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Everything posted by STARs

  1. STARs

    php help

    Thanks it works. Could you also guide me the following: 1. how can i like make the pauses count font red like if the toal pauses are more than 10 it should show it as red in PIREP. 2. I want to show in PIREP Rank check I mean if pilot has flown according to his rank than it should say OK otherwise it should show in RED no. Thanks!
  2. STARs

    php help

    hi i want to count the number of Pauses in a particulor PIREP could you guide me how can i do that. i.e SIMULATOR PAUSED SIMULATOR UN-PAUSED SIMULATOR PAUSED SIMULATOR UN-PAUSED SIMULATOR PAUSED SIMULATOR UN-PAUSED Total Pauses: 3 I want to count the number of SIMULATOR PAUSED in a log file. Please guide.
  3. Hello, I want to create my own custom PHP Page in phpvms for my va members (public view also) how can i do this. regards
  4. I am getting the same error any solution?
  5. Any one to assist?
  6. what a rude way to reply.
  7. when will it come?
  8. I dont want that module. The link i gave you does not have enterance mod of simpilot it is something else thats why i am asking you all. please help
  9. There is no one to help?
  10. STARs


    Please send me details at my pm
  11. BUMP
  12. BUMP Please help I want a pre registeraiton form like : http://legend-virtual.org/index.php/pre_registration thank
  13. bump
  14. Could you tell me how can we make a page where I could display specific flight number's flights? For example: UAE EK 001 - UAE EK 100 by this i mean that the flights which contain EK could be displayed in one specific page. Could it be done?
  15. bump
  16. PM'd you
  17. I want it! I apologize for what i said i didnt report anyway
  18. That's simple I know that The main part is go to this link: http://legend-virtua...re_registration you must see a test there i want the test like that and than its marks should be shown in registeration as well I prefer you to go to the link above and complete the test and see further. Thanks!
  19. report has been sent to them lets see what they do. I dont know why do these people use nulled scripts taking there rep down themselves
  20. Great! Ill report it to them
  21. now it is working!
  22. i saw a wonderful Pre Registration test and than a registration form which also contains the percentage the applicant has achieved how is that? Could some one help me make somethin like that? thanks!
  23. Could you avoid fighting at the forum? I would prefer that you guys should continue via PM instead.
  24. your site is unaccesable.
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