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  1. Contact: Michael Schwartz E-mail: hr@bmibaby-virtual.com A farewell to phpvms For the last few months BMI Baby Virtual has been fairly quiet. This is due to the fact that we have been developing our new custom system. Since BMI Baby Virtual was created over a year ago we have utilized the phpvms system. Our corporate offices have decided that in order to enhance our operations and expand it is necessary for us to develop our own system where we will have the maximum customization possible. We would like to thank all persons involved in the production and maintenance of phpvms. Without this system BMI Baby Virtual would not be where it is today. We are sad to leave this great community but are excited for the road ahead. On behalf of the BMI Baby Virtual corporate offices we extend a farewell to the phpvms community. We currently expect the new system and website to launch January 1st, 2012. -- BMI Baby Virtual http://www.bmibaby-virtual.com/
  2. I believe that there are already a few Virgin Americas out there...
  3. Dear FS Enthusiasts, As of 8/28/11 BMI Baby has launched their 2011 recruiting drive. BMI Baby Virtual is a virtual airline simulating the real world BMI Baby operations. We currently operate out of 4 hubs in the United Kingdom, serving over 100 destinations around Europe. BMI Baby boasts a fleet of 737's and works at serving you with the best a virtual airline can offer. What we offer: 1. A custom ACARS system 2. A community forum 3. Private team speak server 4. Fleet downloads 5. Discount codes for FS2crew and UK2000 scenery 6. Friendly community of over 100 pilots 7. Fun schedule 8. Great events 9. Great staff 10. So much more! BMI Baby Virtual operates the 737-300 and 737-500 however we also wish to cater to the widest community possible because of this will now be allowing the use of 737NG's because we realize pilots have easier access to these models and payware 737's often require the use of these newer models. Have any questions before joining? E-mail us at hr@bmibaby-virtual.com. Thanks and stay tuned for more information regarding the 2011 recruiting drive.
  4. Photoshop for me.
  5. I recommend getting Sony Vegas, if you don't want to buy it they have a 30 day free trial. It is a wonderful program also get the free program fs-recorder(it allows you to record one plane and then re-record with a new plane to get the whole two airplane deal etc. and more). ENB camera will also jazz things up.. Also you can always hire someone to make the video for you. I have a friend who charges but makes excellent videos(Note however that you can achieve a good video by yourself with practice that really is what it takes to make solid videos). The video below displays the ENB camera and fs-recorder in use One if his videos can be seen below:
  6. I agree with you Jeff. Not a word you wrote I don't agree with. Please remember everyone this is something we all share a passion for. FS is one of the purist hobbies out their don't turn this into Modern Warfare 2 on Xbox. Get along with each other and have fun sharing this great hobby with all!!!
  7. Congrats on your success over the past year. I hope you have many more!
  8. Yeah, I am using our flight tracker which has a web browser to access the site:) Thanks for the feedback mark1million. It was the browser, chrome was unable to open it but explorer can. It's strange though I used to be able to get on the site with chrome.
  9. Hello I am currently unable to get onto my VA's website. Wierd thing is I seem to be the only one every one else is logging on fine. When I go to the URL I get an automatic download and then the website doesn't load. Below is what the download is: some php stuff.
  10. Never Mind no point in posting the original post I wrote. Once again I am happy you guys at legend air got the problem solved!
  11. Congrats, I am glad to see that no permanent damage was done and that will be back up soon!
  12. The way I do it is I just use a domain I already have. Create a sub-domain and check it that way. Don't know if this is the easiest way but that's how I've always done it.
  13. Nabeel is very talented and is a great asset to the fs communtiy but sorry, saying it hasn't been hacked nor can it be is ridiculous I have never seen a malicious attack on the system because I don't look that stuff but I know people who have hacked their own phpvms sites to test them. With the right level of skill and time you can hack into government databases which are guarded by the most advanced walls. So if I connect the dotes: you saying phpvms can't be hacked but secure government databases can be then shoot Nabeel is on a gold mine holding the best protection out their and I expect him to be contracted by the US government and more soon. P.S. when pictures get uploaded causes a virus etc. that right there points out a flaw. If phpvms was "un-hackable" then that would happen the security walls would stop it dead in its tracks. The most advanced protection can be hacked. I garuntee if you read the book "hacking for dummies"(yes it is real and part of the popular series) and learn whats in their you could do damage to a phpvms based website. Once again phpvms doesn't get hacked often because no one wants to hack a virtual airline the people that try have really almost no experience I am not saying that phpvms is a poorly protected system nor am I saying to go buy hundreds in protection software, I am just saying by itself with no extra protection you leave yourself vulnerable to attack.
  14. If you know what your doing you can incorporate all that stuff right into your site. Regardless phpvms really isn't all that secure. The reason why you all don't have many issues because people really are not looking to attack virtual airline websites. If I were to attack a site it would not be a virtual airline site, that is a waste. That is why I said above it was most likely an amateur.
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