assign a cost for each aircraft in your fleet, as your assets, to calculate your net worth.

    What's going to be included are monthly financials (maybe in this next release, I'm ending new features next week, so if I get it, then I get to it), where it will build a report for every month. There's a bit of a technical challenge there which I haven't gotten to just yet. I'm fitting in all the pieces, as I'm aiming for an end of Jan release.


  8. Hm, you know guys. My math might have been wrong.. LOL.

    I said 720, /60 would give the hours, but instead I divided by 12, to give 60 hours. I mean to divide by 60. D'oh!! I must not have been thinking... way to confuse myself.

    So set it to 144, that'll give you a 12 hour timeout (just do the hours by 12 for now). I've fixed that...

    But if you wanna leave it at 720, check core/common/ACARSData.class.php, line 184ish, change the 12 to 60.

  9. Yup, you can change Google Map size as well, its in your core/local.config.php:

    Config::Set('MAP_WIDTH', '600px');
    Config::Set('MAP_HEIGHT', '400px');
    Config::Set('MAP_TYPE', 'G_PHYSICAL_MAP');
    Config::Set('MAP_LINE_COLOR', '#ff0000');
    Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LAT', '45.484400');
    Config::Set('MAP_CENTER_LNG', '-62.334821');

    As for languages, once I finalize the admin panel, translations there can occur :)

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