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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yup, the names have to be the same, it checks the local skin folder first to see if it's there, otherwise it'll go to the default. I've seen some people make a custom .php page with stuff, but the problem is, it'll forward back to the one within the system. You can include the registration form like: Template::Show('registration_mainform.tpl') (I think that's what it's called... lol), instead of re-doing the entire form, so <head> <title><?php echo $title ?></title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <?php include 'core/codon.config.php'; Template::Show('core_htmlhead.tpl'); ?> </head> <?php Template::Show('core_htmlreq.tpl'); ?> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"> .... <?php Template::Show('registration_mainform.tpl'); ?> ... Maybe that helps? I need my coffee
  2. just do include 'core/codon.config.php';
  3. Yup np. I'm revamping a ton of backend code. I've eliminated about 10 function calls so far on the backend. I'm revisiting alot of code and changing things up.
  4. Change it to .php, not .html, and include core/codon.config.php at the top of the file.
  5. Ignore it, the versioning code needs to be changed, but don't worry about it
  6. I am looking into it, may be difficult though, since there are alot of factors, including OS (wget, unzip, unavailable or differe from one system to another), host settings for external url fopen() etc, but I'm going to look into it
  7. You will need phpMyAdmin. Open it up, goto the phpvms_aircraft table. Click on structure, and scroll down until you see the "Indexes" section. There is an index on the "name" column, called "UNIQUE". Click the red X to remove it. This usually happens if you missed an update, or just did a fresh install without refreshing the database.
  8. You don't have to add distance or routes; and leave the times as is, as long as the time format you use is consistent it doesn't matter. Office ******* about CSV, but just ignore it.
  9. You call the function from the StatsData module as such: Total Hours: <?php echo StatsData::TotalHours(); ?><br /> Total Flights: <?php echo StatsData::TotalFlights(); ?>
  10. Also you need commas between the fields (CSV = comma separated values), though excel will insert those if you export. Match up the columns as well. Distance, etc are optional, though they will come in handy in the future for financials and reports. Also make sure you're using the registration number for the aircraft. I know times in decimal format are a little unnatural, but its easier to handle it in mysql.
  11. Well, can't argue if it works May have been an older version, since there were not database updates in this latest one. From here on out, I'm minimizing any database changes.
  12. I will add that into the docs! Thanks. What was the problem?
  13. Reupload that file, usually means it broke in the middle of uploading, and did not resume correctly Hmm my posts are in reverse order.
  14. Nabeel


    Excellent! Glad to hear And no prob... I forgot to make that clear
  15. Here's a quick bash script to update phpVMS to the latest version. It'll download the update version from the server, unzip it, delete the local.config.php, and then copy the files to where phpVMS is located. You need SSH access to your server (ask your host). You can either download the zip file, and extract the file to your server, or use vi, whatever to create this script: NOTE: The download URL has changed #!/bin/bash PHPVMS_PATH="/path/to/phpvms" echo "Retrieving update" rm phpvms.update.zip wget --no-cache --no-clobber http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.update.zip rm -drf phpvms echo "Unzipping file" unzip -q phpvms.update.zip rm -f phpvms/core/local.config.php echo "Copying files" cp -rf phpvms/* $PHPVMS_PATH echo "Done!" The only thing you need to do is change the PHPVMS_PATH (no trailing slash!). If you download the zip file, open the file in Wordpad (notepad will screw up the line endings), and change that path to where phpVMS is located. I recommend placing it in it's own directory. So upload the file (updatephpvms, no file extension) Then give execute permissions, and execute: chmod +x updatephpvms ./updatephpvms After this, you still need to run the /install/update.php, but at least the bottleneck of downloading and then uploading via FTP is gone. Nabeel updatephpvms.zip
  16. Nabeel


    The import aircraft are supposed to be the registration numbers, not the aircraft names, I updated the instructions on the page/docs. Since it's in the database, you can just edit the schedule to the right aircraft. Next update, I'll change it to overwrite existing schedules. Gah, I left debug text in there. Just patched that, it's upto version 458. Just update admin/modules/Import. But it doesn't make a difference.
  17. Hey everyone, 1.1.458 is available on the downloads page. It's been going under heavy testing, and all the issues from past have been fixed. * Added page encoding option * Added option for changing pilot ID length * Added option to change signature text color * Admin can edit PIREPS * Some admin reports added (more to come) * FSACARS bug fixes - follow the instructions in the docs * Admin panel styles cleaned up * Bug fixes (alot of em!) Some notes : If a PIREP is not showing up, or the aircraft is blank, edit the pirep to include the aircraft. Because of the switch to registration numbers, some PIREPs did not "cross over" to include them. For FSACARS, follow the instructions in the docs. Mainly about the flight IATA fields, pilot number, and the registration. And you should be good to go. There are no database changes in this version, just bug fixes. As usual, post any problems or comments. Edit: Released was 1.1.457. 458 just removes some debug text from the importer. Thanks everyone for your patience! Nabeel
  18. Nabeel


    No, but it's been fixed in the build coming out this weekend. You'll be able to have the same types, and diff registrations. A bunch of bugs cropped up, but hang in there, another day or two. The ability to edit PIREPs is also there. FSACARS, bunch of bugs also fixed, I redid a bunch of the code. Make sure your airports are added as well.
  19. If you have phpMyAdmin you can adjust the size of that field, I'll do that as well in my update build.
  20. Nabeel


    Thanks. I think I've fixed the problem. View the FAQ for the instructions, patch will be hopefully this weekend.
  21. Nabeel


    Signatures are generated automatically, for each pilot. They are regenerated and stored, to alleviate server load. They're regenerated when a PIREP is filed, or an admin selects the option in the admin panel. The general format of a signature link is: http://yourvasite.com/lib/signatures/YOUR_PILOT_CODE.png So if you are VMA0045 - http://yourvasite.com/lib/signatures/VMA0045.png And this can be used as the link to a forum, etc. The basic signature is create from the background.png file, in /lib/signatures. The signature image will take the size of the background image (so if it's 500x150, then the signature will be that same size). They are all generated as PNGs. There are several options for signatures in your local.config.php: Config::Set('SIGNATURE_TEXT_COLOR', '#FFFFFF'); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_SHOW_EARNINGS', true); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_SHOW_RANK_IMAGE', true); Config::Set('SIGNATURE_SHOW_COPYRIGHT', true); SIGNATURE_TEXT_COLOR - The text color on the signature SIGNATURE_SHOW_EARNINGS - Show how much money a pilot has made (true/false) SIGNATURE_SHOW_RANK_IMAGE - Show the image for the rank of the pilot (true/false) SIGNATURE_SHOW_COPYRIGHT - Show the "powered by phpVMS, VA Name" (true/false) If you change an option, or the background image, in the admin panel dashboard, click "Generate Signatures". This will refresh all of them.
  22. I installed an addin which may help: http://www.phpvms.net/forum/index.php?action=recent
  23. You cannot change pilot IDs. You cannot change an individual pilot's ID. Do not change pilot IDs. Or else you will loose data, and chaos will ensue. You can change what the start number is though: http://www.phpvms.net/docs/users#changing_the_pilots_id_starting_number Note, this is only a superficial change of the pilot number, otherwise they start from 1, due to database constrictions
  24. Nabeel

    Importing Schedules

    You can import all your schedules from CSV. Goto "Operations" and then "Import Schedules". There is a link to download the CSV template, or you can download it from the post attachment. Notes: The airline MUST be added before you import For best results - add all your airports before you import. Otherwise, it will go and grab the airport, but this can potentially cause a problem by either PHP running past it's maximum execution time, or completely failing because your host blocks URL fopen commands. The route, leg, distance, and flight time columns can be blank. The aircraft REGISTRATION NUMBER must be used. Otherwise it will fail. I need the registration number. If you do not use registration numbers, view this post on how to get around it.. template.zip
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