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Everything posted by sergiotucano

  1. We have the same problem in our VA Azul Virtual, Brazilian VA ... We have 93 PIREPS waiting for export to vaCentral. But when I click in Export pireps, I recive this : FAILED exporting PIREP #6093 - No response from API server. This problem started three days ago...
  2. We have the same problem in our VA.... We have 64 PIREPS waiting for export to vaCentral. But when I click in Export pireps, I recive this : FAILED exporting PIREP #6093 - No response from API server.
  3. the error Database Error, is a FsACARS problem. Don't have a permanent solution. And the problem don't is with host, the problem is in pilot computer. When occurs, say for pilot to uninstall the FSACARS, delete the FSACARS folder and re install FSACARS.
  4. I solved the problem. I create a mysql select with SUM in flighttime of table pireps off all pilots. And create an mysql update in table settings with new value. The script run in backgroud. Tanks for all !
  5. I understand Jeff, but, even with FsACARS this problem don't ocurred. My question is only this, why this problem happens ? I mean that this problem has nothing to do with FsACARS. For me, is or in VACentral or in PHPVMS.
  6. Anyone have an another solution? or have a solution?!
  7. Dam! We use the version 2.1.934 , the last version. The Kacars, free version , don't show some metrics importants for us. We are developing a proprietary system ...
  8. If I update the phpvms of my VA for new version we can still use the FSACARS or in new version the FSACARS was completely removed of phpvms?
  9. PIREPS are accepting automatically... And yes, I verify and that all ok with Pireps. We use FsACARS. I know, phpvms don't support FSACARS more... but before of vacentral activate the hours be counted normaly, We passing 5000 hours and stop...
  10. The Hours stopped be counted when Total VA hours got in 5300...
  11. Hi all! Well, four days ago the total VA hours of my VA don't increase. Freeze in 5.300 hours. Anybody can help me? PS: We activate de VAcentral...
  12. Tanks tutmeinster. But, this informations only on payware version, ok? Or I have all of this in free version? Thank you again !
  13. Hi all. Please somebody can inform me if Kacars show this information : Gear up and down speeds Flaps speeds max flight level fuel on destination Landing rate Flyed Aircraft V1,VR,V2 Tanks !
  14. English : Well, as nobody helped, I had to find a solution alone. So I am posting in case anyone has the same problem. About PAX: In fsacars.php a call is made to the file local configuration. I disabled this call and in file schedules_resul I set out to generate a random number according to the maximum number of pax in each aircraft and send to schedules_bids via session. The Fsacars can not get this session, the solution was to create a field in phpvms_bids table called PAX. So in file schedules_bids I send to the table the number of PAX.And in fsacars file I use this number. Conclusion, the pilots get to know the exact number of PAX before FSACARS open. About FOQA: All logs are sent as pending. I then created a script that takes these logs pending and evaluate according with the parameters set. The problem is to evaluate the script automatically logs it needs to be accessed via browse and the solution ...is make a include file in layout.tpl with a hidden div. After pilot sending the log by fsacars the log is readily evaluated. Em português Bom, como ninguém ajudou, tive que conseguir uma solução sozinho. Então, estou postando caso alguém tenha o mesmo problema. Sobre o PAX: No fsacars.php é feita uma chamada para o arquivo de local de configuração. Eu desabilitei esta chamada e programei para ele gerar um número randomico de acordo com o número máximo de pax de cada aeronave, mas isso dentro do schedules_result e passei para schedules_bids via session. O Fsacars não consegue pegar essa session, a solução foi criar um campo na tabela phpvms_bids chamada PAX. e Então dentro de schedules_bids eu envio para a tabela o número de PAX que me é passado via session. E no arquivo fsacars eu utilizo este número. Conclusão, os pilotos conseguem saber o número exato de PAX antes de abrir o FSACARS. Sobre o FOQA : Todos os logs enviados ficam como pendentes. Criei então um script que pega esses logs pendentes e avalia de acordo com os parametros estabelecidos. O problema é que para o script avalir os logs de maneira automática ele precisa ser acessado via browse, a solução foi incluir dentro do arquivo layout.tpl em uma div escondida. Após o piloto enviar o log pelo fsacars ele é prontamente avaliado.
  15. In english Hi Guys ! I've two questions : First, How I get the number of passengers on each flight? I say that number that uses in the field PAX of FsAcars. and.. Second ! When I send a log, this go for what page? I need cath this log for create a automatic FOQA system, and after send log to DB. In portuguese: Tudo certo pessoal? Tenho duas perguntas: Primeiro, de onde eu pego o número de passageiros de cada voo? Digo aquele número que o FsAcars usa no campo PAX. e Segundo, como eu capturo o logo enviado pelo FSAcars? Preciso captura-lo para criar um sistema de avaliação automático, um FOQA automático para depois de avaliado ele ir para o banco de dados.
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