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Everything posted by mattsmith

  1. Excellent, Thanks
  2. How do you turn off the auto zoom on the acars map? Thanks
  3. This is my problem..
  4. Is it better to make pilots fly from there current location or fly from anywhere?
  5. So now the search function is there but no boxes to fill in?
  6. http://libertyairva.com/index.php/schedules
  7. When i go to index.php/schedules i get a list of all my flights but the search function is not there.
  8. the Long and Lat value is 15
  9. Smartcars 2
  10. Flights are not showing up on the live map, any idea why?
  11. Got someone. Thanks for all the messages
  12. Free would be great but I could pay a small amount for a skin.
  13. Looking for a new skin for my VA. PM me please .
  14. Very Nice
  15. Looking forward to it
  16. This looks great, will definitely use it.
  17. Where can i download airline routes in csv? Zumeweb don't seem to be doing it any more.
  18. Thanks
  19. How do i make the download link clickable?
  20. Add this to local/config.php config::set('VACENTRAL_DATA_FORMAT', 'xml');
  21. Can someone explain how to do this.
  22. Bass made the theme. I see he is also asking for help on this.
  23. http://astraeusairlines.xyz
  24. no it's not in htmlhead
  25. I need to remove this to get rid of the "no route passed" error but if i delete it, it mucks up the layout of the skin. <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/trip/js/jquery.js"></script> Anyone any ideas how to fix it.
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