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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Ok then in that case try the following: if (file_exists($filename)) { echo '<a href="'.SITE_URL.'/plns/AVA'.$padded_route.'.PLN">PLN File</a><br /><br />'; }
  2. Assuming your variables are all correct and "AVA" is a prefix of every file, this should work: if (file_exists($filename)) { echo '<a href="'.url('/plns/AVA'.$padded_route.'.PLN').'">PLN File</a><br /><br />'; }
  3. No need to say sorry for asking questions. After all, you have to find out some how
  4. In the admin panel, you go to Pilots & Groups > View all pilots, then in the edit options you have the ability to add "Transfer hours".
  5. Tom

    VAForum 2

    To put a div around it you literally just have to put <div> at the start of each template, and </div> at the end. And sure, I'll have a look at the mouseover. I'll also add that to the list of things to do for next release, so admins can reply when locked.
  6. Where are you putting it? You can possibly just add a custom profile field (if it doesn't already exist) and then do it dynamically so it'll show once they've filled it in.
  7. Tom

    VAForum 2

    Yeah, I'm still in school, doing A levels!
  8. Tom

    VAForum 2

    After I've finished my last exam I'll have a look further into the permissions. As for the line breaks, when adding a message you should use nl2br($message); and then when displaying the message you can use ForumData::br2nl($message)
  9. Check it's storing correctly in the database, it's UTF8 so it should do. You can check through phpmyadmin in your cpanel, or equivalent alternative. If it's any help, mine stores and shows ë correctly (only have problems with the font I'm using).
  10. Can: ALTER TABLE phpvms_pilots AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 and ALTER TABLE phpvms_pireps AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 be added to the mysql that runs when rejecting a pilot application or pirep respectively, so we don't end up with completely random numbers? Or would that mess things up?
  11. Tom

    VAForum 2

    Well, at the moment I believe moderators can see the non-public forums. I guess that's a good idea, so I probably will end up making a new permissions system (I don't like the old forum one, it's a bit dodgy) with groups...
  12. Oh right, then what that guy before me suggested is probably what you want.
  13. I think you mean to put them on the ACARS map/live map and so on? I've written a code to do this for another site I use, so I may find some time to adapt it to create one for VATSIM and IVAO if there's a demand (for one that works in phpVMS from the start (i.e. you don't have to pay to install it like the existing one)).
  14. Your files. They be broken. (And if it's because you've edited core/templates/ templates, you shouldn't. You should be editing them in your skin folder)
  15. Oops double post, sorry... I blame my phone
  16. Yeah, run install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php while you're there
  17. Open layout.tpl or header/footer or frontpage_main.tpl in an HTML editor or notepad...
  18. http://www.stopforumspam.com/ipcheck/ Here's the guy I had. He seems to be using a dynamic IP though, when I checked this site yesterday the IP was 66.something...
  19. I had one yesterday under the name "Baegwedd Baegwedd" which google confirms is false, and another today "Caehildad Caehildad" (clearly the same person) Watch out for them!
  20. Most likely get good performance out of it yes. Is this a package or are you buying the parts yourself? How much does it cost & what's your budget?
  21. Spec looks good I wouldn't bother buying multiple smaller HDD's to achieve the same space when you can partition it myself. Though I would invest in a SSD for your OS and Sim - that will make it significantly faster.
  22. Tom

    VAForum 2

    As well as removing the clutter at the bottom it also improves security somewhat, I don't have to rely on tons of if statements to check. I might also just provide the edit signature link as a piece of code to put into the pilot centre rather than including it where I have it at the moment.
  23. Tom

    VAForum 2

    I suppose I could tie it to the ACCESS_ADMIN permission, then people can access it but not touch other things, correct? In fact, I will tie it to the ACCESS_ADMIN permission - that way I can ensure they can access the admin pages as normal, but you can also prevent them tampering with other options.
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