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Everything posted by avdesigns

  1. X10 Hosting is ok for free but would recommend buying
  2. Solved
  3. PM
  4. have you tried re uploading it
  5. on cpanel go to MySQL® Database Wizard then create a user by clicking MySQL Databases and add it to the database which is on the same page
  6. one.com are cheap and good, I use them with no problems. To install download phpvms, and put the files onto the ftp, visit the site it will redirect to install and type in the details
  7. avdesigns


    Hello I need help echoing this <li><strong><?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'Network'); ?> ID: </strong><?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'Online ID'); ?></li> I want it to determine whether the user has chosen IVAO Or Vatsim on the drop down then say id: and the id they have given from custom fields as that code isnt echoing anything Thanks Guys! Jacob
  8. Bump
  9. I have not used a htaccess to send to en yet so make sure you put /en at the end
  10. Thanks Matthew, Thats what we are hoping to do, just struggling to code it haha
  11. http://www.freshjetvirtual.com/ the website i wish to use it on is http://ezyvirtual.com/en thanks
  12. Hello, I was wondering if anybody can help me get the schedule search (simpilot) on the front page similar to what fresh jet have Thanks Jacob
  13. isnt bluesky thomsons and jetva's tracker?
  14. Well it works?
  15. Got it sorted it was java on the site
  16. {{bump}}
  17. Hello, I am having some problems with the live map, I have a custom skin on the site and it seems to be causing the live map to not show http://virtual-anz.co.uk/en/index.php/
  18. Hello, I am having some problems with the live map, I have a custom skin on the site and it seems to be causing the live map to not show http://virtual-anz.co.uk/en/index.php/
  19. Im having a problem its saying it takes 6 hours egcc - lepa? Is there a fix? Thanks
  20. SOLVED
  21. My pilot roster has disapeared, I have tried re importing it buts its just showing as blank? can you help? Thanks
  22. Ok where do I put this then?
  23. Thats not working for me?
  24. Wheres the website gone?
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