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easyJet Virtual

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  1. <a href="http://www.domain.com">Text</a> This will create a link to www.domain.com and the link will look like this "Text"
  2. Yes your right, AIRMail is like a PM system within the website
  3. As far as i'm aware you would have to add a schedule for every route in the world if you wanted to do this, I dont think there is any way of doing this James Keane
  4. set up and A record for your domain to point to www. and that should work, sorry if i misunderstood your question
  5. Log into your MySQL database and remove all the tables with phpvms_ and try and install it again
  6. Im new aswell but it might say something like: <br> <br> <br> <br> $page_content Just remove a few of the <br> tags and it should be fixed !
  7. I posted "how rude james " because i know james quite well and i was joking with him. In the contract between us and easyjet it states that we can use the Name, Logo and Aircraft livery for a Virtual Airline that is Non-Profit. This includes the Favicon ! Thank you and good bye
  8. Even if i didnt want a server i would have been more that happy to help, after i got a server it was working fine. Let me remind you... who got you ServerQuery ? ME !!! Most of your facts are wrong so please correct them
  9. Yes, i agree. i misunderstood his question !
  10. Erm excuse me, we are in the process of copying permissions and channels from the old server onto out new server and we were going to tell you when we had copied all the stuff. What you say is absolute nonsense i have done my upmost to help you with your Teamspeak hosting. you are truly very immature by putting "I hope that others read this and choose to use Mark's VA instead of yours." Jesus scott get your facts right before posting nonsense ! I appreciate you helping me but no need to post this rubbish, James
  11. Those pictures are a little old That section of the T&C's was created by easyJet as part of the contract we have with them. I dont quite follow your question but that is the easyjet favicon and thats what we are using. Its easily made by putting a lowercase e in cooper black font on a #FF4E00 background ? If i have misunderstood your question please re-post ! Its not us that dont want anyone else using the favicon its easyjet ! ] Thanks, James
  12. easyJet Virtual is based in the United Kingdom (London Luton) and our aim is to mirror the operations of easyJet. We are open for anyone across the world to join. easyJet Virtual operates a modern fleet of Boeing and Airbus aircraft including the B737-700 and the A320-200. easyJet Virtual pilots have the option to fly online or offline. Join easyJet Virtual today and become part of "The web's favourite virtual airline !". We are always recruiting new pilots so "Come on, lets fly !" No experience necessary! Training can be given by our friendly team of staff, relax in our Teamspeak server, post screenshots and search for flights, all available here at easyJet Virtual ! If you wish to join us please go to www.easyjetva.net Thanks, easyJet Virtual Staff
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