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Everything posted by edmundk

  1. Okay Thanks! So it will go to my Skins instead of the Core one?
  2. And can i keep it there? Or do i need to move it back?
  3. Where ?In the layout.tpl?
  4. So after i write the news where do i remove the Hr? There is none in the layout.tpl... Is the news stores somewhere where i need to remove it?
  5. Everytime i create a new news entry, there is a new line that divides the news from the old one. It is getting really ugly. Is there anyway possible that i could remove the Divider lines from Each new news entry i create? Would it be better for me to manually add it in the Layout.tpl or can i still use the Phpvms News Creator Looks Sth Like That. Event ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Posted by: jjjj Thank yoance and there will be more events coming very soon ! _________________________________________________________________________________________________
  6. edmundk

    Help with dd

    Lol Thanks
  7. Glad to see you get my point This is all about fun. Lets stop steeling and start creating! If you negotiate enough you might be able to! I have been in negotiation for more than 2 months just to get permission to use a logo.
  8. That Might be true. That is why we have to get permission from the real world Virtual Airline first Also i believe copying off someones site is extremely unacceptable, unless they give you permission. If you can't make a site.. Pay someone to do it. Were all here to do the same thing. Taking it just violates the respect we have for one another. People put there time and effort in to this, it is not an easy task. Thanks, Edmund
  9. Agree with Tom.. Good idea. I guess all we can do is lock our directories. Wish you could "Lock" The view source button.
  10. Strongly Agree. That's not the first time we have seen him do that.
  11. Making A Webpage..

    1. edmundk


      Waiting for my Skin :)

  12. Come on guys!! Do you not see my post!!! PRIVATE Message! That would be so much better. Don't bash on each other Happy Flying!
  13. I mean i thought i had an answer to your question.. But double checked it and it wasn't that.
  14. Oh no... Here we go again.. Come on.. Please try to keep this in private.. Every time this happens. Lately this is all the has been going on here. Please make this a good environment for all the old and new forum members. Thanks!
  15. Thanks!
  16. SOLVED
  17. EDIT Nevermind~
  18. Lol I get the same error!
  19. Love it!
  20. No problem! But rembember if you are trying to port a skin, you need to convert the Html file to a .tpl file
  21. Based on your Design.. I would use Brialliance.. You can add sidebars and it has almost everything you need in your design. Or you could pay someone to do it :0
  22. Thanks!
  23. Well baiscly where it says Pilot center when you enter the pilot center.. I want it to have a banner i made show up there.. Any ideas?
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