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Everything posted by Nighthawk

  1. -When you have already in the airline you must Zero the "Va Money".If not, dont do it! Open admin/templates/ ops_aircraftrepair.tpl Line 40 + ops_aircraftbuysell.tpl Line 76 + Line 344 Sum all of your Aircraft Buying Price without , or something!!! It must be Negative (-). For example you have an Paper plane with the price of 10$ So -10
  2. you must use kacars free or ohter acars wich provide this. With manual entry, u haven't landing rates...
  3. Have u updated also your db? It seems that there is something missing. I see u don´t use an acars! So there are no landing stats. That´s the error.
  4. Can´t do that, because it will affect VA Central! by the way here is a youtube video from my website:
  5. @ahuges: Take a look in the first post here. @ARV187: In the readme can be bugs, No you didn´t need to "0" to finish the repair.
  6. Cool to see something different. The Landingrate isn´t written to the db in the moment?
  7. Lol, no the VA Summary is only for this year !!! When you want, you need to add all years. My calc is base on all Gross - expenses - Fuel - Pilotcosts= Revenue You have to add all the prices from your fleet and put it in the correct lines.... (readme for more) Then you have the total revenue. Or have you more then one airline? And thanx , i used this site already
  8. It can be happen, when u have already some AC´s in your fleet and the u install the mod, that your Va Money is negativ, then u can Zeroing it with the "Hints" in the readme ;-)
  9. I found a little bug, when i fly , the cond calc shows me cond before flight and after flight. But that´s incorrect because the cond is already substracted from the DB. The "Before flight" is the correct "Current Cond". It´s not double substracted. I need to store the old condition first. Ok, here is the solution, i will change the download pack this evening: Change admin/templates/pireplist.tpl line 293 to echo "$row->cond" + $alt2;?>% <?php ?></td> and line 296 to echo $row->cond; ?>%<?php } ?></td> Download Fixed
  10. when u have some ideas , tell it to me
  11. What do you think about this idea: You can only repair the aircraft, if it is in a Hub? This means , if you want to repair your craft you must fly to the next hub?!?
  12. You are right ;-) @Txmmy : Did this mod change something (feeling) for you?
  13. "/phpvms/admin/lib/images/hangar.png" In ops_aircraftrepair.tpl you can find this line: <img src="/phpvms/admin/lib/images/hangar.png" height="340" width="550" alt="Hangar"> In the zipped pack it is in the correct path.
  14. it seems that there is something corrupted?!? � Is it in the ops_aircraftrepair.tpl? It must be (My Settings!!!): <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <html><head> <meta content="text/html; charset=unicode" http-equiv=Content-Type> <meta name=GENERATOR content="MSHTML 9.00.8112.16430"> </head> <body> <?php // Variables here $repdif= 100-"$aircraft->cond"; $repo= rand(40, 100); // Add random Repaircost modifier $repmax= 1; // Max Repaircosts from Buying Price 1 = 100% , 0.8 = 80% $repcost=(((((("$aircraft->price" *100)/"$aircraft->cond")/ 100)*("$repdif")/100)*"$repo")/100) *$repmax; $repcu= rand(0, 10); // Add random Repairtime modifier $reptime= "$repdif" + "$repcu"; // Repairtime with Random Modifier // VA Money without Balance $vatotal = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(revenue) as revenue_sum FROM phpvms_pireps "); $vtot = mysql_fetch_assoc($vatotal); $vatotal2 = $vtot['revenue_sum']; //Raw $vatotal3 = round($vatotal2, 2); //Round $vatotal4 = number_format($vatotal3, 2, '.', ','); //Format // Fleet Price of all bought Aircrafts $vabal = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(Price) as Balance_sum FROM phpvms_aircraft WHERE bought = 1 "); $vbal = mysql_fetch_assoc($vabal); $vabal2 = $vbal['Balance_sum']; //Raw $vabal3 = round($vabal2, 2); //Round $vabal4 = number_format($vabal3, 2, '.', ','); //Format // Fleet Repair Cost of all Aircrafts $rep1 = mysql_query("SELECT SUM(repvalue) as rep_sum FROM phpvms_aircraft "); $rep2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($rep1); $rep3 = $rep2['rep_sum']; //Raw $rep4 = round($rep3, 2); //Round $rep5 = number_format($rep4, 2, '.', ','); //Format //************************************************ Money Balance here************************************ $Balance = -2131754575.73; // Va Money Zeroing //******************************************************************************************************* // VA Money with Balance $vabatal = "$vatotal2" - ("$vabal2"+"$Balance") - "$rep3"; $vabaltal2 = number_format(("$vatotal2" - ("$vabal2"+"$Balance") - "$rep3" ), 2, '.', ','); //Raw //echo $vabaltal2; IF ($aircraft->cond <=0) //Don´t Change this!!!! {$aendern = "UPDATE phpvms_aircraft Set cond = '1' WHERE registration = '{$aircraft->registration}'"; $update = mysql_query($aendern); } ?> </br> <?php ?> <h1><?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?> Repair Screen</h1> <img src="/phpvms/admin/lib/images/hangar.png" height="340" width="550" alt="Hangar"> <br> <br> <br> <br> Current Condition: <?php // Show the current Condition echo $aircraft->cond; ?> % </br> <?php ?> <table border=1 id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter2"> <tr> <th align="center" >Time</th> <th align="center">Value</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <td> Time and Date: </TD> <td> <?php //************************* $RMTIME*********************** $time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); print $time; ?> </td> <tr> <td> Repair will be finished : </td> <td> <?php $date = time(); // aktuelles Datum //echo date('d.m.Y h:i:s', $date) . " ?> <?php $stunden = $reptime; // z.B. ein Tag $enddatum = $date + ($stunden * 60 * 60); // Ein Tag später (stunden * minuten * sekunden) $datstring = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $enddatum) ; // Datum im DB-Format ?> <?php $eurodate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($datstring)); // Ins europäische Format umwandeln echo "$eurodate "; ?> </td> </tr> <br> <?php //Repair will be finished echo $newtime; ?> <?php $repcost2= "$aircraft->repvalue" + "$repcost"; ?> <br> <br> <table border=1 id="tabledlist" class="tablesorter"> <thead> <tr> <th align="center" >To Repair</th> <th align="center">Repair Price</th> <th align="center" Repair Options</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <form action="<?php echo adminurl('/Buysell/aircraft');?>" method="post"> <tr> <td align="center"><?php echo $repdif ?>%</td> <td align="center"><?php echo number_format($repcost,2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?></td> <td <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <?php if ( $repcost > $vabaltal2) { ?> <input name="price" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->price; ?>" /> <input name="cond" type="hidden" value="100" /> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="<?php echo $action;?>" /> <input name="icao" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->icao; ?>" /> <input name="name" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->name; ?>" /> <input name="fullname" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?>" /> <input name="registration" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->registration; ?>" /> <input name="maxcargo" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->maxcargo; ?>" /> <input name="downloadlink" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->downloadlink; ?>" /> <input name="imagelink" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->imagelink; ?>" /> <input name="maxpax" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->maxpax; ?>" /> <input name="weight" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->weight; ?>" /> <input name="bought" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->bought; ?>" /> <input name="range" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->range; ?>" /> <input name="cruise" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->cruise; ?>" /> <input name="minrank" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $aircraft->minrank; ?>" /> <input name="repvalue" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $repcost2; ?>" /> <input name="rmtime" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $eurodate; ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $aircraft->id;?>" /> <input name="rep" type="hidden" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" id="enabled" name="0" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Repair" /></td> </form> <?php } else { echo "Not enough Money"; } ?> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br> <br> <br> <button class="{button:{icons:{primary:'ui-icon-wrench'}}}" onclick="window.location='<?php echo adminurl('/operations/buysellaircraft?id='.$aircraft->id);?>';">==>Back<==</button> </body> </html>
  15. wait with it, i have a better solution for it Do you mean something like this?? But isn´t useful for admins...
  16. this will work with cargo, there isn´t a pax calculation anymore. This was only for aircraft price calculations in the last versions. It will work now with all aircrafts. You need only a phpvms beta version.
  17. admin/template/ops_aircraftbuysell.tpl Line474 change from <strong>Sellprice: <?php echo number_format((("$aircraft->price" / "$aircraft->cond")*100),2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?></strong> to <strong>Sellprice: <?php echo number_format("$aircraft->price" * ("$aircraft->cond" / 100),2,",","."); echo Config::Get('MONEY_UNIT'); ?></strong> Fixed in download Thanx Txmmy83 ;-)
  18. have you inserted the sql? Have you an different database path and not phpvms ? When no, that´s not good. If have the default phpvms path look in your database phpvms_aircrafts if there is an coloumn with name price, bought , rmtime, if it isnt there you must insert the sql included in my package
  19. You must set it manual in Aircraft edit. There is an xls in #1 with prices.
  20. Wrong topic
  21. You have unload the Cargo ? Joke, i take a look in the evening. Next time your are my Betatester lol
  22. Hi, found a calculation error (repair cost are too expensive) ops_aircraftrepair.tpl line 13 must be: $repcost=(((((("$aircraft->price" *100)/"$aircraft->cond")/ 100)*("$repdif")/100)*"$repo")/100) *$repmax; Download fixed
  23. Yes, that´s right.
  24. https://github.com/phpVMS/phpVMS and the tutorial http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/getting-started/beta-versions-r4
  25. yes, that is with the security fix, but they didn´t update the beta lol. i must update manually and compare every file in it. Beta has some more options in schedule edit
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