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Everything posted by avdesigns

  1. Please Thankyou
  2. is there a way to still download this, thanks
  3. Hi my phpvms_aircraft file has gone out of my mysql database please will some one export theres or is there another way? Thanks in advance Jacob
  4. Hi is there a tool where a pilot can change there airline them selves?
  5. Hi I have this error on my register page Registration Welcome to the registration form for Fast Jet Group. After you register, you will be notified by a staff member about your membership. First Name: * Last Name: * Email Address: * Select Airline: * in /customers/6/7/1/fastjetvirtual.co.uk/httpd.www/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 96 ------------------------------- Under this it shows the page normally Can you help Thanks
  6. it already has </div> but thanks anyway
  7. Sadly that didnt work but thanks anyway
  8. Well made one from scratch now its on the website
  9. Hi when I go on my schedules its all out of place -
  10. Hi if anybody wouldnt mind i really need the fastjet livery from my website (fastjetvirtual.co.uk) for a captain sim 757 Thanks in advance Jacob Axford
  11. Sorry I ment to put repacked by la92 | Redesigned by Jacob Axford and Im just using a modded version of the quantas livery whilst i get used to making textures I will remove textures if needed? Thanks for reminding me to change it Jacob
  12. Sorry
  13. thanks rob!
  14. Where can I find the file where all the countries for registration are stored? thanks
  15. Hi I was wondering if any body would export there Schedules for me? For use whilst I get my va sorted http://fastjetvirtual.co.uk
  16. Hi everyone I would just like to invite you to join my va http://fastjetvirtual.co.uk/ we are looking for new pilots and staff!
  17. Where does the file treeview-famfamfam-line.gif in skins, cystal get linked to in a .php or other file?
  18. Its nothing to do with my provider but my VA registration page says Warning: file_exists(): File name is longer than the maximum allowed path length on this platform (4096): /customers/6/7/1/fastjetvirtual.co.uk/httpd.www//lib/skins/crystal/ ive tried fresh phpvms install but still not working heres the link http://fastjetvirtual.co.uk/index.php/registration
  19. I have they said it was phpvms
  20. Hi everyone On my registration page it says this Warning: file_exists(): File name is longer than the maximum allowed path length on this platform (4096): /customers/6/7/1/fastjetvirtual.co.uk/httpd.www//lib/skins/brilliancev1/ Please can you help, my va is http://fastjetvirtual.co.uk
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