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Everything posted by edmundk

  1. HELP!! I fixed the problem but now i cant access the profile page... When it logs me in... It just goes blank!
  2. Is it normal that users cannot login? When this eror happens?
  3. Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/swvirtual/swvirtual.net/core/local.config.php:1) in /home/swvirtual/swvirtual.net/core/modules/Login/Login.php on line 154 Please help!
  4. Try TFDI Designs! They do great repaints!! For cheap!
  5. Yes pilot Exam Center Is fine He is 101 I believe and yes it is on my friends site... He is using Fivdev.. Cpanel.. I have done this on my site so i dont really know his problem
  6. When i try to install Exam Center Admin for a friend it doesen't come out in his admin menu and he can't acess it via the direct link.
  7. How am i supposed to add it? In the code and where?
  8. Can anyone please give me the code for nice dropdowns in the Brialliance template..I have been trying for days now and can't seem to get it. Thanks
  9. edmundk

    AA Templates

    What about AAvirtual's template i saw theres on a free site too! But now i can't seem to find it ... Anyone?
  10. Hey guys i just got a custom template but the individual who made the template for me hasn't given any support to the template even though he has promised...So i am asking if you guys can tell me how to change the Dividing Bars.. When i create the news there is a divider line through the middle!! Any ideas?
  11. We offer Cheap Cpanel and Reseller Hosting Please Pm Me!!
  12. edmundk

    Pilot Center

    You guys need to calm down!
  13. edmundk

    Pilot Center

    I am sorry i should be more specific,Yes i have tried very hard to make a pilot center...I have not been Successful at all..I am not very skilled with CSS that is why i asked.. Thanks Tom and Nick
  14. Hey guys i tried to make a promo vid using Sony Vegas, but failed... How do i make the lighting so realistic... I am a beginner so in detail please! Also what are the settings to get good frame rates? What Graphics card should i buy? Thanks Edmund kap
  15. Hello guys i have bid on a flight, installed the new module but the Kacars doesent find the flight. Any Ideas?
  16. Is there anyway to get dropdowns in Brialliance Template?
  17. edmundk

    Pilot Center

    Hello can anyone give me a teamplate for the pilot center or make me a custom pilot center? Thanks Edmundk
  18. edmundk

    AA Templates

    Okay Thanks Guyes!
  19. edmundk

    AA Templates

    Hello you guys! I have found these 2 sites that have the same exact template. joinava.org and aavirtual.net , They have almost the same template , my question is where did they get it? I saw this on a free template site before but can't seem to find it. Does anyone know where i can download it. I know it is a Css Template and that i will have to convert it so it can be used with Phpvms! Thanks! Just out of curisoty
  20. Thanks i will try that!
  21. How to edit the dropdowns? A bit confusing!!
  22. We have finally created a website for our hosting! it still needs some work though! We will be active for web purchase within the next Week! Or you can order directly from me! Special discount for All you Form users! Just mention your from the forms! We have cheep Hosting Plans for you! Thanks Guys! Edmund Kap
  23. Hehe Tom, That would be our Total space that we have already used. We still have a ton free Tb's
  24. Hey nick, our total space used is about 6Tb. Is that enough? haha Also i can give you a 7 day free trial of being a Reseller too
  25. Our reselling price is 9.99 a month, by specs do you mean the phical specs like the CPU and stuff?
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