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Everything posted by Leiserson
No. That isnt. Philosphy doesnt get you anywhere with .fla's and ActionScript. Everything else on your list is possible(to an extent), but the routemap is out of question unless you make it yourself in Flash. Also, visit the tutorials section and view Nabeels videos, He describes how to build a routemap module that uses the GoogleMap API and he also includes the files for download.
The map you posted is a Flash Image, Meaning this was painstakingly created in Adobe Flash. This could never be auto generated using php,xml,msxml etc. .
Would it be possible to make it possible for the administration to Add and Edit Awards and prizes for people that move up a rank or for people that reach an hour milestone. Maybe a cash bonus and/or some corny trophy icons etc. displayed on a pilot awards page in their profile. Also...What if you were to have a pilot leaderboard that displays superior pilots in rank,hours,pay,miles flown,flights flown,Web activity etc. .
Create the graphic->Create a page->Upload the image to your server or another image server->Embed the image in your page using the WYSIWYG page editor and BAM! Your all done. But i do suggest taking the time to view Nabeels videos on the google route map that will display routes as you add them in the admin panel as well as display the routes form different HUBS. Great feature if you ask me...
Click on the tutorials section of the site and nabeel shows you how to create one using php and system functions even google map intergration. Or just download the files and place them in their respective folders for the same result. If you would like a plain graphic, email me at jakewestward@gmail.com and I can help you out!
Its now February 24, 2009. I doubt anyone on here lives under a rock , but thanks for posting.
Aircraft and Pilot information can be edited through the Administration panel quite easily might I add. The information on those things are stored in the database..Which unless you know how to manage i suggest you do not edit.
This is only a pointer to editing templates...not on creating a skin entirely.They can direct themselves to the tutorials if need be... Danke! -Jake
I can safely say I speak for alot of people in saying.. Please refrain from posting Help topics that can easily be answered by a short trip to the Docs section of the http://phpvms.net website. If you are planning on developing on the current system and have code questions or anything relating to editing or creating Modules, please visit the API documentation before asking nabeel a question(Trust me guys...he is busy enough). Links to what I have just mentioned: API-http://www.phpvms.net/docs/api/ Docs-http://www.phpvms.net/docs If you have any questions that cannot be answered by visiting these pages.... Simply state your question in the Support forums for further assistance!
The most horrible mistake one can make when skinning is editing the default templates found in your core/templates directory. When you have to edit a template for your VA's needs make sure you copy the default template and paste it in your VA's skin folder before continuing. By doing this the system will recognize the template in the skins folder as opposed to the one in the core/templates folder upon activating your custom skin. Thus preventing you from altering or deleting the base or start point for the system, which could prove to be scary when you decide to change skins.
Ensure you are filling out all the required information and that you are clicing the add aircraft button. If you continue to have problems try making sure anything you edited that could have caused the error is put back to its original state...otherwise wait for nabeel to help ya!
If you aren't planning on using the default phpvms navigation there are a few things to consider when making your custom navigation bar. How to check if the user is logged in: <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { ?> INSERT NAVIGATION LINKS HERE ? <?php } ?> How to Check if a user is not logged in: <?php if(!Auth::LoggedIn()) { ?> INSERT NAVIGATION LINKS HERE ? <?php } ?> How to check if a user is an administrator: <?php if(Auth::UserInGroup('Administrators')) { ?> INSERT NAVIGATION LINKS HERE ? <?php } ?> Also remember to keep in mind that when linking to different pages,modules etc. there are a few more things to consider: What is phpvms's url structure: http://yoursite.com/index.php/ModuleNameHere -The main URL is followed by an index.php no matter what page you are navigating too, with the exception of the Admin Panel. -The Module name follows the/index.php/ So say i wanted to navigate to the login page, I would navigate to... http://yoursite.com/index.php/Login Echoing your sites URL: <?php echo SITE_URL ?> Using this in a common link: <a href="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/index.php/ModuleNameHere">Link Text Here</a>
First off, CMS is not needed, developing around the system is more than suitable. Contact me at jakewestward@gmail.com and I can create a unique, simple and all custom design for less than $20.00. Sincerely, Jacob A. Krustchinsky
I have been thinking latley, What if instead of ranks that after getting the required amount of hours you are promoted but instead you must finish a randomly generated test in order to advance. The admins can create questions and set the parameters(number of questions, answer types, time limit etc.) and then upon getting the required hours a test will be sent to your user profile and you can take it whenever you like. Upon completion your answers will be sent to the admin panel as pending, and an administrator can review the results and either promote you are keep you at your current rank. The test results can also be graphed and recorded for further use. I think this same system could also be used for a registration test if the VA pleases. Testing you members would greatly increase the realism in the system and in my mind make the system unique to the others out there.
Why open a new connection when you could just use the same one. merging the DB's is no trouble at all...The table name im sure are different than that of phpvms...just use the same database.
Ok i can help with this one... Now lets say your header.tpl looks like this <div id="maincontent"> <div id="Header"> Header Here </div> <div id="Navbar"> Navbar here </div> also remember to make sure your footer.tpl finishes the main contents div off. For more information consult the docs Now the problem is that you are centering the header and navbar but not the main content... No im sure you know this. Simply add... margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; to your contents div in your styelsheet to center it
Dear Mr.Tyson, If you need help, direct the video or e-mail me and i will be happy to make you a quick skin you can modify and edit at your discretion. E-mail me at jakewestward@gmail.com!
Can Some Help With Build of Website.Mainly Skins
Leiserson replied to Coolkid122's topic in Skinning
Hello CoolKid, Long Time no See from DVATC : | See ya got your airline back -Kilo-Boeing-747 -
Allowing the administration the option to change the appearance/order of the pilot list by giving them four choices....Order by rank,Pay,both or by the order in which the registered(FZV0001,FZV0002 etc.)
Hmmm well the problem with custom fields as you said...Is i can call up the icons which is something im wanting. But if you are considering adding it to an update i can give you a source for the icons and maybe even help out abit with the process. You can add me on Im (msn:jacob.krustchinsky@live.com yahoo:jakewestward gmail:jakewestward) and we can talk if you like!Cheers!Jacob Allen KrustchinskyChief Executive OfficerFlyZen Virtual
Great Find Zrotzel! This will be quite the addition to the already great system!Much appreciated-Jacob A. KrustchinskyChief Executive OfficerFlyZen Virtual Airline
Ok so I am adding a pilot country field to the registration form and have already edited the registration_mainform.tpl, RegistrationData.class.php and the registration.php files. How I edited - The template- I added a drop down box, set the value of the box as country and entered the country data and the values aswell. The registration.php- <?php function ProcessRegistration() { // Yes, there was an error if(!$this->VerifyData()) { Template::Show('registration_mainform.tpl'); } else { $firstname = $this->post->firstname; $lastname = $this->post->lastname; $email = $this->post->email; $code = $this->post->code; $country = $this->post->country; $location = $this->post->location; $hub = $this->post->hub; $password = $this->post->password1; if(CodonEvent::Dispatch('registration_precomplete', 'Registration', $_POST) == false) { return false; } if(RegistrationData::AddUser($firstname, $lastname, $email, $code, $location, $country, $hub, $password) == false) ?> I haven't added the check to see if valid yet but i will do that later on. I also edited the RegistrationData.class.php as follows- <?php /** * Add a User */ public function AddUser($firstname, $lastname, $email, $code, $country, $location, $hub, $password, $confirm=false) { //Set the password, add some salt $salt = md5(date('His')); $password = md5($password . $salt); //Stuff it into here, the confirmation email will use it. self::$salt = $salt; $firstname = ucwords($firstname); $lastname = ucwords($lastname); //Add this stuff in if($confirm == true) $confirm = 1; else $confirm = 0; $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots (firstname, lastname, email, code, country, location, hub, password, salt, confirmed) VALUES ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$email', '$code', '$country', '$location', '$hub', '$password', '$salt', $confirm)"; $res = DB::query($sql); if(DB::errno() != 0) { if(DB::errno() == 1062) { self::$error = 'This E-mail address has a;ready been used before'; return false; } return false; } ?> Now my question Nabeel is, are there any more files i must edit for the data to become vaild and what must i add to be able to retrieve the country and an icon representing the flag and display it on the pilots profile.
Hello everyone,I am CEO/Founder of the Virtual Airline "FlyZen". We are currentlyusing the PHPVMS system and are loving the simplicity of it aswellas the usability and the customization as far is the system goes. But myself and others among my staff agree that it cold use a little cutomization per airline , so we are creating PHPVMS[DEFINITIVE], a completley new project built of of the PHPVMS system. it will still have relativley the same feel as the project and will only mod a few key aspects of the system such as--A message center allowing for Administration and members to communicate between eac other wiht ease-A very different aproach to FSACARS will be added, using completley cusotm tracking maps aswell as a more "Smart" system when it comes to logging hours wiht the darned FSACRS interface.-A very new approach to including a Flight booking system, DEFINITIVE will offer a more detailed description than the original. Offering PAX list aswell as a seating chart per aircraft that can be defined by the administration.-A live chat module devloped completley using PHP,AJAX and MySQL. No post and refresh...Just Post wait and bam your administration can have a conversation wihtout even having to log out of their interface.-Implements google charts in a different way displaying total airline statistics on bar graphs , line performance graphs aswell as flat numbers to top it all off.-and last but surley not least, a wonderful idea by a friend of mine will be to add just 3 simple chekc boxes to the booking page that will actually let the pilot enter his VATSIM,IVAO or other server ID and depending on the API available for us ( VATSIM has a lovley one) will actually track you flight online to an extent. providing basic feedback such as aircraft,callsign and dep. and arrival times when it comes time for you to PIREP... Lets keep em honest right?And please keep in mind that this is not ment to completley bash nabeels wondeful system, it is mainly just a look towards the customization FlyZen will be using to mkae the system truly theirs. mr.nabeel I would openly like to thank you for your lovley App. and Framework ( Yes I'm a CODON Fanboy ) and let me also say that if you truly wish to spend $40.00 on VABASE or TOOlS consider the setup and lack of interaction as opposed ot te free,cusotmizable and easy to install PHPVMS.Also note that this is completley open source and code will be shared wiht legitamte airlines and of course mr.nabeel on request...I do have one rule in syaing that in order to order ( no pun intened) DEFINITIVE you must have at least established the VA's site and System before I even consider. PHPVMS is geared towards everyone but Definitve is a complete rethunk of how interactin is done...Thanks for reading,Jacob KrustchinskyThe DEV. ManPS. Excuse the mispells as it is late and I am sleep deprived over this darned Google Charts API 0_o