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Everything posted by STARs

  1. google it!
  2. Have patience. They will reply you soon....
  3. STARs


    oh ok ill email him soon. however still a cost range?
  4. STARs


    Okay thanks. one more question i was wondering to get a skin (ill be willing to pay) do you know someone good to do this? cost?
  5. STARs


    how much can it cost?
  6. just contact there host and get his site suspended.
  7. Thanks Jeff hahhaha i had searched Google and was able to find one just minutes before ur reply
  8. hi we want someone to make us free repaints & a free website skin. if someone could help? Warmest Regards
  9. is there any way to integrate sliding images instead of the banner in vairline template?
  10. is there anyone able to make something like this?
  11. STARs


    Sorry guys for the late reply. Well basically we wanted the members to do there own customized flights so KACARS wont help
  12. STARs


    No solution for this error? Wasn't able to find one...
  13. STARs


    Hi there. Even though fsacars is no longer supported by phpvms I would like to ask all here if they have a fix for the known error of fsacars "Database Error" ? The reason for us wanting to use fsacars is because; 1. few of Our members are more familiar with fsacars. 2. we are planning an event for our members to fly any where they want (in simple words manual flight plans , manual flights) basically the event would be our members can fly where ever they want on what ever fleet they want either its in our fleet or not. If someone could help us that would be great full. Warmest Regards
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