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Everything posted by SparrowBD

  1. Hello! I am trying to develop a custom feature that would allow you to fly multiple legs to a flight with a specified turnaround time. for example flying from detroit to chicago, having a 30 minute turnaround, then on to Minneapolis, all on the same flight route. is this even possible?
  2. Hello, I am having a very difficult issue. I have a page "dotrainingrequest.php" which $_POST's data from a form to a sql database. i then have a page in the admin center "trainingrequests.php" which gets all the information from the entire table and cleanly displays it to a html table, using php. My problem is that i want an admin to be able to "update" just one row from the database using a form on the same page, and for the life of me i cant figure out how.
  3. how do i do this?
  4. Hello. I have Airmail installed and it is an amazing application. The problem im having is that the width of the compose box(mail_new.tpl) overlaps my navigation bar on the right side of the page. Ive tried throwing a width element on the table and the form, but nothing seems to work. how do i size this down?
  5. yep got it working thanks!
  6. it actually ended up not giving me the proper result. i modifified it to the following to get it to work: $gross = $pirep->load * $pirep->price; $fuelused = $pirep->fuelused; $fuelcost = $pirep->fuelunitcost; $fuel = $fuelused * $fuelcost; $netincome = $gross - $fuel; echo FinanceData::FormatMoney($netincome);
  7. ok, so im trying to determine the net income only based off of gross income - fuel price per pirep. the code i have looks like this: $gross = FinanceData::FormatMoney($pirep->load * $pirep->price); $fuel = FinanceData::FormatMoney($pirep->fuelused * $pirep->fuelunitcost); $netincome = $gross - $fuel; echo $netincome; the value it returns is 0, no matter what. if i echo each gross and fuel separably it shows the numbers properly. What exactly am i doing wrong here?
  8. i would like to point out the reason some may get a sql_assoc() error is due to your pirep tables not being EXACTLY phpvms_pireps. if it is not exactly that then it will throw some errors at you. so double check your table names.
  9. im getting that mysql error as well. one thing you should be able to do maybe in a future update is allow admins to view all the pilots profitability.
  10. Yes i do, as well as sql, java, and html. Im not exactly sure how to make a module, but i could more than likely figure it out.
  11. well...more than likely not on the frontpage. i would more than likely need to make a table for each pilot? thats a load of tables, and not only that but i would also have to make a table every time a new pilot joins. is there any way to script it so that each pirep goes to a table or something with the revenue and gross, then display that on a separate page with the pilot name and list of their pireps and their profitability?
  12. Hello, im curious as to if its possible to view individual pilot finances. basically whether its built in or a script. just looking to see if its possible to make a script to see which pilots are making money for the airline and which are hurting it. thanks a ton!
  13. when i copy over the files, my website defaults to your github page no matter what. i dont have the tables set up yet because phpmyadmin says the sql syntax is bad. i don think that itself should cause an issue though? any help is appreciated.
  14. hi, when i copy over all the files to my site root directory, i get a github page on my web site no matter what. i cannot use the included sql file as it says there is a problem with syntax. what exactly could be the issue?
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