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  1. angle

    pilot roster

    Great thanks Keith
  2. angle

    pilot roster

    How can i make the table i been trying for ages and just cant get it to work lol
  3. angle

    pilot roster

    Yea thats it thanks will try it out in a little bit Thanks
  4. angle

    pilot roster

    Hi am trying to make a basci pilot roster but mine is not in a straight line its like this any help to make them all aline with each other ?
  5. yer well sorted so only admin sayd that now but is dose it with any new one i make i have to go to the DB and change the value
  6. well you can ger bored---- of directors going on lol
  7. ok, for some reason i never got your email give me a email at this one nunder@royles.eu i will try work out why i didnt get that other email . Thanks Nathan
  8. Yes we do Please contact the sales VP at n.under@fspremier.org for any information you may want also take a look at the site http://www.fspremier.org/ and we also have live support Thanks VP/Sales
  9. angle

    All pilots

    That would be great Let me know Thanks
  10. angle

    All pilots

  11. angle

    All pilots

    Were can i get the all pilots module from so you can see all pilots and there last pireps and if they have filed there first flight?? any help would be great
  12. angle


    FSPremier is now taking orders for repaints and also other services for the Virtual airlines FSP provides low cost service to Virtual Airlines ranging from small to large. After searching accross the web and comparing our prices to our competetion's, I have noticed and can personally guarentee that our prices are the lowest for the quality you receive! With all the other promises out there you still may be a little skeptical, and have every right to be. Please, take a moment and click on the "About FSPremier" tab to see what we are all about and to view some of our designer's profiles. You will notice that each designer profile will give information about each of them including contact information, their availability, what they can do, and a link to their portfolio. We also Have Live chat to contact us live go to http://www.fspremier.org/contact.html'>http://www.fspremier.org/contact.html and click Live support Go to http://www.fspremier.org/ and check it out Thanks Tory Hollins - President/Lead Designer Nathan Under - VP of Support/Sales
  13. I will look in to it and let you know thanks
  14. hey i have installed the screenshot module on my site but every time i try to add a screen shot this comes up Warning: move_uploaded_file(pics/1311115532_2011-7-19_22-39-47-334.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/royles.eu/httpdocs/core/modules/Screenshots/Screenshots.php on line 59 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpWWMR42' to 'pics/1311115532_2011-7-19_22-39-47-334.jpg' in /var/www/vhosts/royles.eu/httpdocs/core/modules/Screenshots/Screenshots.php on line 59 any ideas??? Thanks
  15. angle


    Hi, i just thought of a good idea maybe to bring in to phpvms at some time.. there are a few pilots out there who fly with fspassanger and they can end up with emergency and stuff like that.. i think that if this happens there should be somethink in the sytem that allows you to land at a closer airport as long as you declare a mayday . and still be able to file the flight as it will say in the pireps that you declared a mayday?? and thought on this i think it would be great and it saves pilots having to land and start the flight again ??
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