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Everything posted by mattsmith

  1. I'm trying to put the recent bids in the bookings column but it just keeps going underneath, any help would be much appreciated. Here is the Code: <style> table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; } </style> </head> <body> <table width="200"> <table width="1300"> <tr> <th>Team Speak</th> <th>Bookings</th> </tr> <tr> <td><div id="ts3viewer_1096623" style=""> </div> <script src="https://static.tsviewer.com/short_expire/js/ts3viewer_loader.js"></script> <script> var ts3v_url_1 = "https://www.tsviewer.com/ts3viewer.php?ID=1096623&text=757575&text_size=12&text_family=1&text_s_color=000000&text_s_weight=normal&text_s_style=normal&text_s_variant=normal&text_s_decoration=none&text_i_color=&text_i_weight=normal&text_i_style=normal&text_i_variant=normal&text_i_decoration=none&text_c_color=&text_c_weight=normal&text_c_style=normal&text_c_variant=normal&text_c_decoration=none&text_u_color=000000&text_u_weight=normal&text_u_style=normal&text_u_variant=normal&text_u_decoration=none&text_s_color_h=&text_s_weight_h=bold&text_s_style_h=normal&text_s_variant_h=normal&text_s_decoration_h=none&text_i_color_h=000000&text_i_weight_h=bold&text_i_style_h=normal&text_i_variant_h=normal&text_i_decoration_h=none&text_c_color_h=&text_c_weight_h=normal&text_c_style_h=normal&text_c_variant_h=normal&text_c_decoration_h=none&text_u_color_h=&text_u_weight_h=bold&text_u_style_h=normal&text_u_variant_h=normal&text_u_decoration_h=none&iconset=default"; ts3v_display.init(ts3v_url_1, 1096623, 100); </script> <td><?php MainController::Run('FrontBids', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?></td> </div></td> </tr> </table>
  2. Start by getting paid hosting, free hosting gives lots of problems.
  3. http://libertyairva.esy.es/
  4. Get paid hosting fixes a lot of errors as free hosting doesn't work properly.
  5. link??
  6. I have the image now showing in the admin panel but not on the site codeshare page
  7. Thanks
  8. Is there any way to move a pilot to a different airport?
  9. The default one.
  10. Is there any way of restricting aircraft, so when a pilot bids on a flight then no one else can book a flight with that aircraft?
  11. Fixed it. For some reason one of the pilots was showing in the active pilots group twice.
  12. <td><span class="counter"><?php echo count(PilotGroups::getUsersInGroup('2')); ?></span> The Admin centre shows 7 pilots
  13. My VA has 7 pilots but in the stats it says there are 8 I have checked admin panel and the phpmyadmin database but can't find where it's getting the other pilot from http://shoreair.co.uk
  14. mattsmith


    Help with this error please Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'vAwards' does not have a method 'index' in /home/u824637910/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218
  15. The only problem is that a new pilot can't find any flights as they haven't submitted a pirep
  16. So i can only find flights from the last airport i landed at but is there anyway that only the Airport that your at is in the search box?
  17. I did see it but i hadn't added it yet was just going to do it
  18. How do you limit the schedules so you have to fly from where you last landed?
  19. I can see the logo in the admin panel when i click on the flight i.d but i have no image on the main admin page or on the site.
  20. Fixed it, forgot to recalculate distances in admin
  21. Flew a flight from edinburgh to glasgow and says on the site the miles were 3367 even though the tracker says 35nm
  22. Excellent it works
  23. shoreair.co.uk
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