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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hey,I don't have an exact date, since it's too soon to really tell. But the alpha testing phase is nearing, so I'm projecting a final release for sometime in early summer. I'm working as fast as I can!Look out for more news though.
  2. Nabeel


    Hey there! Welcome... I'll be posting an announcement about that.
  3. You can post your feature requests here. Check out the about page (link above), those are the basic features that will be included.FSACARs and potentially FSPassengers support will also be included, as add-ons.Thanks!
  4. Nabeel


    The project wiki page is located at:http://www.phpvms.net/wiki/homeThis will be more populated as we decide on details, and other aspects of the project. This will remain as the "defacto" resource, also for people who would want to tinker with the code to customize, or for people who would be interested in writing modules (more information to come on this later).Project specs, etc, are all listed here, as they'll be used to guide us during the project.It's left as "read-only" for general users.Unfortunately, phpBB doesn't have an RSS function, so we encourage you to also sign up on the mailing list. We will use it to post new announcements, though they'll also be cross posted here.We'll have a more functional main page coming up also, as a "blog" format, which hopefully will also have RSS functionality.We will have a test/demo site available eventually, as we get closer to a usable state.Thanks allNabeel
  5. Nabeel


    Welcome to the message board for phpVMS! This is the place for any questions, comments, etc.
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