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Everything posted by selwynorren

  1. Count me in too. I am looking forward to this add on
  2. Hey Nabeel, Thank so much!! Ig you have not heard it before I just wanted to say what a brilliant support service you give to an absolutely fabulous product. Job very, very well done!!!
  3. Hey Nabeel, When I check the downloads page for the Beta version. I notice that the last date is still listed for 5 April 2010 (Basically two versions aago. Is it uploaded somewhere else? (I am checking http://downloads.phpvms.net).
  4. Thanks guys for the feedback. Tom I think I agree regarding the marquee. Ill take another peek at that menu list at the bottom, Firefox shows all the links the same size, but that may be as I have clicked on each and everyone of them during beta testing Thanks Nabeel, Ill give it a try.
  5. Hi Guys, The site is still a work in progress but almost complete. I would love to hear some comments before I completely finalise it. Nabeel or anyone else with the know how. How do I include a separate php page. The complete list of links in the bottom are now a permanent fixture in the Layout.tpl file, originally I wanted to use the standard <?php include ("bottom_links.php"); ?> but that just would not work at all. I also renamed the file to bottom_links.tpl and use the standard templateShow to bring it into action, but that would not work either. What have I done wrong? Looking forward to your comments regarding the site Cheers
  6. I have this same problem here. On an earlier version, it worked fine. Problem I have also is I dont use 4 zero's in any of my pilot numbers but 3 of them. Will this affect me?
  7. Hi lorathon Would it be possible to share that code you have created? Thanks Selwyn
  8. Now what am I missing? How do you mean included in the latest release :D
  9. Well this was sad!! So I installed the Pilot shop, was a little confused but managed it ok and setup a few shops. a new release of phpVMS beta was made available and I always run the beta stuff on my site, just logged in now to work on the shop again, and guess what! It gone :D Does phpVMS offer admin template skins like the site normally does? Or will I have to install the Admin section each time there is an upgrade. By the way, really cool add on!!!! but is it really necessary to be so complicated?
  10. Great, Thanks Nabeel, Ill give it a try later today
  11. Hi Nabeel, You are just super Cool!!! But what did I do wrong. I wanted to use the table sorter as I saw it here on the forum. I wanted to be able to sort some or other table, and i never got it working. I write the javascript as I saw in the form into my header.tpl file Again... Super Cool!!!!
  12. Hi Nabeel, there is nothing showing up at all, complete white page, except for the table where teh flight are listed. I'll double check tonight, when I switch back over to windows for some flying if there is a list of currently flying pilots. I have re uploaded the /lib/js folder completely (after deleting the live version). with no flight active at this stage, this is the output of the error console in Fire Fox, for teh live map page: Warning: Expected end of value for property but found 'no-repeat'. Error in parsing value for property 'background-image'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://www.orrencharters.co.za/lib/skins/orrencharters/styles.css Line: 236 Warning: Expected end of value for property but found 'no-repeat'. Error in parsing value for property 'background-image'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://www.orrencharters.co.za/lib/skins/orrencharters/styles.css Line: 239 Warning: Error in parsing value for property 'filter'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://www.orrencharters.co.za/lib/skins/orrencharters/styles.css Line: 343 Warning: Error in parsing value for property 'top'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://www.orrencharters.co.za/lib/css/phpvms.css Line: 116 Warning: Error in parsing value for property 'filter'. Declaration dropped. Source File: http://www.orrencharters.co.za/lib/css/phpvms.css Line: 212 Warning: The stylesheet http://www.orrencharters.co.za/index.php/styles.css was loaded as CSS even though its MIME type, "text/html", is not "text/css". Source File: http://www.orrencharters.co.za/index.php/acars Line: 0 Warning: Selector expected. Ruleset ignored due to bad selector. Source File: http://www.orrencharters.co.za/index.php/styles.css Line: 1 Warning: Found unclosed string ''t exist!</p>'. Unexpected end of file while searching for closing } of invalid rule set. Source File: http://www.orrencharters.co.za/index.php/styles.css Line: 110 Error: $("table").tablesorter is not a function Source File: http://www.orrencharters.co.za/index.php/acars Line: 27 I have not customised the page, nor made mods to any existing css properties. so everything that is showing the the native files I hope that helps
  13. Hi Guys Here is my problem, The last Beta build (Cant remember which one it was) stopped showing the live map. I never cared much to check what going on, I honestly thought its probably must a setting I screwed up. Last night I upgraded to the latest Beta Version 1.3.787 and I still cannot see the live map. I have been to a few other phpVMS users' sites and I can see their live map with no issue. I can see the Route maps and the pirep maps with no problems. I did a search in the forums for this occurrence and tried some of the solutions mentioned there, nut nothing is brining it back. I check the error logs in firefox, and besides the table sorted that was mentioned there were no errors to mention at all. Any ideas?
  14. Ahhh that would make sense of my problem. What does that line actually do?
  15. OK thanks, would you consider it ;D ;D ;D
  16. Hey Nabeel, Thanks for that, I just uploaded my original FrontBids Module and its all fixed. Would this need to be replaced each time there is a beta upgrade?
  17. Hi Guys I apologise for this obscure heading, not sure what else to call it. I have just upgraded to the latest beta, now on my home page I am getting a weird error under recent bids. http://www.orrencharters.co.za/index.php I had this before but for teh life of me I cant remember what I did to correct it Any advice? Before I forget I did run the update script
  18. Hmm, Sounds like fun... count me in.
  19. Hay Nabeel, Would it be possible to organise the download order (Category Order) either manually or possibly alphabetically?
  20. Seriously? That is AWESOME!!!!
  21. Honestly I never checked, My apologies, Kinda thought it happened automatically. My Bad :-[
  22. Thanks Nabeel, Ill check it out as well
  23. Hey Nabeel, yeah that was dumb of me, a few hours after posting I realised, that there were also some update version that I never updated to, so by updating only a few files would never work at all. Would it be safe for be to update again? What I meant was that, usually I need to log in to the admin to accept the pirep, but there was no pirep data on the site. I am also not getting any email notifications (but that could be from incomplete update as well.
  24. Just completed a test flight, but no luck at all. I get the flight data from the site and start teh log. My flight shows up on teh live map but says that fsacars is closed. it does track the flight, speed etc. X-ACARS seems happy as well. After shut down I click stop log, then send log, pop up window says server responded with success. When I log in to accept teh pirep, there is no data there. I only uploaded the pages listed as changed in teh Build log and ran teh update script, is that enough or shoudl I be uploading all teh pages? Thansk for teh time and effort Nabeel [Edit] What I did notice is that the username and password is on teh same line in teh Ini file for X acars. User = OCC0001Password = Dont know if that matter at all
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