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Everything posted by joeri

  1. hello Simon first problem: you can normally do a recalculate distance in the maintenence page og the admin it does theme all second problem in you public profile and in the profile main you have to enter this code <strong>Awards</strong> <?php if(is_array($allawards)) { ?> <ul> <?php foreach($allawards as $award) { /* To show the image:*/?> <li><?php echo $award->name ?><img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /></li> <?php } ?> </ul> then tey will show up. gr joeri and send some real itallian pasta to belgium
  2. Frans i am looking in to it hang on a solution will come
  3. joeri

    Acars Map

    hallo Nabeel sommething wierd if he uses a non scheddulled flight lets say mpa999c it comes on the acars map but iff he pulles a flight from the schedulles it won't show. gr joeri
  4. joeri

    IE8 error

    ok thanks
  5. nice to here +1
  6. joeri

    Acars Map

    you got pm
  7. joeri

    Acars Map

    wierd becouse i ame also on the latesed beta what i do is upload via ftp and let ir overwrite then url/install/update.php and it working fine possible you need redownload the ini file
  8. joeri

    Acars Map

    ? i just send a screen shot with the acars working are you trying with fsacars?
  9. joeri

    IE8 error

    thanks that was 1 off the errors action="<?php echo SITE_URL ?>/index.php/registration"> the action was empty thats wy it didn't work in IE8
  10. joeri

    Acars Map

    xacars i don't use fsacars it won't work correct. its outdated i alwase got the error can't connect to db. 8)
  11. joeri

    Acars Map

    don't think you gonna like this but look its workin fine for me
  12. joeri

    Acars Map

    nope i got in on the 0000 account but that could also be the problem i will register now
  13. joeri

    Acars Map

    can you add a aircraft in the test i need the registration off the plane
  14. joeri

    Acars Map

    xacars i use
  15. search the forum know error of fsacars
  16. joeri

    Acars Map

    and here is the screen for you. working like a charm.
  17. i was just typing thats 1 for you Nabeel
  18. joeri

    Acars Map

    sorry wrong picture look at this then
  19. joeri

    Acars Map

    Sir at this point i see a plane on the acars map here is the screenshot. gr joeri
  20. don't know where your from but in belgium you can pay your host by normal bank card and if you want you can link paypall to your normal bank account. will take a look at your site now gr joeri
  21. if you put in 4 hours the planes will keep staying on the map just 1 i a bid low try 120
  22. joeri

    Acars Map

    can you give me a website so i can test it plz
  23. joeri

    Acars Map

    i am on the last beta and working fine no error on the acars map. can you register on the dev site dev.phpvms.net and try a flight there see if you com on the map. gr joeri
  24. joeri

    Acars Map

    i amon the beta since august no problem here with the acarsmap
  25. joeri

    IE8 error

    no itsworking fine here
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