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Posts posted by Nabeel

  1. Total profit? I'm building those functions in, including cost per flight, passengers per flight, cost, you know, basic financials.

    Those numbers, not yet, I'm gonna be shortening that to the hundreth place

  2. under the include 'core/codon.config.php';

    Template::Set('extrafields', RegistrationData::GetCustomFields());
    Template::Set('allairlines', OperationsData::GetAllAirlines(true));
    Template::Set('allhubs', OperationsData::GetAllHubs());
    Template::Set('countries', Countries::getAllCountries());



  3. Yup, the names have to be the same, it checks the local skin folder first to see if it's there, otherwise it'll go to the default.

    I've seen some people make a custom .php page with stuff, but the problem is, it'll forward back to the one within the system.

    You can include the registration form like:

    Template::Show('registration_mainform.tpl') (I think that's what it's called... lol), instead of re-doing the entire form, so

    <title><?php echo $title ?></title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    include 'core/codon.config.php';
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> 

    Maybe that helps? I need my coffee

  4. You will need phpMyAdmin. Open it up, goto the phpvms_aircraft table. Click on structure, and scroll down until you see the "Indexes" section. There is an index on the "name" column, called "UNIQUE". Click the red X to remove it.

    Indexes:   Keyname Type Cardinality Action Field

    PRIMARY  PRIMARY 19       id 

    name  UNIQUE 19       name   <<<<<<<<<

    This usually happens if you missed an update, or just did a fresh install without refreshing the database.

  5. Also you need commas between the fields (CSV = comma separated values), though excel will insert those if you export.

    Match up the columns as well. Distance, etc are optional, though they will come in handy in the future for financials and reports.

    Also make sure you're using the registration number for the aircraft.

    I know times in decimal format are a little unnatural, but its easier to handle it in mysql.

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