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Everything posted by joeri

  1. this is sutch a strange topic in the past you always chosen the option to NOT listen to us and now suddenly your are making appologies to an other virtual pia and to us. imho you got a not so nice letter from somebody and now you mom or dad went crazy. again iff you are a chilled you would better not be opening a va instead join others. good luck
  2. Taylor its sad that you copyied an other site but i like your maturaty .as everybody know we all will go that way and see something we like and copy it befor we get the full picture and change it back again. and ADA sad to see that you take this out off a privat mather in to the public as i recall yo uhad your copyright problems with Lufthansa Airlines(the real thing) in the past. Taylor GOOD luck with your va
  3. actually iff you ever interested let me know i have something for you
  4. look HERE
  5. your welcome
  6. do you have a link to the jetlantic virtual so we can seer your work
  7. why would this not work but you will need xacars to track you flight
  8. why not make an own acount and btw its best that the webmaster is here on the forum and not the event coordinator
  9. lol and i have to belive that cmon stope joking
  10. Walleed stop offering info that is not fully correct. good morning sir the info provided by pia is for 50% correct alter the email_registrationaccepted.tpl found in the core/template but remember to save it in Lib/skins/yourskin or it wil be overwrited every update. regards joeri
  11. Server config issue, most likely the connection to the sql server. Check what settings your host has for the sql server
  12. its now almost a month after you initial post whetre you mentiont yo uwhere finished iff i had to pay 500-750 $ for a site and it takes this long i would ask my money back
  13. HAHA Tom you notished also thout i was missing something thats just a small . error i think :-)
  14. Jeff it seems they never learn and payware aircraft and mainly PMDG ar a Pain in the A... for tracker developers this issuie is almost on every tracker out there
  15. thats sad to read that you are closing doors i liked the template that you made
  16. opening a website again
  17. the one you mention there was walleed a member but srewed it there and now he is trying it himself
  18. thats a different webiste Eddie
  19. looking at my rep indeed its walleed again back with yet an other airline
  20. New name walleed
  21. run the checkinstall and checkdb plz
  22. in the ADMIN section i can't choose to vieuw active or inactive schedulles all are just visible
  23. thank you verry much. i hope you won't change to maany as the current site looks are verry nice
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