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Everything posted by joeri

  1. joeri


    if possible i will be joining in the beta testing dave look at you pm plz
  2. This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1527.0[/iurl]
  3. hello you can download the lates beta from here http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip gr joeri
  4. joeri


    hello Nabeel i have a small question about the distance calculator in the admin/add route if i add a rout you can calculate the correct distance or let it calculate auto now my question if i let it calculate it give a number. example:eblg-vhhh=6064.249 now if i let it calculate via a tool i found on the net it give met for the same 2 airports this 5041.51 ( http://www.airrouting.com/content/TimeDistanceForm.aspx)link to tool can you explane the difference
  5. are you using the airmail mod i think i had this in the beginning of the airmail beta1
  6. ticket #58
  7. try and reupload the file manualy
  8. update acctualy is the error i mentiont in rev 802 thats holding the acars it coonets gives te error and disconects
  9. ticket#51 acarsmap don't update using fsfk. gr joeri
  10. diddend got that far will test it in the morning now i m off to bed next to the wife warm and cosie. gr joeri
  11. ok tried it i see myself on the map but i get the following error in fsfk failed to establish a connection with the live acars server(). response <?xml version="1.0"?> <message><responscode>200</responscode><type>success</type><detail>1of1 acarsflights where updated</detail></message>1/1 gr joeri
  12. hello Jayden found your way to PHPVMS gr joeri ceo TNT Virtual
  13. hello Nabeel can i get some info for fsfk i know when we had it setup for my old va i had 3 temlpate files now only 1 is used 2: i cant see myself on the acars map using fsfk. gr joeri
  14. got it i have a profile main in my skins therefor it wasn't updating. going to test asof now gr joeri
  15. i would go for Toms > ;D
  16. here is a small thing i quickly cooked up tell me what you want and we can goe from here
  17. hey Nabeel just installed the latest beta i went from 97-800 so i did not got the fsfk update normaly this will be no problem but where can i find the settingsfor fsfk gr joeri
  18. ok the files are there could you plz try it via the defauld skin and crosscheck the plane images on that map
  19. plz go and take a look at your lib/images/inair tell me whats in there. gr joeri
  20. i was looking at your acars map but cant see anny planes only 1 in the txt under the map i know you have to put it in minutes local.config.php there you can edit it gr joeri
  21. i want it gimegimegime ;D ;D ;D ;D
  22. this is a problem i also still have my local.config is set to 1 hour and my app.config also to 1hour but they always stay on for 12 hours don't know what is wrong. gr joeri
  23. and if not i will give it a try 8) gr joeri
  24. all working at my site at lates beta
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