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Everything posted by joeri

  1. ok with the -1 i presume you don't have permissons. good luck
  2. do you have permission
  3. i can't wait to see that website becouse 500-700 its gota be something speciall but i don't think it will be so mush more than the ones out there for the mometn
  4. thats a lot of converting from paint with DXT3 i did it also in the past but then i found covimx it will let me convert my psd files directly to bmp or dds its easy and fast
  5. pm me some info so i can look at your site becouse wit hfsx you wont get far
  6. joeri


    i belive so
  7. i dont think it will work on 1 phpvms install as the airlines manager in the admin will see the ICAO as the same and will give an error
  8. i use THE Gimp and just google for fs painting manual there are lots off them and everybody uses different ways to paint and convert
  9. in the local config is a setting about the hight and with i belive just change that one i think
  10. closing this as the TS has changed his orriginal post after some PM ing to me
  11. sorry to say but not good firrst off all you are on free hosting second your main website and your vms install differ and even don't have the same skin. and last but not least do you have permission from Star alliance
  12. some off these markings i find verry strange. about the websites iff you just ask for things in the correct forum here on vms you will get awnsers but iff i recall you made some bold statemends in the pas i belive so manny off use are not in the mood to help. on the point off the websites just ask your question maby with a screenshot or a paint made by yourself to state what you are trying to do . on the rest i wont commetn annymore iff you are only a "charter" airline vacentral will still perfectly work.
  13. joeri

    Incomplet Log

    Sadly we don't support fsacars annymore plz try kacars work simular and even better
  14. joeri

    Incomplet Log

    need more info what tracker is used
  15. whats the ENB camera
  16. yep all is working again now thout you where hacked at one point had a funny text on the main page
  17. np nabeel take your time
  18. ok i think you are lost yourself you don't want it removed in this post but here you want it deleted . so whate do you want iff you are reffering to the lack off a delete button in that case indeed its not there but as Mark staded you don't want to delete anny aiports as it will mess up your database.
  19. what part off not possible don't you understand. its not possible to not show it there but keep it in the database without coding. kjfk is a defould setting the commes with install ing phpvms just edit the airport change the name do a lookup and jfk is gone from you list but its also gone from your database
  20. lesson 1 the whole cms is working with PHP coding and databases so iff you add an airport to the list you are using a queri to update the database so all the airports showing in the list are in a database so its not possible to delete a airport from the list but not out off the database
  21. maby something to try its a bigg workaround but doable download the full site to local. backup database update to beta and look whats different, and then reimplement the diffentet thing back from the downloaded site
  22. TNT VA we deliver so fast you don't see us online @ mark just poke and iff you want my(with help from Dave) codeing to compare just ask
  23. i have them in the pilot roster don't know iff its the same way look at it HERE gr joeri
  24. this is now the second time you start this tread. in my eyes it is the 2 places dropped. for the last 2 months my airline is flying like only charters but our rating is still counting as Nabeel staded tons off times its mostly the number off pireps send to Va central ther amount of pilots is also a factor but not in a high %. yet again to me it sounds like you don't like the 2 places dropped and now you are complaining again just as last time
  25. maby you wil need a bigg botle as the last thing said abaout this was like 2 months agao and yeaiiiii we are at 1500 and 1
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