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Everything posted by mattsmith

  1. If you look at my site the header picture and the menu bar need moved up a bit, could someone help me with this please? http://libertyairva.com
  2. It's ok i just fixed it. I didn't realize i deleted half of my local config.
  3. I also have this problem please help!
  4. mattsmith


    Where do you get this map from?
  5. Thanks but this dosent help with the info i'm looking for
  6. Is there an easy way to find the following for my airline. Number of Daily Departures Number of Destinations Thanks
  7. How do you give people access to pages you have made if there not logged in?
  8. Have you added the key from vacentral to localconfig.php?
  9. Wait for permission before you do anything. You don't want to do loads of work for the VA then be told you can't use it.
  10. Is there anyone that could look at a skin for me and see why i get the "No route passed" error? I'm at a loss with this.
  11. Can anyone help me with this error? Don't know if this is causing the "no route passed" error
  12. I also have this problem
  13. Got it working now. Only one skin it's not working on.
  14. Yeah even the default http://libertyairva.com
  15. I have looked through the forum and can't find a solution. I am getting the "No Route Passed" error but i get it on any skin i use. Please help!!
  16. Thanks eliezerazevedo
  17. Where does the login folder go?
  18. mattsmith


    How do you change the green colour?
  19. Looking for someone to make me a skin, preferably cheap.
  20. I've changed my email address on my va central account and can no longer login, please help!!
  21. Who do i contact regarding my vacentral account? I cant log in to it.
  22. I can no longer access the forum from my mobile it just keeps redirecting. Is this a problem with my phone or the forum?
  23. Ok Thanks
  24. Thanks. Why doesn't it show all routes?
  25. How can i get a map showing all my routes?
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