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Posts posted by Nabeel

  1. OK. I've installed phpVMS again today. Seems that it now completely works... although it is in php safe mode. Strange, but fine for me ;-) I must say, from the first time I've installed phpVMS, it has become very nice! Keep on the good work!
    Thanks! icon_e_biggrin.gif
  2. Hi,I would like to request some extra features for the crewsystem. Feel free to consider them.*To possibility to to add weekdays to the flight schedule. Not all flights of the va's timetable are operated daily!*Some standard scripts/addons for VAs to integrate phpVMS into there own website, like: a flight search script (like a booking engine), a login script (so pilots can login to the phpvms systems from the va's homepage), a pilot roster script, a departing flights script (which gives you e.g. the first 10 flights that will depart from your main hub ), ...*A mailing list, to send notams directly to all pilots mailboxLast, Currently the system doesn't work properly with php is safe mode. Although a lot of hosting providers (e.g. the large company one.com) don't give you the choice, and php is always set in safe mode. Should it be possible to make phpVMS working in safe mode?Anthony
    Running in safe-mode is kinda a non-standard way, hosts shouldn't really be running under safe mode. It cuts into the main PHP functionality.The things I can think of off the top of my head which won't work are the pages which create files.The rest, I can try to implement.Weekday schedules - will be tough but I can implement a simple string which will show the days.The rest of the things can be implemented, either through add-ons. This system is kinda meant to be a "replacement" for a site, since it has some CMS capabilities as well. If you're slightly proficient with PHP or HTML, it's easy to implement sections of the site into your own PHP pages. It'll just be some copy/pasting from the template file (which is plain HTML) into your own pages.
  3. Crap, I left out the one field in the installer.sql.That's going up right now.I can't reproduce the javascript.tpl error. It's on the second page right? We've run into this before, I thought I had it fixed.Is the template for that javascript file different?

  4. Uh oh, you broke it! icon_razz.gifIs this an install from scratch I'm assuming, not over-writing a previous install?Hmm, the group ID is missing. Interesting...Thanks,I'll check it out. I probably won't have a fix tonight, it'll have to be tomorrow (sorry!)

  5. Ah thats the in the connection test file... Shouldn't affect the installer though. I'll have it fixed. If you open the file install/dbtest.php, just change the line:

    include 'bootloader.inc.php';


    include 'loader.inc.php';


  6. About time right?http://phpvms.net/docs/downloadsBuild 321 (the V1 build!)Remember to backup and then restore your core/local.config.php** The build was 320 but is now 321, fixing a few installer errors **New Stuff/Changes

    • Updated framework.
    • New Admin panel, sidebar with integrated help, cleaner design.
    • Aiports can be selected as hubs.
    • Pilot selects hub on registration (admin can change).
    • Admin viewing PIREP can see PIREPs only on their hub.
    • API Documentation (http://www.phpvms.net/docs/api) for plug-ins.
    • Public Pilot profile is available.
    • Deleting schedule now asks "Are you sure?".
    • Admin can edit profile fields of a user.
    • User edit tabs fixed up
    • Added link to latest PIREP RSS feed in admin panel.
    • RSS Feed for latest registrations
    • RSS Feed for latest PIREPS
    • Map size can be changed (see below "Additional Settings")
    • Pages enable/disable, public/private options.
    • Admin panel sidebar shows some more stats.
    • Code streamlining (massive!).
    • MySQLi blocker bug fixed; allowed back as an option in the installer.
    • Google map lat/long is centered when route is shown.
    • If a page isn't there (physically), error is properly displayed.

    Updated Queries

    ALTER TABLE `phpvms_airports` ADD `hub` SMALLINT NOT NULL ;	ALTER TABLE `phpvms_pilots` ADD `hub` VARCHAR( 4 ) NOT NULL AFTER `location` ;	ALTER TABLE `phpvms_customfields` CHANGE `public` `public` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y',	CHANGE `showonregister` `showonregister` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y';		ALTER TABLE `phpvms_pilots` CHANGE `confirmed` `confirmed` SMALLINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',	CHANGE `retired` `retired` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y';		ALTER TABLE `phpvms_pages` CHANGE `public` `public` SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';ALTER TABLE `phpvms_settings` CHANGE `core` `core` SMALLINT NOT NULL;

    Additional Settings: The following can be added to your core/local.config.php to over-ride the default values: Add them at the end, before the ?> tags. local.config.php is not over-written during updates.

       // Change the side of the Google Map which shows   $Config['MAP_WIDTH'] = '600px';   $Config['MAP_HEIGHT'] = '400px';

  7. I'm building a quick FAQ for the "prelaunch".Any tips, etc you have which I can just put up there?This thread will stay open as well for any other tips/suggestions.Yes, this means a release is (somewhat) close!

  8. Whenever deleting an item the page should ask if your sure. There might also be some mechanism for deleting multiple entries at once.
    It pops up a box asking if you're sure. The multiple entries I might implement, but it's quick enough to double click through.
    Certain staff members should receive notification on certain events (Pilot Join, PIREP FILED) etc.
    RSS feeds are generated on PIREP file. So you can subscribe. I can also generate a feed for pilot joining. I'll see about revamping this to include an email sent.
    Add the ability to sort displayed scheduled (By Flight Number, By Departure Time, By Arrival Time, By Flight Leanth, etc)
    Do you mean just in the list?I took out the sorting while I was revamping that section. It'll be back.
  9. Download: http://www.phpvms.net/docs/downloadsShould be pretty solid.New Stuff

    • Officially sync'd with Codon framework (http://www.nsslive.net/codon)
    • Added license information to source files (GPL'd)
    • Pilot profile shows PIREPs for that pilot
    • Ranks are edit-able
    • Images for Ranks - in the options, enter the URL to the image, full or the path to the image from the root
    • Editable/Deletable schedules
    • Login notifies the unconfirmed/rejected pilots, disallows their login


    • PIREP/Schedules disconnected so editing/deletion doesn't affect NOTE: This *requires* the updated query below, or else you will loose any PIREPs made on that schedule
    • Pilot profile moved out of popup box (easier to work with)
    • Template over-riding is working properly
    • All of the schedules show up properly
    • Prettied up Admin Panel
    • Reorganized PIREP page
    • Some updates/improvments to Google Maps code
    • PIREP list bugfix
    • CSS bug with huge gap fixed on some forms

    Settings Added:

    $Config['PILOTID_OFFSET'] = 1000; 

    Add/Set this in your local.config.php; i.e a setting of 1000 will start your pilot ID at 1000. This only affects the views. Default is 0. Update Queries (Replace phpvms_ with your table prefix)

    ALTER TABLE `phpvms_pireps` DROP INDEX `flightnum`;ALTER TABLE `phpvms_ranks` ADD `rankimage` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `rank` ;

    If the first query does not work, then drop the table and reinstall, sorry. MySQL is sometimes retarded.

  10. Once you get used to the way the system is designed it's pretty easy.I think though that the template files should be included in the "skin" folder/file instead of as part of the core package.The way it stands now if I change skinning templates I have to go in and manually change or recreate the template files. I think the one in the CORE files should be the default and any similarly named files in the SKINS folder should override the defaults. However that may be very difficult to code at this stage and I don't feel setting it up that way should be such a high priority that it detracts from the overall work.*Updated* I also wonder how easy it will to upgrade to subsequent versions if the templates get overwritten everytime I install a new build
    That is how it's supposed to work. Hmm, maybe there's a bug there. I will definitely look into this for this weekend's build. I coulda sworn it was working.The proper way is to copy the template file into the folder of the skin you're using (so if you're using the "default" skin, your updated templates go into that folder, that way it's easy to package up a complete skin with it's own design templates), not in the skins directory root. And that file will be used over the one sitting in the core. I think I need to revisit the main templating engine since I wrote it a while ago for another project, it needs some fixing.But on the next build back up your templates, then put them in the folder of the skin you're using now. Or on the build you're using, try it out. I'll test this as well this week.
  11. For the time, you can enter the time in whatever format you want. If you enter the time-zone, etc in, I should be able to manipulate it, though I'm not really sure. If you want though, you can enter both times into the field. It's open-ended really.I put the line changes in my queue, good idea, but it probably won't be for the next build, maybe the one after that. It'll require some database changes, and a new section in the admin panel. I need to plan it out. but my question is - enter a line, or choose the aircraft? I guess I'll have an option for "either/or" . Will there really be this many changes to schedules? Just trying to get some information so I can design this the best way.The problem with editing a schedule though - the schedule is linked to a flight report. So if you change the destination on a schedule, it will change it across the reports. It's linked like this so in some time, there can be some statistics. Maybe I'll have the locations unchangeable, but other data is. But that was my reasoning for not allowing deletes or edits; since one part coincides with another. I'll figure something out. But no problem, lend your input at any time icon_e_smile.gifHopefully I should have the next build by this weekend.

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